Technician Information for Jimmy Montana

First NameJimmy
Last NameMontana
Technician ID04015

Associated Labs

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Test Methods

California Test (CT) Certifications

Total 13 items.
Test MethodExpiration DateStatusIA ResponsibleWithin Lab(s) ScopeComments
CT 384 Combined Grade for HMA using up to 25% RAP 2024-05-10ExpiredAlexis England(No lab)(No comments)
CT 382 AC Content by Ignition Oven 2024-05-10ExpiredAlexis England(No lab)(No comments)
CT 375 AC Density by Nuclear Gage 2023-05-20ExpiredLoren Lee(No lab)(No comments)
CT 309 Max SpG and Density - HMA 2024-05-10ExpiredAlexis England(No lab)(No comments)
CT 308 Bulk SpG and Density - HMA 2024-05-10ExpiredAlexis England(No lab)(No comments)
CT 231 Relative Compaction - Nuclear Gage 2023-05-20ExpiredLoren Lee(No lab)(No comments)
CT 211 LA Rattler 2023-05-20ExpiredLoren Lee(No lab)(No comments)
CT 125 HMA Sampling - HMA 2023-05-20ExpiredLoren Lee(No lab)(No comments)
CT 125 GEN Sampling - GENERAL 2023-05-20ExpiredLoren Lee(No lab)(No comments)
CT 125 BIT Sampling - BITUMINOUS 2023-05-20ExpiredLoren Lee(No lab)(No comments)
CT 125 AGG Sampling - AGGREGATES 2023-05-20ExpiredLoren Lee(No lab)(No comments)
CT 125 ADMIX Sampling - ADMIXTURE 2021-05-08ExpiredLoren Lee(No lab)(No comments)
CT 106 Definitions - Specific Gravity (SpG) 2023-05-20ExpiredLoren Lee(No lab)(No comments)

AASHTO/ASTM Proficiencies