Technician Information for Jeffrey Betus

First NameJeffrey
Last NameBetus
Technician ID03561

Associated Labs

Total 1 item.
Lab NameManager NameFull AddressDistrictPage Alias
NV5 West, IncorporatedShaun Simon1868 Palma Drive, Suite A, Ventura, CA 930037Lab 1

Test Methods

California Test (CT) Certifications

Total 24 items.
Test MethodExpiration DateStatusIA ResponsibleWithin Lab(s) ScopeComments
CT 533 Ball Penetration - PCC 2024-11-27ExpiredAshley ShawLab 1(No comments)
CT 523.2 Section B.3 Flexural Strength (Lab Test) 2025-10-29ActiveEdwin Rojas FloresLab 1(No comments)
CT 521.2 Compressive Strength - PCC (ASTM C39 / C1231) 2026-11-27ActiveEdwin Rojas FloresLab 1
Created based on CT521 certificate ID50396
CT 521.1 Compressive Strength - PCC (ASTM C39 / C617) 2026-11-27ActiveEdwin Rojas FloresLab 1 Created based on CT521 certificate ID50396
CT 382 AC Content by Ignition Oven 2026-10-06ActiveEdwin Rojas FloresLab 1(No comments)
CT 375 AC Density by Nuclear Gage 2026-11-20ActiveEdwin Rojas FloresLab 1(No comments)
CT 370 Moisture Content by Microwave 2026-10-06ActiveEdwin Rojas FloresLab 1(No comments)
CT 366 Stabilometer 2025-10-29ActiveEdwin Rojas FloresLab 1(No comments)
CT 309 Max SpG and Density - HMA 2026-10-06ActiveEdwin Rojas FloresLab 1(No comments)
CT 308 Bulk SpG and Density - HMA 2025-10-29ActiveEdwin Rojas FloresLab 1(No comments)
CT 304 Sample Preparation - HMA 2025-10-29ActiveEdwin Rojas FloresLab 1(No comments)
CT 301 "R" Value 2025-10-29ActiveEdwin Rojas FloresLab 1(No comments)
CT 235 Flat and Elongated Particles 2025-10-29ActiveEdwin Rojas FloresLab 1(No comments)
CT 231 Relative Compaction - Nuclear Gage 2026-11-20ActiveEdwin Rojas FloresLab 1(No comments)
CT 214 Sodium Sulfate Soundness 2025-10-29ActiveEdwin Rojas FloresLab 1(No comments)
CT 213 Organic Impurities of PCC sand 2025-10-29ActiveEdwin Rojas FloresLab 1(No comments)
CT 212 Unit Weight of Aggregates 2025-10-29ActiveEdwin Rojas FloresLab 1(No comments)
CT 211 LA Rattler 2025-10-29ActiveEdwin Rojas FloresLab 1(No comments)
CT 207 SpG & Absorption - Fine Aggregates 2025-10-29ActiveEdwin Rojas FloresLab 1(No comments)
CT 206 SpG & Absorption - Coarse Aggregates 2026-10-06ActiveEdwin Rojas FloresLab 1(No comments)
CT 125 HMA Sampling - HMA 2025-10-06ActiveAshley ShawLab 1Date adjusted to make a three year cert IA 68
CT 125 GEN Sampling - GENERAL 2025-10-06ActiveAshley ShawLab 1Date adjusted to make a three year cert IA 68
CT 125 CEM Sampling - CEM 2025-10-06ActiveAshley ShawLab 1Date adjusted to make a three year cert IA 68
CT 125 AGG Sampling - AGGREGATES 2025-10-06ActiveAshley ShawLab 1Date adjusted to make a three year cert IA 68

AASHTO/ASTM Proficiencies