The Statewide Independent Assurance Database (SIAD) Instruction Guide

Searching for a lab?

You can find a lab through the home page "Search Labs" button or by clicking the "Lab Search" button on the home page header under "Lab". The "Search Lab" table allows you to search by lab name, lab district, lab city, test method the lab is accredited to perform, and/or IA staff member responsible for that particular lab.

  • "Matched Labs" table provides all findings that met the specified search criteria.
    • Filter these findings by lab name, lab type, address, or city.
  • "View", allows you to view the details for a particular lab. Details consist of the following:
    1. "Basic Information" pertaining to the lab: lab name, manager name, lab email, phone and fax numbers, lab address, lab type (Caltrans, Local Agency, or Private), and the district the lab belongs to.
    2. "Test Methods" table containing "California Test (CT) Accreditations" and "AASHTO/ASTM Proficiencies" displays accreditations and proficiencies obtained date, expiration date, current status (active or expired), IA responsible for accrediting the given test or proficiency, and whether or not the lab has an active technician certified to perform the given test or proficiency.
      • Clicking on a test or proficiency allows you to view all labs (Caltrans, Local Agency, or Private) accredited and all technicians certified to perform them.
      • Clicking on the IA responsible allows you to view their IA number, contact information, district, and status (active or expired).
    3. "Technicians in the Lab" allows you to view "Technician Summary" which identifies all technicians associated with the lab by name and a "Details" link.
      • "Details" takes you to the technician's "Basic Information" which is outlined further in the "Searching for a Technician?" section of these instructions.
    4. "Technician Details" table allows you to view each technician name, status (active or expired), test methods or proficiencies they are certified to perform, certification date, certification expiration, current status of certification (active or expired), IA responsible for their certifications, and whether or not the test method is within the lab's scope of accreditation or proficiency (ability to perform the test within the lab).

Searching for a Technician?

You can find a technician through the home page "Search Technicians" button or by clicking the "Technician Search" button on the home page header under "Technician". The "Search Technician" table allows you to search by technician name, technician's associated lab(s), district, test method the technician is certified to perform, and/or IA staff member responsible for that particular technician.

  • "Matched Records" table provides all findings that met the specified criteria.
  • "View" allows you to view the details for a particular technician. Details consist of the following:
    1. "Basic Information" pertaining to the technician: technician name and status (active or expired).
    2. "Associated Labs" provides all the labs the technician is certified to work out of. In this table you can view lab name (clicking lab name brings you to the lab's "Basic Information" that was explained in the "Searching for a Lab" section of these instructions), the lab's manager's name, address of the lab, district of the lab, and page alias.
      • "Page Alias" provides which labs' scope incorporates a given certification (necessary for technicians associated with more than one lab).
    3. "Test Methods" allow you to view "California Test (CT) Certifications" and "AASHTO/ASTM Proficiencies" the technician is certified to perform, certification expiration date, current status (active or expired), the IA responsible for certifying the given test or proficiency, and which lab the technician can perform the given test out of ("Within Lab(s) Scope").
      • Clicking on a test or proficiency allows you to view all labs (Caltrans, Local Agency, or Private) accredited to perform them.
      • Clicking on a IA responsible allows you to view their IA number, contact information, district, and status (active or expired).

Searching for IA Staff?

Click the "IA Staff List" button on the home page and view the linked PDF. This PDF provides each districts' IA staff's name, their status (active or expired), IA number, office phone number, cell number and associated labs' address.

Have Questions?

At the bottom of the homepage is the contact information (email and cell number) for the SIAD Task Manager. Please submit any additional comments or questions to the identified SIAD Task Manager.

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