Lab details for George Reed, Incorporated

Basic Information

Lab NameGeorge Reed, Incorporated
Manager NameArthur Trillo
Lab Telephone209-480-8453
Lab Fax209-984-5062
Lab Full Address17857 High School Road, Jamestown, CA 95327
Lab TypePrivate
Mobile Lab Full Address, ,
Download TL-0113

RSP Information

17857 High School Road, Jamestown, CA 95327

Test Methods

California Test (CT) Accreditations

Total 28 items.
Test MethodObtained DateExpiration DateStatusIA ResponsibleTechnician Certified?
CT 105: Calculations - Gradings (JTCP)2024-06-192025-06-19ActiveSarbjit GrewalYes
CT 106: Definitions - Specific Gravity (SpG)2024-06-192025-06-19ActiveSarbjit GrewalNo
CT 125 AGG: Sampling - AGGREGATES (JTCP)2024-06-192025-06-19ActiveSarbjit GrewalYes
CT 125 GEN: Sampling - GENERAL2024-06-192025-06-19ActiveSarbjit GrewalNo
CT 125 HMA: Sampling - HMA (JTCP)2024-06-192025-06-19ActiveSarbjit GrewalYes
CT 201: Sample Preparation - Soil and Aggregates (JTCP)2024-06-192025-06-19ActiveSarbjit GrewalYes
CT 202: Sieve analysis - Fine and Coarse Aggregates (JTCP)2024-06-192025-06-19ActiveSarbjit GrewalYes
CT 204: LL, PL, PI2024-06-192025-06-19ActiveSarbjit GrewalNo
CT 205: Percent Crushed Particles (JTCP)2024-06-192025-06-19ActiveSarbjit GrewalYes
CT 206: SpG & Absorption - Coarse Aggregates2024-06-192025-06-19ActiveSarbjit GrewalNo
CT 207: SpG & Absorption - Fine Aggregates2024-06-192025-06-19ActiveSarbjit GrewalNo
CT 211: LA Rattler2024-06-192025-06-19ActiveSarbjit GrewalNo
CT 212: Unit Weight of Aggregates2024-06-192025-06-19ActiveSarbjit GrewalNo
CT 213: Organic Impurities of PCC sand2024-06-192025-06-19ActiveSarbjit GrewalNo
CT 217: Sand Equivalent (JTCP)2024-06-192025-06-19ActiveSarbjit GrewalYes
CT 226: Moisture Content - Soils and Aggregates (JTCP)2024-06-192025-06-19ActiveSarbjit GrewalYes
CT 227: Cleanness Value (JTCP)2024-06-192025-06-19ActiveSarbjit GrewalYes
CT 229: Durability (JTCP)2024-06-192025-06-19ActiveSarbjit GrewalYes
CT 234: Uncompacted void - Fine Aggregates2024-06-192025-06-19ActiveSarbjit GrewalNo
CT 235: Flat and Elongated Particles2024-06-192025-06-19ActiveSarbjit GrewalNo
CT 304: Sample Preparation - HMA2024-06-192025-06-19ActiveSarbjit GrewalNo
CT 308: Bulk SpG and Density - HMA2024-06-192025-06-19ActiveSarbjit GrewalNo
CT 309: Max SpG and Density - HMA2024-06-192025-06-19ActiveSarbjit GrewalNo
CT 366: Stabilometer2024-06-192025-06-19ActiveSarbjit GrewalNo
CT 367: OBC2024-06-192025-06-19ActiveSarbjit GrewalNo
CT 370: Moisture Content by Microwave2024-06-192025-06-19ActiveSarbjit GrewalNo
CT 371: Moisture Induced Damage (TSR)2024-06-192025-06-19ActiveSarbjit GrewalNo
CT 382: AC Content by Ignition Oven2024-06-192025-06-19ActiveSarbjit GrewalNo

