Lab details for Twining, Incorporated - Long Beach, Mobile Laboratory 3

Basic Information

Lab NameTwining, Incorporated - Long Beach, Mobile Laboratory 3
Manager NameCorey Rhodes
Lab Telephone562-426-3355
Lab Fax
Lab Full Address3310 Airport Way, Long Beach, CA 90806
Lab TypePrivate
Mobile Lab Full Address, ,
Download TL-0113

RSP Information

3310 Airport Way, Long Beach, CA 90806

Test Methods

California Test (CT) Accreditations

AASHTO/ASTM Proficiencies

Test MethodObtained DateExpiration DateStatusIA ResponsibleTechnician Certified?
No results found.

Technicians in the Lab

Technician Summary

Total 6 items.
First NameLast NameActions
CoreyRhodes View
BryanDorsch View
MichaelNunez View
TrevorRoberts View
AhmadJaber View
LambertoRaygoza Jr View

Technician Details

Details for Corey Rhodes

First NameCorey
Last NameRhodes
Total 29 items.
Certified California Tests(CT)
Test MethodObtained DateExpiration DateStatusIA ResponsibleWithin Lab Scope?
CT 105: Calculations - Gradings (JTCP)2024-05-172027-05-17ActiveBrian EllisYes
CT 125 AGG: Sampling - AGGREGATES (JTCP)2024-05-172027-05-17ActiveBrian EllisNo
CT 125 HMA: Sampling - HMA (JTCP)2022-03-252025-03-25ActiveAvinash RallaNo
CT 201: Sample Preparation - Soil and Aggregates (JTCP)2024-05-172027-05-17ActiveBrian EllisYes
CT 202: Sieve analysis - Fine and Coarse Aggregates (JTCP)2024-05-172027-05-17ActiveBrian EllisYes
CT 204: LL, PL, PI2022-11-092024-11-09ExpiredAshley ShawNo
CT 205: Percent Crushed Particles (JTCP)2024-05-172027-05-17ActiveBrian EllisNo
CT 206: SpG & Absorption - Coarse Aggregates2022-11-092024-11-09ExpiredAshley ShawNo
CT 212: Unit Weight of Aggregates2022-11-092024-11-09ExpiredAshley ShawNo
CT 216: Relative Compaction - Soils and Aggregates (JTCP)2024-05-172027-05-17ActiveBrian EllisNo
CT 217: Sand Equivalent (JTCP)2024-05-172027-05-17ActiveBrian EllisYes
CT 226: Moisture Content - Soils and Aggregates (JTCP)2024-05-172027-05-17ActiveBrian EllisYes
CT 227: Cleanness Value (JTCP)2024-05-172027-05-17ActiveBrian EllisYes
CT 229: Durability (JTCP)2024-05-172027-05-17ActiveBrian EllisNo
CT 234: Uncompacted void - Fine Aggregates2022-11-092024-11-09ExpiredAshley ShawNo
CT 304: Sample Preparation - HMA2021-10-272023-10-27ExpiredBrandt HouchenNo
CT 306: Reducing Samples of Asphalt Mixtures (JTCP)2022-03-252025-03-25ActiveAvinash RallaNo
CT 366: Stabilometer2021-10-272023-10-27ExpiredBrandt HouchenNo
CT 367: OBC2021-10-272023-10-27ExpiredBrandt HouchenNo
CT 370: Moisture Content by Microwave2021-10-272023-10-27ExpiredBrandt HouchenNo
CT 382: AC Content by Ignition Oven2021-10-272023-10-27ExpiredBrandt HouchenNo
CT 504: Air Content of PCC - Pressure Method (JTCP)2023-05-052028-05-05ActiveDavid MedinaNo
CT 518: Unit Weight - PCC (JTCP)2023-05-052028-05-05ActiveDavid MedinaNo
CT 523.1 Section B.1 & B.2: Flexural Strength (Field Fabrication) (JTCP)2023-05-052028-05-05ActiveDavid MedinaNo
CT 539: Sampling Fresh Concrete (JTCP)2023-05-052028-05-05ActiveDavid MedinaNo
CT 540: Making Cylinders - PCC (JTCP)2023-05-052028-05-05ActiveDavid MedinaNo
CT 543: Air Content of PCC - Volumetric Method (JTCP)2023-05-052028-05-05ActiveDavid MedinaNo
CT 556: Slump - PCC (JTCP)2023-05-052028-05-05ActiveDavid MedinaNo
CT 557: Temperature - PCC (JTCP)2023-05-052028-05-05ActiveDavid MedinaNo
Total 14 items.
AASHTO/ASTM Proficiencies
Test MethodObtained DateExpiration DateStatusIA ResponsibleWithin Lab Scope?
AASHTO T11: Sieve Analysis (Washing) - Fine Aggregates (JTCP)2022-03-252025-03-25ActiveAvinash RallaNo
AASHTO T27: Sieve Analysis - Fine and Coarse Aggregates (JTCP)2022-03-252025-03-25ActiveAvinash RallaNo
AASHTO T30: Mechanical Analysis of Extracted Aggregate2023-11-092024-11-09ExpiredMajid FahrtoshNo
AASHTO R47: Reducing Samples of HMA (JTCP)2022-03-252025-03-25ActiveAvinash RallaNo
AASHTO R76: Reducing Samples of Agg (JTCP)2022-03-252025-03-25ActiveAvinash RallaNo
AASHTO T166: Bulk SpG of Compacted HMA - SSD (JTCP)2024-09-122027-09-12ActiveSarmad DalalNo
AASHTO T176: Sand Equivalent (JTCP)2022-03-252025-03-25ActiveAvinash RallaNo
AASHTO T209: Max SpG and Density - HMA (JTCP)2024-09-122027-09-12ActiveSarmad DalalNo
AASHTO T255: Evaporable Moisture Content (JTCP)2022-03-252025-03-25ActiveAvinash RallaNo
AASHTO T269: Percent Air Voids - HMA (JTCP)2024-09-122027-09-12ActiveSarmad DalalNo
AASHTO T275: Bulk SpG - HMA (JTCP)2024-09-122027-09-12ActiveSarmad DalalNo
AASHTO T308: AC Content (Ignition Oven) - HMA (JTCP)2024-09-122027-09-12ActiveSarmad DalalNo
AASHTO T329: Moisture Content (Oven Method) - HMA (JTCP)2022-03-252025-03-25ActiveAvinash RallaNo
AASHTO T335: Percentage of Fracture (JTCP)2022-03-252025-03-25ActiveAvinash RallaNo

