Lab details for Sully Miller Contracting Company - Irwindale

Basic Information

Lab NameSully Miller Contracting Company - Irwindale
Manager NameMichael Ramos
Lab Telephone626-357-3059
Lab Fax626-357-4160
Lab Full Address2600 Avenida Barbosa, Irwindale, CA 91706
Lab TypePrivate
Mobile Lab Full Address, ,
Download TL-0113

RSP Information

2600 Buena Vista Street, Irwindale, CA 91010

Test Methods

California Test (CT) Accreditations

Total 32 items.
Test MethodObtained DateExpiration DateStatusIA ResponsibleTechnician Certified?
CT 105: Calculations - Gradings (JTCP)2024-06-202025-06-20ActiveEdwin Rojas FloresYes
CT 106: Definitions - Specific Gravity (SpG)2024-06-202025-06-20ActiveEdwin Rojas FloresNo
CT 125 ADMIX: Sampling - ADMIXTURE2024-06-202025-06-20ActiveEdwin Rojas FloresNo
CT 125 AGG: Sampling - AGGREGATES (JTCP)2024-06-202025-06-20ActiveEdwin Rojas FloresYes
CT 125 BIT: Sampling - BITUMINOUS2024-06-202025-06-20ActiveEdwin Rojas FloresNo
CT 125 CEM: Sampling - CEM2024-06-202025-06-20ActiveEdwin Rojas FloresNo
CT 125 GEN: Sampling - GENERAL2024-06-202025-06-20ActiveEdwin Rojas FloresNo
CT 125 HMA: Sampling - HMA (JTCP)2024-06-202025-06-20ActiveEdwin Rojas FloresYes
CT 201: Sample Preparation - Soil and Aggregates (JTCP)2024-06-202025-06-20ActiveEdwin Rojas FloresYes
CT 202: Sieve analysis - Fine and Coarse Aggregates (JTCP)2024-06-202025-06-20ActiveEdwin Rojas FloresYes
CT 205: Percent Crushed Particles (JTCP)2024-06-202025-06-20ActiveEdwin Rojas FloresYes
CT 217: Sand Equivalent (JTCP)2024-06-202025-06-20ActiveEdwin Rojas FloresYes
CT 226: Moisture Content - Soils and Aggregates (JTCP)2024-06-202025-06-20ActiveEdwin Rojas FloresYes
CT 227: Cleanness Value (JTCP)2024-06-202025-06-20ActiveEdwin Rojas FloresYes
CT 229: Durability (JTCP)2024-06-202025-06-20ActiveEdwin Rojas FloresYes
CT 306: Reducing Samples of Asphalt Mixtures (JTCP)2024-06-202025-06-20ActiveEdwin Rojas FloresYes
CT 206: SpG & Absorption - Coarse Aggregates2019-07-092021-07-09ExpiredMajid FahrtoshNo
CT 207: SpG & Absorption - Fine Aggregates2019-07-092021-07-09ExpiredMajid FahrtoshNo
CT 208: Apparent SpG - Fine Aggregates2019-07-092021-07-09ExpiredMajid FahrtoshNo
CT 211: LA Rattler2019-07-092021-07-09ExpiredMajid FahrtoshNo
CT 231: Relative Compaction - Nuclear Gage2019-07-092020-07-09InactiveMajid FahrtoshNo
CT 234: Uncompacted void - Fine Aggregates2019-07-092021-07-09ExpiredMajid FahrtoshNo
CT 235: Flat and Elongated Particles2019-07-092021-07-09ExpiredMajid FahrtoshNo
CT 304: Sample Preparation - HMA2019-07-092021-07-09ExpiredMajid FahrtoshNo
CT 308: Bulk SpG and Density - HMA2019-07-092021-07-09ExpiredMajid FahrtoshNo
CT 309: Max SpG and Density - HMA2019-07-092021-07-09ExpiredMajid FahrtoshNo
CT 366: Stabilometer2019-07-092021-07-09ExpiredMajid FahrtoshNo
CT 367: OBC2019-07-092021-07-09ExpiredMajid FahrtoshNo
CT 370: Moisture Content by Microwave2019-07-092021-07-09ExpiredMajid FahrtoshNo
CT 371: Moisture Induced Damage (TSR)2019-07-092021-07-09ExpiredMajid FahrtoshNo
CT 382: AC Content by Ignition Oven2019-07-092021-07-09ExpiredMajid FahrtoshNo
CT 526: Profilograph2019-07-092020-07-09InactiveMajid FahrtoshNo