AASHTO/ASTM Proficiencies

Total 23 items.
Test MethodObtained DateExpiration DateStatusIA ResponsibleTechnician Certified?
AASHTO T11: Sieve Analysis (Washing) - Fine Aggregates (JTCP)2024-06-192025-06-19ActiveSarbjit GrewalYes
AASHTO T27: Sieve Analysis - Fine and Coarse Aggregates (JTCP)2024-06-192025-06-19ActiveSarbjit GrewalYes
AASHTO R47: Reducing Samples of HMA (JTCP)2024-06-192025-06-19ActiveSarbjit GrewalYes
AASHTO R76: Reducing Samples of Agg (JTCP)2024-06-192025-06-19ActiveSarbjit GrewalYes
AASHTO T84: SpG & Absorption - Fine Aggregates2024-06-192025-06-19ActiveSarbjit GrewalNo
AASHTO T85: SpG & Absorption - Coarse Aggregates2024-06-192025-06-19ActiveSarbjit GrewalNo
AASHTO T96: L.A. Rattler2024-06-192025-06-19ActiveSarbjit GrewalNo
AASHTO T166: Bulk SpG of Compacted HMA - SSD (JTCP)2024-06-192025-06-19ActiveSarbjit GrewalYes
AASHTO T176: Sand Equivalent (JTCP)2024-06-192025-06-19ActiveSarbjit GrewalYes
AASHTO T209: Max SpG and Density - HMA (JTCP)2024-06-192025-06-19ActiveSarbjit GrewalYes
AASHTO T210: Aggregate Durability Index2024-06-192025-06-19ActiveSarbjit GrewalNo
AASHTO T255: Evaporable Moisture Content (JTCP)2024-06-192025-06-19ActiveSarbjit GrewalYes
AASHTO T269: Percent Air Voids - HMA (JTCP)2024-06-192025-06-19ActiveSarbjit GrewalYes
AASHTO T275: Bulk SpG - HMA (JTCP)2024-06-192025-06-19ActiveSarbjit GrewalYes
AASHTO T283: Moisture Induced Damage (TSR)2024-06-192025-06-19ActiveSarbjit GrewalNo
AASHTO T304: Uncompacted Void - Fine Aggregate2024-06-192025-06-19ActiveSarbjit GrewalNo
AASHTO T308: AC Content (Ignition Oven) - HMA (JTCP)2024-06-192025-06-19ActiveSarbjit GrewalYes
AASHTO T312: Gyratory Compactor2024-06-192025-06-19ActiveSarbjit GrewalNo
AASHTO T324: Hamburg Wheel-Track2024-06-192025-06-19ActiveSarbjit GrewalNo
AASHTO T329: Moisture Content (Oven Method) - HMA (JTCP)2024-06-192025-06-19ActiveSarbjit GrewalYes
AASHTO T335: Percentage of Fracture (JTCP)2024-06-192025-06-19ActiveSarbjit GrewalYes
ASTM D4791: Flat and Elongated Particles2024-06-192025-06-19ActiveSarbjit GrewalNo
ASTM D7741: AR Field Viscosity2024-06-192025-06-19ActiveSarbjit GrewalNo

Technicians in the Lab

Technician Summary

Total 12 items.
First NameLast NameActions
AlexanderMills View
GregoryReader View
PhilReader View
LindaNevills(Bartel) View
ArthurTrillo View
RubenTrillo View
JohnWorth View
ChadBrandin View
DylanGrzebyk View
TannerKrieg View
NicholasValentine View
ShawnCarney View

Technician Details

Details for Alexander Mills