Details for Bryan Dorsch

First NameBryan
Last NameDorsch
Total 31 items.
Certified California Tests(CT)
Test MethodObtained DateExpiration DateStatusIA ResponsibleWithin Lab Scope?
CT 105: Calculations - Gradings (JTCP)2024-03-222027-03-22ActiveFirooz Ahmad HosainyYes
CT 125 ADMIX: Sampling - ADMIXTURE2024-07-122025-07-12ActiveAshley ShawNo
CT 125 AGG: Sampling - AGGREGATES (JTCP)2024-03-222027-03-22ActiveFirooz Ahmad HosainyNo
CT 125 AGG: Sampling - AGGREGATES2024-07-122025-07-12ActiveAshley ShawYes
CT 125 BIT: Sampling - BITUMINOUS2024-07-122025-07-12ActiveAshley ShawNo
CT 125 CEM: Sampling - CEM2024-07-122025-07-12ActiveAshley ShawNo
CT 125 GEN: Sampling - GENERAL2024-07-122025-07-12ActiveAshley ShawYes
CT 125 HMA: Sampling - HMA2024-07-122025-07-12ActiveAshley ShawNo
CT 201: Sample Preparation - Soil and Aggregates (JTCP)2024-03-222027-03-22ActiveFirooz Ahmad HosainyYes
CT 202: Sieve analysis - Fine and Coarse Aggregates (JTCP)2024-03-222027-03-22ActiveFirooz Ahmad HosainyYes
CT 205: Percent Crushed Particles (JTCP)2024-03-222027-03-22ActiveFirooz Ahmad HosainyNo
CT 216: Relative Compaction - Soils and Aggregates (JTCP)2024-03-222027-03-22ActiveFirooz Ahmad HosainyNo
CT 217: Sand Equivalent (JTCP)2024-03-222027-03-22ActiveFirooz Ahmad HosainyYes
CT 226: Moisture Content - Soils and Aggregates (JTCP)2024-03-222027-03-22ActiveFirooz Ahmad HosainyYes
CT 227: Cleanness Value (JTCP)2024-03-222027-03-22ActiveFirooz Ahmad HosainyYes
CT 229: Durability (JTCP)2024-03-222027-03-22ActiveFirooz Ahmad HosainyNo
CT 231: Relative Compaction - Nuclear Gage2024-12-062025-12-06ActiveJay HortonNo
CT 375: AC Density by Nuclear Gage2024-12-062025-12-06ActiveJay HortonNo
CT 504: Air Content of PCC - Pressure Method (JTCP)2021-03-122026-03-12ActiveSarbjit GrewalNo
CT 518: Unit Weight - PCC (JTCP)2021-03-122026-03-12ActiveSarbjit GrewalNo
CT 521.2: Compressive Strength - PCC (ASTM C39 / C1231)2023-11-092024-11-09ExpiredRobby RodriguezNo
CT 521.1: Compressive Strength - PCC (ASTM C39 / C617)2023-11-092024-11-09ExpiredRobby RodriguezNo
CT 523.1 Section B.1 & B.2: Flexural Strength (Field Fabrication) (JTCP)2021-03-122026-03-12ActiveAshley ShawNo
CT 523.2 Section B.3: Flexural Strength (Lab Test)2023-11-092024-11-09ExpiredMajid FahrtoshNo
CT 524: Flexural Strength of Rapid Strength - PCC2023-11-092024-11-09ExpiredMajid FahrtoshNo
CT 533: Ball Penetration - PCC2024-12-062025-12-06ActiveJay HortonNo
CT 539: Sampling Fresh Concrete (JTCP)2021-03-122026-03-12ActiveSarbjit GrewalNo
CT 540: Making Cylinders - PCC (JTCP)2021-03-122026-03-12ActiveSarbjit GrewalNo
CT 543: Air Content of PCC - Volumetric Method (JTCP)2021-03-122026-03-12ActiveSarbjit GrewalNo
CT 556: Slump - PCC (JTCP)2021-03-122026-03-12ActiveSarbjit GrewalNo
CT 557: Temperature - PCC (JTCP)2021-03-122026-03-12ActiveSarbjit GrewalNo
AASHTO/ASTM Proficiencies
Test MethodObtained DateExpiration DateStatusIA ResponsibleWithin Lab Scope?
No results found.