AASHTO/ASTM Proficiencies

Total 22 items.
Test MethodObtained DateExpiration DateStatusIA ResponsibleTechnician Certified?
AASHTO T11: Sieve Analysis (Washing) - Fine Aggregates (JTCP)2024-06-202025-06-20ActiveEdwin Rojas FloresYes
AASHTO T27: Sieve Analysis - Fine and Coarse Aggregates (JTCP)2024-06-202025-06-20ActiveEdwin Rojas FloresYes
AASHTO R47: Reducing Samples of HMA (JTCP)2024-06-202025-06-20ActiveEdwin Rojas FloresYes
AASHTO R76: Reducing Samples of Agg (JTCP)2024-06-202025-06-20ActiveEdwin Rojas FloresYes
AASHTO T84: SpG & Absorption - Fine Aggregates2024-06-202025-06-20ActiveEdwin Rojas FloresYes
AASHTO T85: SpG & Absorption - Coarse Aggregates2024-06-202025-06-20ActiveEdwin Rojas FloresYes
AASHTO T96: L.A. Rattler2024-06-202025-06-20ActiveEdwin Rojas FloresYes
AASHTO T166: Bulk SpG of Compacted HMA - SSD (JTCP)2024-06-202025-06-20ActiveEdwin Rojas FloresYes
AASHTO T176: Sand Equivalent (JTCP)2024-06-202025-06-20ActiveEdwin Rojas FloresYes
AASHTO T209: Max SpG and Density - HMA (JTCP)2024-06-202025-06-20ActiveEdwin Rojas FloresYes
AASHTO T248: Reducing Samples of Agg. (JTCP)2024-06-202025-06-20ActiveEdwin Rojas FloresNo
AASHTO T255: Evaporable Moisture Content (JTCP)2024-06-202025-06-20ActiveEdwin Rojas FloresYes
AASHTO T269: Percent Air Voids - HMA (JTCP)2024-06-202025-06-20ActiveEdwin Rojas FloresYes
AASHTO T275: Bulk SpG - HMA (JTCP)2024-06-202025-06-20ActiveEdwin Rojas FloresYes
AASHTO T283: Moisture Induced Damage (TSR)2024-06-202025-06-20ActiveEdwin Rojas FloresYes
AASHTO T304: Uncompacted Void - Fine Aggregate2024-06-202025-06-20ActiveEdwin Rojas FloresYes
AASHTO T308: AC Content (Ignition Oven) - HMA (JTCP)2024-06-202025-06-20ActiveEdwin Rojas FloresYes
AASHTO T312: Gyratory Compactor2024-06-202025-06-20ActiveEdwin Rojas FloresYes
AASHTO T324: Hamburg Wheel-Track2024-06-202025-06-20ActiveEdwin Rojas FloresYes
AASHTO T329: Moisture Content (Oven Method) - HMA (JTCP)2024-06-202025-06-20ActiveEdwin Rojas FloresYes
AASHTO T335: Percentage of Fracture (JTCP)2024-06-202025-06-20ActiveEdwin Rojas FloresYes
ASTM D4791: Flat and Elongated Particles2024-06-202025-06-20ActiveEdwin Rojas FloresYes

Technicians in the Lab

Technician Summary

Total 10 items.
First NameLast NameActions
EribertoCarrillo View
RobertContreras View
AllanMacz View
MichaelOremen View
AlexSamano View
BenjaminAlfaro View
JohnVieyra View
EdwardQuinones View
ErnieCarrillo View
YeseniaCeballos View

Technician Details

Details for Eriberto Carrillo

First NameEriberto
Last NameCarrillo
Total 27 items.
Certified California Tests(CT)
Test MethodObtained DateExpiration DateStatusIA ResponsibleWithin Lab Scope?
CT 105: Calculations - Gradings (JTCP)2024-03-082027-03-08ActiveFirooz Ahmad HosainyYes
CT 106: Definitions - Specific Gravity (SpG)2016-04-152023-06-30ExpiredMajid FahrtoshYes
CT 125 AGG: Sampling - AGGREGATES (JTCP)2023-12-152026-12-15ActiveFirooz Ahmad HosainyYes
CT 125 GEN: Sampling - GENERAL2016-04-152018-04-15ExpiredMajid FahrtoshYes
CT 125 HMA: Sampling - HMA (JTCP)2024-03-082027-03-08ActiveFirooz Ahmad HosainyYes
CT 201: Sample Preparation - Soil and Aggregates (JTCP)2023-12-152026-12-15ActiveFirooz Ahmad HosainyYes
CT 202: Sieve analysis - Fine and Coarse Aggregates (JTCP)2023-12-152026-12-15ActiveFirooz Ahmad HosainyYes
CT 205: Percent Crushed Particles (JTCP)2023-12-152026-12-15ActiveFirooz Ahmad HosainyYes
CT 206: SpG & Absorption - Coarse Aggregates2016-04-152018-04-15ExpiredMajid FahrtoshYes
CT 207: SpG & Absorption - Fine Aggregates2016-04-152018-04-15ExpiredMajid FahrtoshYes