First NameAlexander
Last NameMills
Total 15 items.
Certified California Tests(CT)
Test MethodObtained DateExpiration DateStatusIA ResponsibleWithin Lab Scope?
CT 106: Definitions - Specific Gravity (SpG)2018-01-302020-01-30ExpiredJessaneil PerezYes
CT 125 AGG: Sampling - AGGREGATES (JTCP)2017-01-302020-01-30ExpiredJessaneil PerezYes
CT 125 GEN: Sampling - GENERAL2018-01-302020-01-30ExpiredJessaneil PerezYes
CT 201: Sample Preparation - Soil and Aggregates (JTCP)2017-01-302020-01-30ExpiredJessaneil PerezYes
CT 202: Sieve analysis - Fine and Coarse Aggregates (JTCP)2017-01-302020-01-30ExpiredJessaneil PerezYes
CT 206: SpG & Absorption - Coarse Aggregates2018-01-302020-01-30ExpiredJessaneil PerezYes
CT 207: SpG & Absorption - Fine Aggregates2018-01-302020-01-30ExpiredJessaneil PerezYes
CT 211: LA Rattler2018-01-302020-01-30ExpiredJessaneil PerezYes
CT 212: Unit Weight of Aggregates2018-01-302020-01-30ExpiredJessaneil PerezYes
CT 217: Sand Equivalent (JTCP)2017-01-302020-01-30ExpiredJessaneil PerezYes
CT 226: Moisture Content - Soils and Aggregates (JTCP)2017-01-302020-01-30ExpiredJessaneil PerezYes
CT 227: Cleanness Value (JTCP)2017-01-302020-01-30ExpiredJessaneil PerezYes
CT 229: Durability (JTCP)2017-01-302020-01-30ExpiredJessaneil PerezYes
CT 234: Uncompacted void - Fine Aggregates2018-01-302020-01-30ExpiredJessaneil PerezYes
CT 235: Flat and Elongated Particles2018-01-302020-01-30ExpiredJessaneil PerezYes
Total 10 items.
AASHTO/ASTM Proficiencies
Test MethodObtained DateExpiration DateStatusIA ResponsibleWithin Lab Scope?
AASHTO T11: Sieve Analysis (Washing) - Fine Aggregates (JTCP)2017-01-302020-01-30ExpiredJessaneil PerezYes
AASHTO T27: Sieve Analysis - Fine and Coarse Aggregates (JTCP)2017-01-302020-01-30ExpiredJessaneil PerezYes
AASHTO T84: SpG & Absorption - Fine Aggregates2018-01-302020-01-30ExpiredJessaneil PerezYes
AASHTO T85: SpG & Absorption - Coarse Aggregates2018-01-302020-01-30ExpiredJessaneil PerezYes
AASHTO T96: L.A. Rattler2018-01-302020-01-30ExpiredJessaneil PerezYes
AASHTO T176: Sand Equivalent (JTCP)2017-01-302020-01-30ExpiredJessaneil PerezYes
AASHTO T210: Aggregate Durability Index2018-01-302020-01-30ExpiredJessaneil PerezYes
AASHTO T304: Uncompacted Void - Fine Aggregate2018-01-302020-01-30ExpiredJessaneil PerezYes
AASHTO T308: AC Content (Ignition Oven) - HMA (JTCP)2017-01-302020-01-30ExpiredJessaneil PerezYes
AASHTO T335: Percentage of Fracture (JTCP)2017-01-302020-01-30ExpiredJessaneil PerezYes