Details for Michael Nunez

First NameMichael
Last NameNunez
Total 30 items.
Certified California Tests(CT)
Test MethodObtained DateExpiration DateStatusIA ResponsibleWithin Lab Scope?
CT 105: Calculations - Gradings (JTCP)2022-02-112025-02-11ExpiredSoroosh AmelianYes
CT 125 ADMIX: Sampling - ADMIXTURE2024-09-052026-09-05ActiveMajid FahrtoshNo
CT 125 AGG: Sampling - AGGREGATES (JTCP)2022-02-112025-02-11ExpiredSoroosh AmelianNo
CT 125 BIT: Sampling - BITUMINOUS2024-09-052026-09-05ActiveMajid FahrtoshNo
CT 125 CEM: Sampling - CEM2024-09-052026-09-05ActiveMajid FahrtoshNo
CT 125 GEN: Sampling - GENERAL2024-09-052026-09-05ActiveMajid FahrtoshYes
CT 125 HMA: Sampling - HMA2024-09-052026-09-05ActiveMajid FahrtoshNo
CT 201: Sample Preparation - Soil and Aggregates (JTCP)2022-02-112025-02-11ExpiredSoroosh AmelianYes
CT 202: Sieve analysis - Fine and Coarse Aggregates (JTCP)2022-02-112025-02-11ExpiredBrooke VanassaYes
CT 205: Percent Crushed Particles (JTCP)2022-02-112025-02-11ExpiredSoroosh AmelianNo
CT 216: Relative Compaction - Soils and Aggregates (JTCP)2022-02-112025-02-11ExpiredSoroosh AmelianNo
CT 217: Sand Equivalent (JTCP)2022-02-112025-02-11ExpiredSoroosh AmelianYes
CT 226: Moisture Content - Soils and Aggregates (JTCP)2022-02-112025-02-11ExpiredSoroosh AmelianYes
CT 227: Cleanness Value (JTCP)2022-02-112025-02-11ExpiredSoroosh AmelianYes
CT 229: Durability (JTCP)2022-02-112025-02-11ExpiredSoroosh AmelianNo
CT 231: Relative Compaction - Nuclear Gage2022-04-052024-04-05ExpiredAshley ShawNo
CT 375: AC Density by Nuclear Gage2022-08-092023-08-09ExpiredAshley ShawNo
CT 504: Air Content of PCC - Pressure Method (JTCP)2024-06-212029-06-21ActiveSarmad DalalNo
CT 518: Unit Weight - PCC (JTCP)2024-06-212029-06-21ActiveSarmad DalalNo
CT 521.2: Compressive Strength - PCC (ASTM C39 / C1231)2020-05-142022-05-14ExpiredBrandt HouchenNo
CT 521.1: Compressive Strength - PCC (ASTM C39 / C617)2020-05-142022-05-14ExpiredBrandt HouchenNo
CT 523.1 Section B.1 & B.2: Flexural Strength (Field Fabrication) (JTCP)2024-06-212029-06-21ActiveSarmad DalalNo
CT 523.2 Section B.3: Flexural Strength (Lab Test)2020-05-142022-05-14ExpiredMajid FahrtoshNo
CT 524: Flexural Strength of Rapid Strength - PCC2020-05-142022-05-14ExpiredMajid FahrtoshNo
CT 533: Ball Penetration - PCC2020-05-142022-05-14ExpiredMajid FahrtoshNo
CT 539: Sampling Fresh Concrete (JTCP)2024-06-212029-06-21ActiveSarmad DalalNo
CT 540: Making Cylinders - PCC (JTCP)2024-06-212029-06-21ActiveSarmad DalalNo