CT 211: LA Rattler2016-04-152018-04-15ExpiredMajid FahrtoshYes
CT 216: Relative Compaction - Soils and Aggregates (JTCP)2023-12-152026-12-15ActiveFirooz Ahmad HosainyYes
CT 217: Sand Equivalent (JTCP)2023-12-152026-12-15ActiveFirooz Ahmad HosainyYes
CT 226: Moisture Content - Soils and Aggregates (JTCP)2023-12-152026-12-15ActiveFirooz Ahmad HosainyYes
CT 227: Cleanness Value (JTCP)2023-12-152026-12-15ActiveFirooz Ahmad HosainyYes
CT 229: Durability (JTCP)2023-12-152026-12-15ActiveFirooz Ahmad HosainyYes
CT 234: Uncompacted void - Fine Aggregates2016-04-152017-04-15ExpiredMajid FahrtoshYes
CT 235: Flat and Elongated Particles2016-04-152017-04-15ExpiredMajid FahrtoshYes
CT 304: Sample Preparation - HMA2016-04-152018-04-15ExpiredMajid FahrtoshYes
CT 306: Reducing Samples of Asphalt Mixtures (JTCP)2024-03-082027-03-08ActiveFirooz Ahmad HosainyYes
CT 308: Bulk SpG and Density - HMA2016-04-152018-04-15ExpiredMajid FahrtoshYes
CT 309: Max SpG and Density - HMA2016-04-152018-04-15ExpiredMajid FahrtoshYes
CT 366: Stabilometer2016-04-152018-04-15ExpiredMajid FahrtoshYes
CT 370: Moisture Content by Microwave2016-04-152018-04-15ExpiredMajid FahrtoshYes
CT 371: Moisture Induced Damage (TSR)2016-04-152017-04-15ExpiredMajid FahrtoshYes
CT 382: AC Content by Ignition Oven2016-04-152018-04-15ExpiredMajid FahrtoshYes
CT 384: Combined Grade for HMA using up to 25% RAP2016-04-152017-04-15ExpiredMajid FahrtoshNo
Total 22 items.
AASHTO/ASTM Proficiencies
Test MethodObtained DateExpiration DateStatusIA ResponsibleWithin Lab Scope?
AASHTO T11: Sieve Analysis (Washing) - Fine Aggregates (JTCP)2024-03-082027-03-08ActiveFirooz Ahmad HosainyYes
AASHTO T27: Sieve Analysis - Fine and Coarse Aggregates (JTCP)2024-03-082027-03-08ActiveFirooz Ahmad HosainyYes
AASHTO R47: Reducing Samples of HMA (JTCP)2024-03-082027-03-08ActiveFirooz Ahmad HosainyYes
AASHTO R76: Reducing Samples of Agg (JTCP)2024-03-082027-03-08ActiveFirooz Ahmad HosainyYes
AASHTO T84: SpG & Absorption - Fine Aggregates2023-03-012025-03-01ActiveMajid FahrtoshYes
AASHTO T85: SpG & Absorption - Coarse Aggregates2023-03-012025-03-01ActiveMajid FahrtoshYes
AASHTO T96: L.A. Rattler2023-03-012025-03-01ActiveMajid FahrtoshYes
AASHTO T166: Bulk SpG of Compacted HMA - SSD (JTCP)2024-09-122027-09-12ActiveSarmad DalalYes
AASHTO T176: Sand Equivalent (JTCP)2024-03-082027-03-08ActiveFirooz Ahmad HosainyYes
AASHTO T209: Max SpG and Density - HMA (JTCP)2024-09-122027-09-12ActiveSarmad DalalYes
AASHTO T248: Reducing Samples of Agg. (JTCP)2018-06-152021-06-15ExpiredBiplab BhattacharyaYes
AASHTO T255: Evaporable Moisture Content (JTCP)2024-03-082027-03-08ActiveFirooz Ahmad HosainyYes
AASHTO T269: Percent Air Voids - HMA (JTCP)2024-09-122027-09-12ActiveSarmad DalalYes
AASHTO T275: Bulk SpG - HMA (JTCP)2024-09-122027-09-12ActiveSarmad DalalYes
AASHTO T283: Moisture Induced Damage (TSR)2023-03-012025-03-01ActiveMajid FahrtoshYes
AASHTO T304: Uncompacted Void - Fine Aggregate2023-03-012025-03-01ActiveMajid FahrtoshYes
AASHTO T308: AC Content (Ignition Oven) - HMA (JTCP)2024-09-122027-09-12ActiveSarmad DalalYes
AASHTO T312: Gyratory Compactor2023-03-012025-03-01ActiveMajid FahrtoshYes
AASHTO T324: Hamburg Wheel-Track2023-03-012025-03-01ActiveMajid FahrtoshYes
AASHTO T329: Moisture Content (Oven Method) - HMA (JTCP)2024-03-082027-03-08ActiveFirooz Ahmad HosainyYes
AASHTO T335: Percentage of Fracture (JTCP)2024-03-082027-03-08ActiveFirooz Ahmad HosainyYes
ASTM D4791: Flat and Elongated Particles2023-03-012025-03-01ActiveMajid FahrtoshYes

