SIAD: Certificates for Garrett Mottle

Certificates for Garrett Mottle

Basic Information

First NameGarrett
Last NameMottle

Associated Labs

Lab NameLab Lab Manager NameFull AddressLab Lab DistrictPage Alias
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Test Methods

California Test (CT) Certifications

Total 9 items.
Test MethodExpiration DateStatusIA ResponsibleWithin Lab(s) ScopeComments
CT 106 Definitions - Specific Gravity (SpG) 2018-04-17ExpiredChad Claxton(No lab)(No comments)
CT 204 LL, PL, PI 2018-04-17ExpiredChad Claxton(No lab)(No comments)
CT 226 Moisture Content - Soils and Aggregates (JTCP - S&A)2018-04-17ExpiredChad Claxton(No lab)(No comments)
CT 304 Sample Preparation - HMA 2018-04-17ExpiredChad Claxton(No lab)(No comments)
CT 308 Bulk SpG and Density - HMA 2018-04-17ExpiredChad Claxton(No lab)(No comments)
CT 309 Max SpG and Density - HMA 2018-04-17ExpiredChad Claxton(No lab)(No comments)
CT 371 Moisture Induced Damage (TSR) 2018-04-17ExpiredChad Claxton(No lab)(No comments)
CT 521.2 Compressive Strength - PCC (ASTM C39 / C1231) 2018-04-17ExpiredChad Claxton(No lab)
Created based on CT521 certificate ID36086
CT 521.1 Compressive Strength - PCC (ASTM C39 / C617) 2018-04-17ExpiredChad Claxton(No lab) Created based on CT521 certificate ID36086

AASHTO/ASTM Proficiencies

Total 2 items.
Test MethodExpiration DateStatusIA ResponsibleWithin Lab(s) ScopeComments
AASHTO T312 Gyratory Compactor 2018-04-17ExpiredChad Claxton(No lab)(No comments)
AASHTO T324 Hamburg Wheel-Track 2018-04-17ExpiredChad Claxton(No lab)(No comments)