CT 543: Air Content of PCC - Volumetric Method (JTCP)2024-06-212029-06-21ActiveSarmad DalalNo
CT 556: Slump - PCC (JTCP)2024-06-212029-06-21ActiveSarmad DalalNo
CT 557: Temperature - PCC (JTCP)2024-06-212029-06-21ActiveSarmad DalalNo
AASHTO/ASTM Proficiencies
Test MethodObtained DateExpiration DateStatusIA ResponsibleWithin Lab Scope?
No results found.

Details for Trevor Roberts

First NameTrevor
Last NameRoberts
Total 21 items.
Certified California Tests(CT)
Test MethodObtained DateExpiration DateStatusIA ResponsibleWithin Lab Scope?
CT 105: Calculations - Gradings (JTCP)2016-03-172019-03-17ExpiredAshley ShawYes
CT 125 ADMIX: Sampling - ADMIXTURE2018-10-302019-10-30ExpiredMajid FahrtoshNo
CT 125 AGG: Sampling - AGGREGATES (JTCP)2019-10-252020-10-25ExpiredBrandt HouchenNo
CT 125 CEM: Sampling - CEM2019-10-252021-10-25ExpiredBrandt HouchenNo
CT 125 GEN: Sampling - GENERAL2019-10-252021-10-25ExpiredBrandt HouchenYes
CT 125 HMA: Sampling - HMA (JTCP)2019-10-252020-10-25ExpiredBrandt HouchenNo
CT 201: Sample Preparation - Soil and Aggregates (JTCP)2016-03-172023-06-30ExpiredRobby RodriguezYes
CT 231: Relative Compaction - Nuclear Gage2022-04-052023-04-05ExpiredAshley ShawNo
CT 504: Air Content of PCC - Pressure Method (JTCP)2018-09-292023-09-29ExpiredJasdeep SandhuNo
CT 518: Unit Weight - PCC (JTCP)2018-09-292023-09-29ExpiredJasdeep SandhuNo
CT 521.2: Compressive Strength - PCC (ASTM C39 / C1231)2021-06-102022-06-10ExpiredBrandt HouchenNo
CT 521.1: Compressive Strength - PCC (ASTM C39 / C617)2021-06-102022-06-10ExpiredBrandt HouchenNo
CT 523.1 Section B.1 & B.2: Flexural Strength (Field Fabrication) (JTCP)2021-06-102022-06-10ExpiredBrandt HouchenNo
CT 523.2 Section B.3: Flexural Strength (Lab Test)2021-06-102022-06-10ExpiredBrandt HouchenNo
CT 524: Flexural Strength of Rapid Strength - PCC2021-06-102022-06-10ExpiredBrandt HouchenNo
CT 533: Ball Penetration - PCC2021-06-102022-06-10ExpiredBrandt HouchenNo
CT 539: Sampling Fresh Concrete (JTCP)2018-09-292023-09-29ExpiredJasdeep SandhuNo
CT 540: Making Cylinders - PCC (JTCP)2018-09-292023-09-29ExpiredJasdeep SandhuNo
CT 543: Air Content of PCC - Volumetric Method (JTCP)2018-09-292023-09-29ExpiredJasdeep SandhuNo
CT 556: Slump - PCC (JTCP)2018-09-292023-09-29ExpiredJasdeep SandhuNo
CT 557: Temperature - PCC (JTCP)2018-09-292023-09-29ExpiredJasdeep SandhuNo
AASHTO/ASTM Proficiencies
Test MethodObtained DateExpiration DateStatusIA ResponsibleWithin Lab Scope?
No results found.