Details for Robert Contreras

First NameRobert
Last NameContreras
Total 27 items.
Certified California Tests(CT)
Test MethodObtained DateExpiration DateStatusIA ResponsibleWithin Lab Scope?
CT 105: Calculations - Gradings (JTCP)2018-02-282021-02-28ExpiredBiplab BhattacharyaYes
CT 106: Definitions - Specific Gravity (SpG)2016-04-152023-06-30ExpiredMajid FahrtoshYes
CT 125 AGG: Sampling - AGGREGATES (JTCP)2018-02-282021-02-28ExpiredBiplab BhattacharyaYes
CT 125 BIT: Sampling - BITUMINOUS2016-04-152018-04-15ExpiredMajid FahrtoshYes
CT 125 GEN: Sampling - GENERAL2016-04-152018-04-15ExpiredMajid FahrtoshYes
CT 125 HMA: Sampling - HMA (JTCP)2018-02-282021-02-28ExpiredBiplab BhattacharyaYes
CT 201: Sample Preparation - Soil and Aggregates (JTCP)2016-04-152023-06-30ExpiredMajid FahrtoshYes
CT 202: Sieve analysis - Fine and Coarse Aggregates (JTCP)2016-04-152018-04-15ExpiredMajid FahrtoshYes
CT 205: Percent Crushed Particles (JTCP)2016-04-152018-04-15ExpiredMajid FahrtoshYes
CT 206: SpG & Absorption - Coarse Aggregates2016-04-152018-04-15ExpiredMajid FahrtoshYes
CT 207: SpG & Absorption - Fine Aggregates2016-04-152018-04-15ExpiredMajid FahrtoshYes
CT 208: Apparent SpG - Fine Aggregates2016-04-152018-04-15ExpiredMajid FahrtoshYes
CT 211: LA Rattler2016-04-152018-04-15ExpiredMajid FahrtoshYes
CT 217: Sand Equivalent (JTCP)2016-04-152018-04-15ExpiredMajid FahrtoshYes
CT 226: Moisture Content - Soils and Aggregates (JTCP)2016-04-152018-04-15ExpiredMajid FahrtoshYes
CT 227: Cleanness Value (JTCP)2016-04-152018-04-15ExpiredMajid FahrtoshYes
CT 234: Uncompacted void - Fine Aggregates2016-04-152018-04-15ExpiredMajid FahrtoshYes
CT 235: Flat and Elongated Particles2016-04-152018-04-15ExpiredMajid FahrtoshYes
CT 304: Sample Preparation - HMA2016-04-152018-04-15ExpiredMajid FahrtoshYes
CT 308: Bulk SpG and Density - HMA2016-04-152018-04-15ExpiredMajid FahrtoshYes
CT 309: Max SpG and Density - HMA2016-04-152018-04-15ExpiredMajid FahrtoshYes
CT 366: Stabilometer2016-04-152018-04-15ExpiredMajid FahrtoshYes
CT 367: OBC2016-04-152018-04-15ExpiredMajid FahrtoshYes
CT 370: Moisture Content by Microwave2016-04-152018-04-15ExpiredMajid FahrtoshYes
CT 371: Moisture Induced Damage (TSR)2016-04-152018-04-15ExpiredMajid FahrtoshYes
CT 382: AC Content by Ignition Oven2016-04-152018-04-15ExpiredMajid FahrtoshYes
CT 384: Combined Grade for HMA using up to 25% RAP2016-04-152017-04-15ExpiredMajid FahrtoshNo
Total 22 items.
AASHTO/ASTM Proficiencies
Test MethodObtained DateExpiration DateStatusIA ResponsibleWithin Lab Scope?
AASHTO T11: Sieve Analysis (Washing) - Fine Aggregates (JTCP)2018-02-282021-02-28ExpiredMajid FahrtoshYes
AASHTO T27: Sieve Analysis - Fine and Coarse Aggregates (JTCP)2018-02-282021-02-28ExpiredMajid FahrtoshYes
AASHTO R47: Reducing Samples of HMA (JTCP)2018-02-282021-02-28ExpiredBiplab BhattacharyaYes
AASHTO R76: Reducing Samples of Agg (JTCP)2018-02-282021-02-28ExpiredBiplab BhattacharyaYes
AASHTO T84: SpG & Absorption - Fine Aggregates2016-04-152017-04-15ExpiredMajid FahrtoshYes
AASHTO T85: SpG & Absorption - Coarse Aggregates2016-04-152017-04-15ExpiredMajid FahrtoshYes
AASHTO T96: L.A. Rattler2016-04-152017-04-15ExpiredMajid FahrtoshYes
AASHTO T166: Bulk SpG of Compacted HMA - SSD (JTCP)2018-08-092021-08-09ExpiredRichard HibbardYes
AASHTO T176: Sand Equivalent (JTCP)2018-02-282021-02-28ExpiredMajid FahrtoshYes
AASHTO T209: Max SpG and Density - HMA (JTCP)2018-08-092021-08-09ExpiredMajid FahrtoshYes
AASHTO T248: Reducing Samples of Agg. (JTCP)2018-02-282021-02-28ExpiredBiplab BhattacharyaYes
AASHTO T255: Evaporable Moisture Content (JTCP)2018-02-282021-02-28ExpiredBiplab BhattacharyaYes
AASHTO T269: Percent Air Voids - HMA (JTCP)2018-08-092021-08-09ExpiredMajid FahrtoshYes
AASHTO T275: Bulk SpG - HMA (JTCP)2018-08-092021-08-09ExpiredMajid FahrtoshYes
AASHTO T283: Moisture Induced Damage (TSR)2016-04-152017-04-15ExpiredMajid FahrtoshYes
AASHTO T304: Uncompacted Void - Fine Aggregate2016-04-152017-04-15ExpiredMajid FahrtoshYes
AASHTO T308: AC Content (Ignition Oven) - HMA (JTCP)2018-08-092021-08-09ExpiredMajid FahrtoshYes
AASHTO T312: Gyratory Compactor2016-04-152017-04-15ExpiredMajid FahrtoshYes
AASHTO T324: Hamburg Wheel-Track2016-04-152017-04-15ExpiredMajid FahrtoshYes
AASHTO T329: Moisture Content (Oven Method) - HMA (JTCP)2018-02-282021-02-28ExpiredMajid FahrtoshYes
AASHTO T335: Percentage of Fracture (JTCP)2018-02-282021-02-28ExpiredMajid FahrtoshYes
ASTM D4791: Flat and Elongated Particles2016-04-152017-04-15ExpiredMajid FahrtoshYes