Details for Gregory Reader

First NameGregory
Last NameReader
Total 27 items.
Certified California Tests(CT)
Test MethodObtained DateExpiration DateStatusIA ResponsibleWithin Lab Scope?
CT 105: Calculations - Gradings (JTCP)2018-01-302021-01-30ExpiredJessaneil PerezYes
CT 106: Definitions - Specific Gravity (SpG)2018-01-302020-01-30ExpiredJessaneil PerezYes
CT 125 AGG: Sampling - AGGREGATES (JTCP)2018-01-302020-01-30ExpiredJessaneil PerezYes
CT 125 GEN: Sampling - GENERAL2018-01-302020-01-30ExpiredJessaneil PerezYes
CT 125 HMA: Sampling - HMA (JTCP)2018-01-302020-01-30ExpiredJessaneil PerezYes
CT 201: Sample Preparation - Soil and Aggregates (JTCP)2018-01-302021-01-30ExpiredJessaneil PerezYes
CT 202: Sieve analysis - Fine and Coarse Aggregates (JTCP)2018-01-302020-01-30ExpiredJessaneil PerezYes
CT 205: Percent Crushed Particles (JTCP)2018-01-302020-01-30ExpiredJessaneil PerezYes
CT 206: SpG & Absorption - Coarse Aggregates2018-01-302020-01-30ExpiredJessaneil PerezYes
CT 207: SpG & Absorption - Fine Aggregates2018-01-302020-01-30ExpiredJessaneil PerezYes
CT 211: LA Rattler2018-01-302020-01-30ExpiredJessaneil PerezYes
CT 212: Unit Weight of Aggregates2018-01-302020-01-30ExpiredJessaneil PerezYes
CT 217: Sand Equivalent (JTCP)2018-01-302020-01-30ExpiredJessaneil PerezYes
CT 226: Moisture Content - Soils and Aggregates (JTCP)2018-01-302020-01-30ExpiredJessaneil PerezYes
CT 227: Cleanness Value (JTCP)2018-01-302020-01-30ExpiredJessaneil PerezYes
CT 229: Durability (JTCP)2018-01-302020-01-30ExpiredJessaneil PerezYes
CT 234: Uncompacted void - Fine Aggregates2018-01-302020-01-30ExpiredJessaneil PerezYes
CT 235: Flat and Elongated Particles2018-01-302020-01-30ExpiredJessaneil PerezYes
CT 304: Sample Preparation - HMA2018-01-312020-01-31ExpiredJessaneil PerezYes
CT 308: Bulk SpG and Density - HMA2018-01-312020-01-31ExpiredJessaneil PerezYes
CT 309: Max SpG and Density - HMA2018-01-312020-01-31ExpiredJessaneil PerezYes
CT 366: Stabilometer2018-01-312020-01-31ExpiredJessaneil PerezYes
CT 367: OBC2018-01-312020-01-31ExpiredJessaneil PerezYes
CT 370: Moisture Content by Microwave2018-01-312020-01-31ExpiredJessaneil PerezYes
CT 375: AC Density by Nuclear Gage2018-01-312020-01-31ExpiredJessaneil PerezNo
CT 382: AC Content by Ignition Oven2018-01-312020-01-31ExpiredJessaneil PerezYes
CT 384: Combined Grade for HMA using up to 25% RAP2018-01-312020-01-31ExpiredJessaneil PerezNo
Total 18 items.
AASHTO/ASTM Proficiencies
Test MethodObtained DateExpiration DateStatusIA ResponsibleWithin Lab Scope?
AASHTO T11: Sieve Analysis (Washing) - Fine Aggregates (JTCP)2018-01-302019-01-30ExpiredJessaneil PerezYes
AASHTO T27: Sieve Analysis - Fine and Coarse Aggregates (JTCP)2018-01-302019-01-30ExpiredJessaneil PerezYes
AASHTO T84: SpG & Absorption - Fine Aggregates2018-01-302020-01-30ExpiredJessaneil PerezYes
AASHTO T85: SpG & Absorption - Coarse Aggregates2018-01-302020-01-30ExpiredJessaneil PerezYes
AASHTO T176: Sand Equivalent (JTCP)2018-01-302019-01-30ExpiredJessaneil PerezYes
AASHTO T209: Max SpG and Density - HMA (JTCP)2018-01-312019-01-31ExpiredJessaneil PerezYes
AASHTO T210: Aggregate Durability Index2018-01-302020-01-30ExpiredJessaneil PerezYes
AASHTO T269: Percent Air Voids - HMA (JTCP)2018-01-312019-01-31ExpiredJessaneil PerezYes
AASHTO T275: Bulk SpG - HMA (JTCP)2018-01-312019-01-31ExpiredJessaneil PerezYes
AASHTO T283: Moisture Induced Damage (TSR)2018-01-312020-01-31ExpiredJessaneil PerezYes
AASHTO T304: Uncompacted Void - Fine Aggregate2018-01-302019-01-30ExpiredJessaneil PerezYes
AASHTO T308: AC Content (Ignition Oven) - HMA (JTCP)2018-01-312019-01-31ExpiredJessaneil PerezYes
AASHTO T312: Gyratory Compactor2018-01-312020-01-31ExpiredJessaneil PerezYes
AASHTO T324: Hamburg Wheel-Track2018-01-312020-01-31ExpiredJessaneil PerezYes
AASHTO T329: Moisture Content (Oven Method) - HMA (JTCP)2018-01-312019-01-31ExpiredJessaneil PerezYes
AASHTO T335: Percentage of Fracture (JTCP)2018-01-302019-01-30ExpiredJessaneil PerezYes
ASTM D4791: Flat and Elongated Particles2018-01-302020-01-30ExpiredJessaneil PerezYes
ASTM D7741: AR Field Viscosity2018-01-302020-01-30ExpiredJessaneil PerezYes