Details for Ahmad Jaber

First NameAhmad
Last NameJaber
Total 12 items.
Certified California Tests(CT)
Test MethodObtained DateExpiration DateStatusIA ResponsibleWithin Lab Scope?
CT 105: Calculations - Gradings (JTCP)2022-04-222025-04-22ActiveAvinash RallaYes
CT 125 AGG: Sampling - AGGREGATES (JTCP)2022-04-222025-04-22ActiveAvinash RallaNo
CT 125 HMA: Sampling - HMA (JTCP)2022-04-222025-04-22ActiveAvinash RallaNo
CT 306: Reducing Samples of Asphalt Mixtures (JTCP)2022-04-222025-04-22ActiveAvinash RallaNo
CT 504: Air Content of PCC - Pressure Method (JTCP)2019-08-312024-08-31ExpiredBrian EllisNo
CT 518: Unit Weight - PCC (JTCP)2019-08-312024-08-31ExpiredBrian EllisNo
CT 523.1 Section B.1 & B.2: Flexural Strength (Field Fabrication) (JTCP)2019-08-312024-08-31ExpiredBrian EllisNo
CT 539: Sampling Fresh Concrete (JTCP)2019-08-312024-08-31ExpiredBrian EllisNo
CT 540: Making Cylinders - PCC (JTCP)2019-08-312024-08-31ExpiredBrian EllisNo
CT 543: Air Content of PCC - Volumetric Method (JTCP)2019-08-312024-08-31ExpiredBrian EllisNo
CT 556: Slump - PCC (JTCP)2019-08-312024-08-31ExpiredBrian EllisNo
CT 557: Temperature - PCC (JTCP)2019-08-312024-08-31ExpiredBrian EllisNo
Total 8 items.
AASHTO/ASTM Proficiencies
Test MethodObtained DateExpiration DateStatusIA ResponsibleWithin Lab Scope?
AASHTO T11: Sieve Analysis (Washing) - Fine Aggregates (JTCP)2022-05-122025-05-12InactiveDalton LaBoskeyNo
AASHTO T27: Sieve Analysis - Fine and Coarse Aggregates (JTCP)2022-04-222025-04-22ActiveAvinash RallaNo
AASHTO R47: Reducing Samples of HMA (JTCP)2022-04-222025-04-22ActiveAvinash RallaNo
AASHTO R76: Reducing Samples of Agg (JTCP)2022-04-222025-04-22ActiveDalton LaBoskeyNo
AASHTO T176: Sand Equivalent (JTCP)2022-04-222025-04-22ActiveAvinash RallaNo
AASHTO T255: Evaporable Moisture Content (JTCP)2022-04-222025-04-22ActiveAvinash RallaNo
AASHTO T329: Moisture Content (Oven Method) - HMA (JTCP)2022-04-222025-04-22ActiveAvinash RallaNo
AASHTO T335: Percentage of Fracture (JTCP)2022-04-222025-04-22ActiveDalton LaBoskeyNo