Details for Allan Macz

First NameAllan
Last NameMacz
Total 25 items.
Certified California Tests(CT)
Test MethodObtained DateExpiration DateStatusIA ResponsibleWithin Lab Scope?
CT 105: Calculations - Gradings (JTCP)2021-03-082024-03-08ExpiredSoroosh AmelianYes
CT 106: Definitions - Specific Gravity (SpG)2016-04-152023-06-30ExpiredMajid FahrtoshYes
CT 125 AGG: Sampling - AGGREGATES (JTCP)2021-03-082024-03-08ExpiredSoroosh AmelianYes
CT 125 GEN: Sampling - GENERAL2016-04-152018-04-15ExpiredMajid FahrtoshYes
CT 125 HMA: Sampling - HMA (JTCP)2021-03-082024-03-08ExpiredSoroosh AmelianYes
CT 201: Sample Preparation - Soil and Aggregates (JTCP)2021-04-262024-04-26ExpiredSoroosh AmelianYes
CT 202: Sieve analysis - Fine and Coarse Aggregates (JTCP)2021-04-262024-04-26ExpiredSoroosh AmelianYes
CT 205: Percent Crushed Particles (JTCP)2021-04-262024-04-26ExpiredAvinash RallaYes
CT 206: SpG & Absorption - Coarse Aggregates2016-04-152018-04-15ExpiredMajid FahrtoshYes
CT 207: SpG & Absorption - Fine Aggregates2016-04-152018-04-15ExpiredMajid FahrtoshYes
CT 211: LA Rattler2016-04-152018-04-15ExpiredMajid FahrtoshYes
CT 216: Relative Compaction - Soils and Aggregates (JTCP)2021-04-262024-04-26ExpiredSoroosh AmelianYes
CT 217: Sand Equivalent (JTCP)2021-04-262024-04-26ExpiredSoroosh AmelianYes
CT 226: Moisture Content - Soils and Aggregates (JTCP)2021-04-262024-04-26ExpiredSoroosh AmelianYes
CT 227: Cleanness Value (JTCP)2021-04-262024-04-26ExpiredSoroosh AmelianYes
CT 229: Durability (JTCP)2021-04-262024-04-26ExpiredSoroosh AmelianYes
CT 234: Uncompacted void - Fine Aggregates2016-04-152017-04-15ExpiredMajid FahrtoshYes
CT 235: Flat and Elongated Particles2016-04-152017-04-15ExpiredMajid FahrtoshYes
CT 304: Sample Preparation - HMA2016-04-152017-04-15ExpiredMajid FahrtoshYes
CT 306: Reducing Samples of Asphalt Mixtures (JTCP)2021-03-082024-03-08ExpiredSoroosh AmelianYes
CT 308: Bulk SpG and Density - HMA2016-04-152017-04-15ExpiredMajid FahrtoshYes
CT 309: Max SpG and Density - HMA2016-04-152018-04-15ExpiredMajid FahrtoshYes
CT 370: Moisture Content by Microwave2016-04-152018-04-15ExpiredMajid FahrtoshYes
CT 382: AC Content by Ignition Oven2016-04-152018-04-15ExpiredMajid FahrtoshYes
CT 384: Combined Grade for HMA using up to 25% RAP2016-04-152017-04-15ExpiredMajid FahrtoshNo
Total 22 items.
AASHTO/ASTM Proficiencies
Test MethodObtained DateExpiration DateStatusIA ResponsibleWithin Lab Scope?
AASHTO T11: Sieve Analysis (Washing) - Fine Aggregates (JTCP)2021-03-082024-03-08ExpiredSoroosh AmelianYes
AASHTO T27: Sieve Analysis - Fine and Coarse Aggregates (JTCP)2021-03-082024-03-08ExpiredSoroosh AmelianYes
AASHTO R47: Reducing Samples of HMA (JTCP)2021-03-082024-03-08ExpiredSoroosh AmelianYes
AASHTO R76: Reducing Samples of Agg (JTCP)2021-03-082024-03-08ExpiredSoroosh AmelianYes
AASHTO T84: SpG & Absorption - Fine Aggregates2023-03-012025-03-01ActiveMajid FahrtoshYes
AASHTO T85: SpG & Absorption - Coarse Aggregates2023-03-012025-03-01ActiveMajid FahrtoshYes
AASHTO T96: L.A. Rattler2023-03-012025-03-01ActiveMajid FahrtoshYes
AASHTO T166: Bulk SpG of Compacted HMA - SSD (JTCP)2021-11-182024-11-18ExpiredDalton LaBoskeyYes
AASHTO T176: Sand Equivalent (JTCP)2021-03-082024-03-08ExpiredSoroosh AmelianYes
AASHTO T209: Max SpG and Density - HMA (JTCP)2021-11-182024-11-18ExpiredDalton LaBoskeyYes
AASHTO T248: Reducing Samples of Agg. (JTCP)2018-06-152021-06-15ExpiredBiplab BhattacharyaYes
AASHTO T255: Evaporable Moisture Content (JTCP)2021-03-082024-03-08ExpiredSoroosh AmelianYes
AASHTO T269: Percent Air Voids - HMA (JTCP)2021-11-182024-11-18ExpiredDalton LaBoskeyYes
AASHTO T275: Bulk SpG - HMA (JTCP)2021-11-182024-11-18ExpiredDalton LaBoskeyYes
AASHTO T283: Moisture Induced Damage (TSR)2023-03-012025-03-01ActiveMajid FahrtoshYes
AASHTO T304: Uncompacted Void - Fine Aggregate2023-03-012025-03-01ActiveMajid FahrtoshYes
AASHTO T308: AC Content (Ignition Oven) - HMA (JTCP)2021-11-182024-11-18ExpiredDalton LaBoskeyYes
AASHTO T312: Gyratory Compactor2023-03-012025-03-01ActiveMajid FahrtoshYes
AASHTO T324: Hamburg Wheel-Track2023-03-012025-03-01ActiveMajid FahrtoshYes
AASHTO T329: Moisture Content (Oven Method) - HMA (JTCP)2021-03-082024-03-08ExpiredSoroosh AmelianYes
AASHTO T335: Percentage of Fracture (JTCP)2021-03-082024-03-08ExpiredSoroosh AmelianYes
ASTM D4791: Flat and Elongated Particles2023-03-012025-03-01ActiveMajid FahrtoshYes

Details for Michael Oremen

First NameMichael
Last NameOremen
Total 17 items.
Certified California Tests(CT)
Test MethodObtained DateExpiration DateStatusIA ResponsibleWithin Lab Scope?
CT 105: Calculations - Gradings (JTCP)2016-04-162023-06-30ExpiredMajid FahrtoshYes
CT 106: Definitions - Specific Gravity (SpG)2016-04-162023-06-30ExpiredMajid FahrtoshYes
CT 125 AGG: Sampling - AGGREGATES (JTCP)2016-04-162018-04-16ExpiredMajid FahrtoshYes
CT 125 GEN: Sampling - GENERAL2016-04-162018-04-16ExpiredMajid FahrtoshYes
CT 125 HMA: Sampling - HMA (JTCP)2016-04-162018-04-16ExpiredMajid FahrtoshYes
CT 201: Sample Preparation - Soil and Aggregates (JTCP)2016-04-162023-06-30ExpiredMajid FahrtoshYes
CT 202: Sieve analysis - Fine and Coarse Aggregates (JTCP)2016-04-162018-04-16ExpiredMajid FahrtoshYes
CT 205: Percent Crushed Particles (JTCP)2016-04-162018-04-16ExpiredMajid FahrtoshYes
CT 206: SpG & Absorption - Coarse Aggregates2016-04-162018-04-16ExpiredMajid FahrtoshYes
CT 208: Apparent SpG - Fine Aggregates2016-04-162018-04-16ExpiredMajid FahrtoshYes
CT 217: Sand Equivalent (JTCP)2016-04-162018-04-16ExpiredMajid FahrtoshYes
CT 226: Moisture Content - Soils and Aggregates (JTCP)2016-04-162018-04-16ExpiredMajid FahrtoshYes
CT 227: Cleanness Value (JTCP)2016-04-162018-04-16ExpiredMajid FahrtoshYes
CT 308: Bulk SpG and Density - HMA2016-04-162018-04-16ExpiredMajid FahrtoshYes
CT 370: Moisture Content by Microwave2016-04-162018-04-16ExpiredMajid FahrtoshYes
CT 382: AC Content by Ignition Oven2016-04-162018-04-16ExpiredMajid FahrtoshYes
CT 526: Profilograph2016-04-162018-04-16ExpiredMajid FahrtoshYes
Total 2 items.
AASHTO/ASTM Proficiencies
Test MethodObtained DateExpiration DateStatusIA ResponsibleWithin Lab Scope?
AASHTO T11: Sieve Analysis (Washing) - Fine Aggregates (JTCP)2016-04-162017-04-16ExpiredMajid FahrtoshYes
AASHTO T27: Sieve Analysis - Fine and Coarse Aggregates (JTCP)2016-04-162017-04-16ExpiredMajid FahrtoshYes