Details for Phil Reader

First NamePhil
Last NameReader
Total 24 items.
Certified California Tests(CT)
Test MethodObtained DateExpiration DateStatusIA ResponsibleWithin Lab Scope?
CT 105: Calculations - Gradings (JTCP)2018-01-302021-01-30ExpiredJessaneil PerezYes
CT 106: Definitions - Specific Gravity (SpG)2018-01-302020-01-30ExpiredJessaneil PerezYes
CT 125 AGG: Sampling - AGGREGATES (JTCP)2018-01-302020-01-30ExpiredJessaneil PerezYes
CT 125 GEN: Sampling - GENERAL2018-01-302020-01-30ExpiredJessaneil PerezYes
CT 125 HMA: Sampling - HMA (JTCP)2018-01-302020-01-30ExpiredJessaneil PerezYes
CT 201: Sample Preparation - Soil and Aggregates (JTCP)2018-01-302021-01-30ExpiredJessaneil PerezYes
CT 202: Sieve analysis - Fine and Coarse Aggregates (JTCP)2018-01-302020-01-30ExpiredJessaneil PerezYes
CT 205: Percent Crushed Particles (JTCP)2018-01-302020-01-30ExpiredJessaneil PerezYes
CT 206: SpG & Absorption - Coarse Aggregates2018-01-302020-01-30ExpiredJessaneil PerezYes
CT 207: SpG & Absorption - Fine Aggregates2018-01-302020-01-30ExpiredJessaneil PerezYes
CT 211: LA Rattler2018-01-302020-01-30ExpiredJessaneil PerezYes
CT 212: Unit Weight of Aggregates2018-01-302020-01-30ExpiredJessaneil PerezYes
CT 217: Sand Equivalent (JTCP)2018-01-302020-01-30ExpiredJessaneil PerezYes
CT 226: Moisture Content - Soils and Aggregates (JTCP)2018-01-302020-01-30ExpiredJessaneil PerezYes
CT 227: Cleanness Value (JTCP)2018-01-302020-01-30ExpiredJessaneil PerezYes
CT 229: Durability (JTCP)2018-01-302020-01-30ExpiredJessaneil PerezYes
CT 234: Uncompacted void - Fine Aggregates2018-01-302020-01-30ExpiredJessaneil PerezYes
CT 235: Flat and Elongated Particles2018-01-302020-01-30ExpiredJessaneil PerezYes
CT 304: Sample Preparation - HMA2018-01-312020-01-31ExpiredJessaneil PerezYes
CT 308: Bulk SpG and Density - HMA2018-01-312020-01-31ExpiredJessaneil PerezYes
CT 309: Max SpG and Density - HMA2018-01-312020-01-31ExpiredJessaneil PerezYes
CT 370: Moisture Content by Microwave2018-01-312020-01-31ExpiredJessaneil PerezYes
CT 382: AC Content by Ignition Oven2018-01-312020-01-31ExpiredJessaneil PerezYes
CT 384: Combined Grade for HMA using up to 25% RAP2018-01-312020-01-31ExpiredJessaneil PerezNo
Total 19 items.
AASHTO/ASTM Proficiencies
Test MethodObtained DateExpiration DateStatusIA ResponsibleWithin Lab Scope?
AASHTO T11: Sieve Analysis (Washing) - Fine Aggregates (JTCP)2018-01-302019-01-30ExpiredJessaneil PerezYes
AASHTO T27: Sieve Analysis - Fine and Coarse Aggregates (JTCP)2018-01-302019-01-30ExpiredJessaneil PerezYes
AASHTO T84: SpG & Absorption - Fine Aggregates2018-01-302020-01-30ExpiredJessaneil PerezYes
AASHTO T85: SpG & Absorption - Coarse Aggregates2018-01-302020-01-30ExpiredJessaneil PerezYes
AASHTO T96: L.A. Rattler2018-01-312020-01-31ExpiredJessaneil PerezYes
AASHTO T176: Sand Equivalent (JTCP)2018-01-302019-01-30ExpiredJessaneil PerezYes
AASHTO T209: Max SpG and Density - HMA (JTCP)2018-01-312019-01-31ExpiredJessaneil PerezYes
AASHTO T210: Aggregate Durability Index2018-01-302020-01-30ExpiredJessaneil PerezYes
AASHTO T269: Percent Air Voids - HMA (JTCP)2018-01-302019-01-30ExpiredJessaneil PerezYes
AASHTO T275: Bulk SpG - HMA (JTCP)2018-01-312019-01-31ExpiredJessaneil PerezYes
AASHTO T283: Moisture Induced Damage (TSR)2018-01-312020-01-31ExpiredJessaneil PerezYes
AASHTO T304: Uncompacted Void - Fine Aggregate2018-01-302020-01-30ExpiredJessaneil PerezYes
AASHTO T308: AC Content (Ignition Oven) - HMA (JTCP)2018-01-312019-01-31ExpiredJessaneil PerezYes
AASHTO T312: Gyratory Compactor2018-01-312020-01-31ExpiredJessaneil PerezYes
AASHTO T324: Hamburg Wheel-Track2018-01-312020-01-31ExpiredJessaneil PerezYes
AASHTO T329: Moisture Content (Oven Method) - HMA (JTCP)2018-01-312019-01-31ExpiredJessaneil PerezYes
AASHTO T335: Percentage of Fracture (JTCP)2018-01-302019-01-30ExpiredJessaneil PerezYes
ASTM D4791: Flat and Elongated Particles2018-01-302020-01-30ExpiredJessaneil PerezYes
ASTM D7741: AR Field Viscosity2018-01-312020-01-31ExpiredJessaneil PerezYes

Details for Linda Nevills(Bartel)