Details for Lamberto Raygoza Jr

First NameLamberto
Last NameRaygoza Jr
Total 31 items.
Certified California Tests(CT)
Test MethodObtained DateExpiration DateStatusIA ResponsibleWithin Lab Scope?
CT 105: Calculations - Gradings (JTCP)2024-07-262027-07-26ActiveBrian EllisYes
CT 125 ADMIX: Sampling - ADMIXTURE2025-02-262027-02-26ActiveEdwin Rojas FloresNo
CT 125 AGG: Sampling - AGGREGATES (JTCP)2024-07-262027-07-26ActiveBrian EllisNo
CT 125 AGG: Sampling - AGGREGATES2023-02-122024-02-12ExpiredAshley ShawYes
CT 125 BIT: Sampling - BITUMINOUS2025-02-262027-02-26ActiveEdwin Rojas FloresNo
CT 125 CEM: Sampling - CEM2025-02-262027-02-26ActiveEdwin Rojas FloresNo
CT 125 GEN: Sampling - GENERAL2025-02-262027-02-26ActiveEdwin Rojas FloresYes
CT 125 HMA: Sampling - HMA2025-02-262027-02-26ActiveEdwin Rojas FloresNo
CT 201: Sample Preparation - Soil and Aggregates (JTCP)2024-07-262027-07-26ActiveBrian EllisYes
CT 202: Sieve analysis - Fine and Coarse Aggregates (JTCP)2024-07-262027-07-26ActiveBrian EllisYes
CT 205: Percent Crushed Particles (JTCP)2024-07-262027-07-26ActiveBrian EllisNo
CT 216: Relative Compaction - Soils and Aggregates (JTCP)2024-07-262027-07-26ActiveBrian EllisNo
CT 217: Sand Equivalent (JTCP)2024-07-262027-07-26ActiveBrian EllisYes
CT 226: Moisture Content - Soils and Aggregates (JTCP)2024-07-262027-07-26ActiveBrian EllisYes
CT 227: Cleanness Value (JTCP)2024-07-262027-07-26ActiveBrian EllisYes
CT 229: Durability (JTCP)2024-07-262027-07-26ActiveBrian EllisNo
CT 231: Relative Compaction - Nuclear Gage2024-12-062025-12-06ActiveJay HortonNo
CT 375: AC Density by Nuclear Gage2024-12-062025-12-06ActiveJay HortonNo
CT 504: Air Content of PCC - Pressure Method (JTCP)2020-11-132025-11-13ActiveSarbjit GrewalNo
CT 518: Unit Weight - PCC (JTCP)2020-11-132025-11-13ActiveSarbjit GrewalNo
CT 521.2: Compressive Strength - PCC (ASTM C39 / C1231)2023-04-052024-04-05ExpiredAshley ShawNo
CT 521.1: Compressive Strength - PCC (ASTM C39 / C617)2023-04-052024-04-05ExpiredAshley ShawNo
CT 523.1 Section B.1 & B.2: Flexural Strength (Field Fabrication) (JTCP)2023-11-132025-11-13ActiveAshley ShawNo
CT 523.2 Section B.3: Flexural Strength (Lab Test)2023-04-052024-04-05ExpiredAshley ShawNo
CT 524: Flexural Strength of Rapid Strength - PCC2023-04-052024-04-05ExpiredAshley ShawNo
CT 533: Ball Penetration - PCC2024-12-062025-12-06ActiveJay HortonNo
CT 539: Sampling Fresh Concrete (JTCP)2020-11-132025-11-13ActiveSarbjit GrewalNo
CT 540: Making Cylinders - PCC (JTCP)2020-11-132025-11-13ActiveSarbjit GrewalNo
CT 543: Air Content of PCC - Volumetric Method (JTCP)2020-11-132025-11-13ActiveSarbjit GrewalNo
CT 556: Slump - PCC (JTCP)2020-11-132025-11-13ActiveSarbjit GrewalNo
CT 557: Temperature - PCC (JTCP)2020-11-132025-11-13ActiveSarbjit GrewalNo
AASHTO/ASTM Proficiencies
Test MethodObtained DateExpiration DateStatusIA ResponsibleWithin Lab Scope?
No results found.