Details for Alex Samano

First NameAlex
Last NameSamano
Total 25 items.
Certified California Tests(CT)
Test MethodObtained DateExpiration DateStatusIA ResponsibleWithin Lab Scope?
CT 105: Calculations - Gradings (JTCP)2024-04-192027-04-19ActiveGabriela LopezYes
CT 106: Definitions - Specific Gravity (SpG)2016-04-152023-06-30ExpiredMajid FahrtoshYes
CT 125 AGG: Sampling - AGGREGATES (JTCP)2024-04-192027-04-19ActiveGabriela LopezYes
CT 125 BIT: Sampling - BITUMINOUS2016-04-152018-04-15ExpiredMajid FahrtoshYes
CT 125 GEN: Sampling - GENERAL2016-04-152018-04-15ExpiredMajid FahrtoshYes
CT 125 HMA: Sampling - HMA (JTCP)2024-04-192027-04-19ActiveGabriela LopezYes
CT 201: Sample Preparation - Soil and Aggregates (JTCP)2016-04-152019-04-15ExpiredAvinash RallaYes
CT 202: Sieve analysis - Fine and Coarse Aggregates (JTCP)2016-04-152018-04-15ExpiredAvinash RallaYes
CT 205: Percent Crushed Particles (JTCP)2016-04-152018-04-15ExpiredAvinash RallaYes
CT 206: SpG & Absorption - Coarse Aggregates2016-04-152018-04-15ExpiredMajid FahrtoshYes
CT 207: SpG & Absorption - Fine Aggregates2016-04-152018-04-15ExpiredMajid FahrtoshYes
CT 211: LA Rattler2016-04-152018-04-15ExpiredMajid FahrtoshYes
CT 217: Sand Equivalent (JTCP)2016-04-152018-04-15ExpiredAvinash RallaYes
CT 226: Moisture Content - Soils and Aggregates (JTCP)2016-04-152018-04-15ExpiredAvinash RallaYes
CT 227: Cleanness Value (JTCP)2016-04-152018-04-15ExpiredAvinash RallaYes
CT 234: Uncompacted void - Fine Aggregates2016-04-152018-04-15ExpiredMajid FahrtoshYes
CT 304: Sample Preparation - HMA2016-04-152018-04-15ExpiredMajid FahrtoshYes
CT 306: Reducing Samples of Asphalt Mixtures (JTCP)2024-04-192027-04-19ActiveGabriela LopezYes
CT 308: Bulk SpG and Density - HMA2016-04-152018-04-15ExpiredMajid FahrtoshYes
CT 309: Max SpG and Density - HMA2016-04-152018-04-15ExpiredMajid FahrtoshYes
CT 366: Stabilometer2016-04-152018-04-15ExpiredMajid FahrtoshYes
CT 370: Moisture Content by Microwave2016-04-152018-04-15ExpiredMajid FahrtoshYes
CT 371: Moisture Induced Damage (TSR)2016-04-152017-04-15ExpiredMajid FahrtoshYes
CT 382: AC Content by Ignition Oven2016-04-152018-04-15ExpiredMajid FahrtoshYes
CT 384: Combined Grade for HMA using up to 25% RAP2016-04-152017-04-15ExpiredMajid FahrtoshNo
Total 19 items.
AASHTO/ASTM Proficiencies
Test MethodObtained DateExpiration DateStatusIA ResponsibleWithin Lab Scope?
AASHTO T11: Sieve Analysis (Washing) - Fine Aggregates (JTCP)2024-04-192027-04-19ActiveGabriela LopezYes
AASHTO T27: Sieve Analysis - Fine and Coarse Aggregates (JTCP)2024-04-192027-04-19ActiveGabriela LopezYes
AASHTO R47: Reducing Samples of HMA (JTCP)2024-04-192027-04-19ActiveGabriela LopezYes
AASHTO R76: Reducing Samples of Agg (JTCP)2024-04-192027-04-19ActiveGabriela LopezYes
AASHTO T84: SpG & Absorption - Fine Aggregates2016-04-152017-04-15ExpiredMajid FahrtoshYes
AASHTO T85: SpG & Absorption - Coarse Aggregates2016-04-152017-04-15ExpiredMajid FahrtoshYes
AASHTO T96: L.A. Rattler2016-04-152017-04-15ExpiredMajid FahrtoshYes
AASHTO T176: Sand Equivalent (JTCP)2024-04-192027-04-19ActiveGabriela LopezYes
AASHTO T209: Max SpG and Density - HMA (JTCP)2016-04-152017-04-15ExpiredMajid FahrtoshYes
AASHTO T248: Reducing Samples of Agg. (JTCP)2018-02-282021-02-28ExpiredBiplab BhattacharyaYes
AASHTO T255: Evaporable Moisture Content (JTCP)2024-04-192027-04-19ActiveGabriela LopezYes
AASHTO T269: Percent Air Voids - HMA (JTCP)2016-04-152017-04-15ExpiredMajid FahrtoshYes
AASHTO T275: Bulk SpG - HMA (JTCP)2016-04-152017-04-15ExpiredMajid FahrtoshYes
AASHTO T283: Moisture Induced Damage (TSR)2016-04-152017-04-15ExpiredMajid FahrtoshYes
AASHTO T308: AC Content (Ignition Oven) - HMA (JTCP)2016-04-152017-04-15ExpiredMajid FahrtoshYes
AASHTO T312: Gyratory Compactor2016-04-152017-04-15ExpiredMajid FahrtoshYes
AASHTO T324: Hamburg Wheel-Track2016-04-152017-04-15ExpiredMajid FahrtoshYes
AASHTO T329: Moisture Content (Oven Method) - HMA (JTCP)2024-04-192027-04-19ActiveGabriela LopezYes
AASHTO T335: Percentage of Fracture (JTCP)2024-04-192027-04-19ActiveGabriela LopezYes