First NameLinda
Last NameNevills(Bartel)
Total 29 items.
Certified California Tests(CT)
Test MethodObtained DateExpiration DateStatusIA ResponsibleWithin Lab Scope?
CT 105: Calculations - Gradings (JTCP)2022-04-152025-04-15ActiveAvinash RallaYes
CT 106: Definitions - Specific Gravity (SpG)2018-01-302020-01-30ExpiredJessaneil PerezYes
CT 125 AGG: Sampling - AGGREGATES (JTCP)2022-04-152025-04-15ActiveAvinash RallaYes
CT 125 GEN: Sampling - GENERAL2018-01-302020-01-30ExpiredJessaneil PerezYes
CT 125 HMA: Sampling - HMA (JTCP)2022-04-222025-04-22InactiveAvinash RallaYes
CT 201: Sample Preparation - Soil and Aggregates (JTCP)2022-04-152025-04-15ActiveAvinash RallaYes
CT 202: Sieve analysis - Fine and Coarse Aggregates (JTCP)2022-04-152025-04-15InactiveBenjamin MartinezYes
CT 205: Percent Crushed Particles (JTCP)2022-04-152025-04-15ActiveAvinash RallaYes
CT 206: SpG & Absorption - Coarse Aggregates2020-02-122022-02-12ExpiredEd GamboaYes
CT 207: SpG & Absorption - Fine Aggregates2020-02-122022-02-12ExpiredEd GamboaYes
CT 211: LA Rattler2020-02-122022-02-12ExpiredEd GamboaYes
CT 212: Unit Weight of Aggregates2020-02-212022-02-21ExpiredEd GamboaYes
CT 216: Relative Compaction - Soils and Aggregates (JTCP)2019-04-122022-04-12ExpiredShaya MeisamifardNo
CT 217: Sand Equivalent (JTCP)2022-04-152025-04-15ActiveAvinash RallaYes
CT 226: Moisture Content - Soils and Aggregates (JTCP)2022-04-152025-04-15ActiveAvinash RallaYes
CT 227: Cleanness Value (JTCP)2022-04-152025-04-15ActiveAvinash RallaYes
CT 229: Durability (JTCP)2022-04-152025-04-15ActiveAvinash RallaYes
CT 234: Uncompacted void - Fine Aggregates2018-01-302020-01-30ExpiredJessaneil PerezYes
CT 235: Flat and Elongated Particles2018-01-302020-01-30ExpiredJessaneil PerezYes
CT 304: Sample Preparation - HMA2018-01-312020-01-31ExpiredJessaneil PerezYes
CT 306: Reducing Samples of Asphalt Mixtures (JTCP)2022-04-222025-04-22ActiveAvinash RallaNo
CT 308: Bulk SpG and Density - HMA2018-01-312020-01-31ExpiredJessaneil PerezYes
CT 309: Max SpG and Density - HMA2018-01-312020-01-31ExpiredJessaneil PerezYes
CT 366: Stabilometer2018-01-312020-01-31ExpiredJessaneil PerezYes
CT 367: OBC2018-01-312020-01-31ExpiredJessaneil PerezYes
CT 370: Moisture Content by Microwave2018-01-312020-01-31ExpiredJessaneil PerezYes
CT 375: AC Density by Nuclear Gage2018-01-312020-01-31ExpiredJessaneil PerezNo
CT 382: AC Content by Ignition Oven2020-02-122022-02-12ExpiredEd GamboaYes
CT 384: Combined Grade for HMA using up to 25% RAP2018-01-312020-01-31ExpiredJessaneil PerezNo
Total 23 items.
AASHTO/ASTM Proficiencies
Test MethodObtained DateExpiration DateStatusIA ResponsibleWithin Lab Scope?
AASHTO T11: Sieve Analysis (Washing) - Fine Aggregates (JTCP)2022-04-222025-04-22ActiveAvinash RallaYes
AASHTO T27: Sieve Analysis - Fine and Coarse Aggregates (JTCP)2022-04-222025-04-22ActiveAvinash RallaYes
AASHTO R47: Reducing Samples of HMA (JTCP)2022-04-222025-04-22ActiveAvinash RallaYes
AASHTO R76: Reducing Samples of Agg (JTCP)2022-04-222025-04-22ActiveAvinash RallaYes
AASHTO T84: SpG & Absorption - Fine Aggregates2020-02-122022-02-12ExpiredJessaneil PerezYes
AASHTO T85: SpG & Absorption - Coarse Aggregates2020-02-122022-02-12ExpiredJessaneil PerezYes
AASHTO T96: L.A. Rattler2020-02-122022-02-12ExpiredJessaneil PerezYes
AASHTO T166: Bulk SpG of Compacted HMA - SSD (JTCP)2022-03-242025-03-24ActiveAvinash RallaYes
AASHTO T176: Sand Equivalent (JTCP)2022-04-222025-04-22ActiveAvinash RallaYes
AASHTO T209: Max SpG and Density - HMA (JTCP)2022-03-242025-03-24ActiveAvinash RallaYes
AASHTO T210: Aggregate Durability Index2020-02-142022-02-14ExpiredJessaneil PerezYes
AASHTO T255: Evaporable Moisture Content (JTCP)2022-04-222025-04-22ActiveAvinash RallaYes
AASHTO T269: Percent Air Voids - HMA (JTCP)2022-03-242025-03-24ActiveAvinash RallaYes
AASHTO T275: Bulk SpG - HMA (JTCP)2022-03-242025-03-24ActiveAvinash RallaYes
AASHTO T283: Moisture Induced Damage (TSR)2020-02-122022-02-12ExpiredJessaneil PerezYes
AASHTO T304: Uncompacted Void - Fine Aggregate2020-02-122022-02-12ExpiredJessaneil PerezYes
AASHTO T308: AC Content (Ignition Oven) - HMA (JTCP)2022-03-242025-03-24ActiveAvinash RallaYes
AASHTO T312: Gyratory Compactor2020-02-122022-02-12ExpiredJessaneil PerezYes
AASHTO T324: Hamburg Wheel-Track2020-02-122022-02-12ExpiredJessaneil PerezYes
AASHTO T329: Moisture Content (Oven Method) - HMA (JTCP)2022-04-222025-04-22ActiveAvinash RallaYes
AASHTO T335: Percentage of Fracture (JTCP)2022-04-222025-04-22ActiveAvinash RallaYes
ASTM D4791: Flat and Elongated Particles2020-02-182022-02-18ExpiredJessaneil PerezYes
ASTM D7741: AR Field Viscosity2020-06-032022-06-03ExpiredEd GamboaYes

