Certificate Proficiency for Manolito Limos

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Total 9 items.
Test MethodJTCP ModuleExpiration DateIA ResponsibleStatus
CT 105 S&A2028-01-31Gabriela LopezActive
CT 201 S&A2028-01-31Gabriela LopezActive
CT 202 S&A2028-01-31Gabriela LopezActive
CT 205 S&A2028-01-31Gabriela LopezActive
CT 216 S&A2028-01-31Gabriela LopezActive
CT 217 S&A2028-01-31Gabriela LopezActive
CT 226 S&A2028-01-31Gabriela LopezActive
CT 227 S&A2028-01-31Gabriela LopezActive
CT 229 S&A2028-01-31Gabriela LopezActive
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