Details for Benjamin Alfaro

First NameBenjamin
Last NameAlfaro
Total 9 items.
Certified California Tests(CT)
Test MethodObtained DateExpiration DateStatusIA ResponsibleWithin Lab Scope?
CT 105: Calculations - Gradings (JTCP)2017-03-062023-06-30ExpiredMajid FahrtoshYes
CT 106: Definitions - Specific Gravity (SpG)2017-03-062023-06-30ExpiredMajid FahrtoshYes
CT 201: Sample Preparation - Soil and Aggregates (JTCP)2017-03-062023-06-30ExpiredMajid FahrtoshYes
CT 202: Sieve analysis - Fine and Coarse Aggregates (JTCP)2017-03-062019-03-06ExpiredMajid FahrtoshYes
CT 304: Sample Preparation - HMA2017-03-062019-03-06ExpiredMajid FahrtoshYes
CT 308: Bulk SpG and Density - HMA2017-03-062019-03-06ExpiredMajid FahrtoshYes
CT 309: Max SpG and Density - HMA2017-03-062019-03-06ExpiredMajid FahrtoshYes
CT 366: Stabilometer2017-03-062019-03-06ExpiredMajid FahrtoshYes
CT 382: AC Content by Ignition Oven2017-03-062019-03-06ExpiredMajid FahrtoshYes
Total 5 items.
AASHTO/ASTM Proficiencies
Test MethodObtained DateExpiration DateStatusIA ResponsibleWithin Lab Scope?
AASHTO T166: Bulk SpG of Compacted HMA - SSD (JTCP)2022-12-012025-12-01ActiveDalton LaBoskeyYes
AASHTO T209: Max SpG and Density - HMA (JTCP)2022-12-012025-12-01ActiveDalton LaBoskeyYes
AASHTO T269: Percent Air Voids - HMA (JTCP)2022-12-012025-12-01ActiveDalton LaBoskeyYes
AASHTO T275: Bulk SpG - HMA (JTCP)2022-12-012025-12-01ActiveDalton LaBoskeyYes
AASHTO T308: AC Content (Ignition Oven) - HMA (JTCP)2022-12-012025-12-01ActiveDalton LaBoskeyYes

Details for John Vieyra

First NameJohn
Last NameVieyra
Total 3 items.
Certified California Tests(CT)
Test MethodObtained DateExpiration DateStatusIA ResponsibleWithin Lab Scope?
CT 105: Calculations - Gradings (JTCP)2020-12-112023-12-11ExpiredSarbjit GrewalYes
CT 125 AGG: Sampling - AGGREGATES (JTCP)2020-12-112023-12-11ExpiredSarbjit GrewalYes
CT 125 HMA: Sampling - HMA (JTCP)2020-12-112023-12-11ExpiredSarbjit GrewalYes
Total 19 items.
AASHTO/ASTM Proficiencies
Test MethodObtained DateExpiration DateStatusIA ResponsibleWithin Lab Scope?
AASHTO T11: Sieve Analysis (Washing) - Fine Aggregates (JTCP)2020-12-112023-12-11ExpiredSarbjit GrewalYes
AASHTO T27: Sieve Analysis - Fine and Coarse Aggregates (JTCP)2020-12-112023-12-11ExpiredSarbjit GrewalYes
AASHTO R47: Reducing Samples of HMA (JTCP)2020-12-112023-12-11ExpiredSarbjit GrewalYes
AASHTO R76: Reducing Samples of Agg (JTCP)2020-12-112023-12-11ExpiredSarbjit GrewalYes
AASHTO T84: SpG & Absorption - Fine Aggregates2021-03-232022-03-23ExpiredRabiul HyderYes
AASHTO T85: SpG & Absorption - Coarse Aggregates2021-03-232022-03-23ExpiredRabiul HyderYes
AASHTO T96: L.A. Rattler2021-03-232022-03-23ExpiredRabiul HyderYes
AASHTO T166: Bulk SpG of Compacted HMA - SSD (JTCP)2021-07-012024-07-01ExpiredSarbjit GrewalYes
AASHTO T176: Sand Equivalent (JTCP)2020-12-112023-12-11ExpiredSarbjit GrewalYes
AASHTO T209: Max SpG and Density - HMA (JTCP)2021-07-012024-07-01ExpiredSarbjit GrewalYes
AASHTO T255: Evaporable Moisture Content (JTCP)2020-12-112023-12-11ExpiredSarbjit GrewalYes
AASHTO T269: Percent Air Voids - HMA (JTCP)2021-07-012024-07-01ExpiredSarbjit GrewalYes
AASHTO T275: Bulk SpG - HMA (JTCP)2021-07-012024-07-01ExpiredSarbjit GrewalYes
AASHTO T304: Uncompacted Void - Fine Aggregate2021-03-232022-03-23ExpiredRabiul HyderYes
AASHTO T308: AC Content (Ignition Oven) - HMA (JTCP)2021-07-012024-07-01ExpiredSarbjit GrewalYes
AASHTO T312: Gyratory Compactor2021-03-232022-03-23ExpiredRabiul HyderYes
AASHTO T329: Moisture Content (Oven Method) - HMA (JTCP)2020-12-112023-12-11ExpiredSarbjit GrewalYes
AASHTO T335: Percentage of Fracture (JTCP)2020-12-112023-12-11ExpiredSarbjit GrewalYes
ASTM D4791: Flat and Elongated Particles2021-03-232022-03-23ExpiredRabiul HyderYes