Details for Arthur Trillo

First NameArthur
Last NameTrillo
Total 28 items.
Certified California Tests(CT)
Test MethodObtained DateExpiration DateStatusIA ResponsibleWithin Lab Scope?
CT 105: Calculations - Gradings (JTCP)2024-02-232027-02-23ActiveFirooz Ahmad HosainyYes
CT 106: Definitions - Specific Gravity (SpG)2018-01-302020-01-30ExpiredJessaneil PerezYes
CT 125 AGG: Sampling - AGGREGATES (JTCP)2018-01-302020-01-30ExpiredJessaneil PerezYes
CT 125 GEN: Sampling - GENERAL2018-01-302020-01-30ExpiredJessaneil PerezYes
CT 125 HMA: Sampling - HMA (JTCP)2024-02-232027-02-23ActiveFirooz Ahmad HosainyYes
CT 201: Sample Preparation - Soil and Aggregates (JTCP)2018-01-302021-01-30ExpiredJessaneil PerezYes
CT 202: Sieve analysis - Fine and Coarse Aggregates (JTCP)2018-01-302020-01-30ExpiredJessaneil PerezYes
CT 205: Percent Crushed Particles (JTCP)2018-01-302020-01-30ExpiredJessaneil PerezYes
CT 206: SpG & Absorption - Coarse Aggregates2018-01-302020-01-30ExpiredJessaneil PerezYes
CT 207: SpG & Absorption - Fine Aggregates2018-01-302020-01-30ExpiredJessaneil PerezYes
CT 211: LA Rattler2018-01-302020-01-30ExpiredJessaneil PerezYes
CT 212: Unit Weight of Aggregates2018-01-302020-01-30ExpiredJessaneil PerezYes
CT 217: Sand Equivalent (JTCP)2018-01-302020-01-30ExpiredJessaneil PerezYes
CT 226: Moisture Content - Soils and Aggregates (JTCP)2018-01-302020-01-30ExpiredJessaneil PerezYes
CT 227: Cleanness Value (JTCP)2018-01-302020-01-30ExpiredJessaneil PerezYes
CT 229: Durability (JTCP)2018-01-302020-01-30ExpiredJessaneil PerezYes
CT 234: Uncompacted void - Fine Aggregates2018-01-302020-01-30ExpiredJessaneil PerezYes
CT 235: Flat and Elongated Particles2018-01-302020-01-30ExpiredJessaneil PerezYes
CT 304: Sample Preparation - HMA2018-01-312020-01-31ExpiredJessaneil PerezYes
CT 306: Reducing Samples of Asphalt Mixtures (JTCP)2024-02-232027-02-23ActiveFirooz Ahmad HosainyNo
CT 308: Bulk SpG and Density - HMA2018-01-312020-01-31ExpiredJessaneil PerezYes
CT 309: Max SpG and Density - HMA2018-01-312020-01-31ExpiredJessaneil PerezYes
CT 366: Stabilometer2018-01-312020-01-31ExpiredJessaneil PerezYes
CT 367: OBC2018-01-312020-01-31ExpiredJessaneil PerezYes
CT 370: Moisture Content by Microwave2018-01-312020-01-31ExpiredJessaneil PerezYes
CT 375: AC Density by Nuclear Gage2018-01-312020-01-31ExpiredJessaneil PerezNo
CT 382: AC Content by Ignition Oven2018-01-312020-01-31ExpiredJessaneil PerezYes
CT 384: Combined Grade for HMA using up to 25% RAP2018-01-312020-01-31ExpiredJessaneil PerezNo
Total 22 items.
AASHTO/ASTM Proficiencies
Test MethodObtained DateExpiration DateStatusIA ResponsibleWithin Lab Scope?
AASHTO T11: Sieve Analysis (Washing) - Fine Aggregates (JTCP)2024-02-232027-02-23ActiveFirooz Ahmad HosainyYes
AASHTO T27: Sieve Analysis - Fine and Coarse Aggregates (JTCP)2024-02-232027-02-23ActiveFirooz Ahmad HosainyYes
AASHTO R47: Reducing Samples of HMA (JTCP)2024-02-232027-02-23ActiveFirooz Ahmad HosainyYes
AASHTO T84: SpG & Absorption - Fine Aggregates2018-01-302020-01-30ExpiredJessaneil PerezYes
AASHTO T85: SpG & Absorption - Coarse Aggregates2018-01-302020-01-30ExpiredJessaneil PerezYes
AASHTO T96: L.A. Rattler2018-01-302020-01-30ExpiredJessaneil PerezYes
AASHTO T166: Bulk SpG of Compacted HMA - SSD (JTCP)2024-02-292027-03-01ActiveGabriela LopezYes
AASHTO T176: Sand Equivalent (JTCP)2024-02-232027-02-23ActiveFirooz Ahmad HosainyYes
AASHTO T209: Max SpG and Density - HMA (JTCP)2024-02-292027-03-01ActiveGabriela LopezYes
AASHTO T210: Aggregate Durability Index2018-01-302020-01-30ExpiredJessaneil PerezYes
AASHTO T255: Evaporable Moisture Content (JTCP)2024-02-232027-02-23ActiveFirooz Ahmad HosainyYes
AASHTO T269: Percent Air Voids - HMA (JTCP)2024-02-292027-03-01ActiveGabriela LopezYes
AASHTO T275: Bulk SpG - HMA (JTCP)2024-02-292027-03-01ActiveGabriela LopezYes
AASHTO T283: Moisture Induced Damage (TSR)2018-01-312020-01-31ExpiredJessaneil PerezYes
AASHTO T304: Uncompacted Void - Fine Aggregate2018-01-312020-01-31ExpiredJessaneil PerezYes
AASHTO T308: AC Content (Ignition Oven) - HMA (JTCP)2024-02-292027-03-01ActiveGabriela LopezYes
AASHTO T312: Gyratory Compactor2018-01-312020-01-31ExpiredJessaneil PerezYes
AASHTO T324: Hamburg Wheel-Track2018-01-312020-01-31ExpiredJessaneil PerezYes
AASHTO T329: Moisture Content (Oven Method) - HMA (JTCP)2024-02-232027-02-23ActiveFirooz Ahmad HosainyYes
AASHTO T335: Percentage of Fracture (JTCP)2024-02-232027-02-23ActiveFirooz Ahmad HosainyYes
ASTM D4791: Flat and Elongated Particles2018-01-302020-01-30ExpiredJessaneil PerezYes
ASTM D7741: AR Field Viscosity2020-06-032022-06-03ExpiredJessaneil PerezYes