Details for Edward Quinones

First NameEdward
Last NameQuinones
Total 4 items.
Certified California Tests(CT)
Test MethodObtained DateExpiration DateStatusIA ResponsibleWithin Lab Scope?
CT 105: Calculations - Gradings (JTCP)2021-05-262024-05-26InactiveDalton LaBoskeyYes
CT 125 AGG: Sampling - AGGREGATES (JTCP)2021-05-262024-05-26InactiveDalton LaBoskeyYes
CT 125 HMA: Sampling - HMA (JTCP)2021-04-302024-04-30InactiveSoroosh AmelianYes
CT 306: Reducing Samples of Asphalt Mixtures (JTCP)2021-04-302024-04-30InactiveSoroosh AmelianYes
Total 8 items.
AASHTO/ASTM Proficiencies
Test MethodObtained DateExpiration DateStatusIA ResponsibleWithin Lab Scope?
AASHTO T11: Sieve Analysis (Washing) - Fine Aggregates (JTCP)2021-04-302024-04-30InactiveSoroosh AmelianYes
AASHTO T27: Sieve Analysis - Fine and Coarse Aggregates (JTCP)2021-05-272024-05-27InactiveDalton LaBoskeyYes
AASHTO R47: Reducing Samples of HMA (JTCP)2021-04-302024-04-30InactiveSoroosh AmelianYes
AASHTO R76: Reducing Samples of Agg (JTCP)2021-04-302024-04-30InactiveSoroosh AmelianYes
AASHTO T176: Sand Equivalent (JTCP)2021-04-302024-04-30InactiveSoroosh AmelianYes
AASHTO T255: Evaporable Moisture Content (JTCP)2021-05-272024-05-27InactiveDalton LaBoskeyYes
AASHTO T329: Moisture Content (Oven Method) - HMA (JTCP)2021-04-302024-04-30InactiveSoroosh AmelianYes
AASHTO T335: Percentage of Fracture (JTCP)2021-05-272024-05-27InactiveDalton LaBoskeyYes

Details for Ernie Carrillo

First NameErnie
Last NameCarrillo
Total 4 items.
Certified California Tests(CT)
Test MethodObtained DateExpiration DateStatusIA ResponsibleWithin Lab Scope?
CT 105: Calculations - Gradings (JTCP)2022-11-182025-11-18ActiveDalton LaBoskeyYes
CT 125 AGG: Sampling - AGGREGATES (JTCP)2022-11-182025-11-18ActiveDalton LaBoskeyYes
CT 125 HMA: Sampling - HMA (JTCP)2022-11-182025-11-18ActiveDalton LaBoskeyYes
CT 306: Reducing Samples of Asphalt Mixtures (JTCP)2022-11-182025-11-18ActiveDalton LaBoskeyYes
Total 8 items.
AASHTO/ASTM Proficiencies
Test MethodObtained DateExpiration DateStatusIA ResponsibleWithin Lab Scope?
AASHTO T11: Sieve Analysis (Washing) - Fine Aggregates (JTCP)2022-11-182025-11-18ActiveDalton LaBoskeyYes
AASHTO T27: Sieve Analysis - Fine and Coarse Aggregates (JTCP)2022-11-182025-11-18ActiveAvinash RallaYes
AASHTO R47: Reducing Samples of HMA (JTCP)2022-11-182025-11-18ActiveDalton LaBoskeyYes
AASHTO R76: Reducing Samples of Agg (JTCP)2022-11-182025-11-18ActiveDalton LaBoskeyYes
AASHTO T176: Sand Equivalent (JTCP)2022-11-182025-11-18ActiveDalton LaBoskeyYes
AASHTO T255: Evaporable Moisture Content (JTCP)2022-11-182025-11-18ActiveDalton LaBoskeyYes
AASHTO T329: Moisture Content (Oven Method) - HMA (JTCP)2022-11-182025-11-18ActiveDalton LaBoskeyYes
AASHTO T335: Percentage of Fracture (JTCP)2022-11-182025-11-18ActiveDalton LaBoskeyYes

Details for Yesenia Ceballos

First NameYesenia
Last NameCeballos
Total 9 items.
Certified California Tests(CT)
Test MethodObtained DateExpiration DateStatusIA ResponsibleWithin Lab Scope?
CT 105: Calculations - Gradings (JTCP)2024-03-222027-03-22ActiveFirooz Ahmad HosainyYes
CT 125 AGG: Sampling - AGGREGATES (JTCP)2024-03-222027-03-22ActiveFirooz Ahmad HosainyYes
CT 201: Sample Preparation - Soil and Aggregates (JTCP)2024-03-222027-03-22ActiveFirooz Ahmad HosainyYes
CT 202: Sieve analysis - Fine and Coarse Aggregates (JTCP)2024-03-222027-03-22ActiveFirooz Ahmad HosainyYes
CT 205: Percent Crushed Particles (JTCP)2024-03-222027-03-22ActiveFirooz Ahmad HosainyYes
CT 217: Sand Equivalent (JTCP)2024-03-222027-03-22ActiveFirooz Ahmad HosainyYes
CT 226: Moisture Content - Soils and Aggregates (JTCP)2024-03-222027-03-22ActiveFirooz Ahmad HosainyYes
CT 227: Cleanness Value (JTCP)2024-03-222027-03-22ActiveFirooz Ahmad HosainyYes
CT 229: Durability (JTCP)2024-03-222027-03-22ActiveFirooz Ahmad HosainyYes
AASHTO/ASTM Proficiencies
Test MethodObtained DateExpiration DateStatusIA ResponsibleWithin Lab Scope?
No results found.