Details for Ruben Trillo

First NameRuben
Last NameTrillo
Total 25 items.
Certified California Tests(CT)
Test MethodObtained DateExpiration DateStatusIA ResponsibleWithin Lab Scope?
CT 105: Calculations - Gradings (JTCP)2024-02-232027-02-23ActiveFirooz Ahmad HosainyYes
CT 106: Definitions - Specific Gravity (SpG)2018-01-302020-01-30ExpiredJessaneil PerezYes
CT 125 AGG: Sampling - AGGREGATES (JTCP)2024-02-162027-02-16ActiveFirooz Ahmad HosainyYes
CT 125 GEN: Sampling - GENERAL2018-01-302020-01-30ExpiredJessaneil PerezYes
CT 125 HMA: Sampling - HMA (JTCP)2024-02-232027-02-23ActiveFirooz Ahmad HosainyYes
CT 201: Sample Preparation - Soil and Aggregates (JTCP)2024-02-162027-02-16ActiveFirooz Ahmad HosainyYes
CT 202: Sieve analysis - Fine and Coarse Aggregates (JTCP)2024-02-162027-02-16ActiveFirooz Ahmad HosainyYes
CT 205: Percent Crushed Particles (JTCP)2024-02-162027-02-16ActiveFirooz Ahmad HosainyYes
CT 206: SpG & Absorption - Coarse Aggregates2018-01-302020-01-30ExpiredJessaneil PerezYes
CT 207: SpG & Absorption - Fine Aggregates2018-01-302020-01-30ExpiredJessaneil PerezYes
CT 211: LA Rattler2018-01-302020-01-30ExpiredJessaneil PerezYes
CT 212: Unit Weight of Aggregates2018-01-302020-01-30ExpiredJessaneil PerezYes
CT 217: Sand Equivalent (JTCP)2024-02-162027-02-16ActiveFirooz Ahmad HosainyYes
CT 226: Moisture Content - Soils and Aggregates (JTCP)2024-02-162027-02-16ActiveFirooz Ahmad HosainyYes
CT 227: Cleanness Value (JTCP)2024-02-162027-02-16ActiveFirooz Ahmad HosainyYes
CT 229: Durability (JTCP)2024-02-162027-02-16ActiveFirooz Ahmad HosainyYes
CT 234: Uncompacted void - Fine Aggregates2018-01-302020-01-30ExpiredJessaneil PerezYes
CT 235: Flat and Elongated Particles2018-01-302020-01-30ExpiredJessaneil PerezYes
CT 304: Sample Preparation - HMA2018-01-312020-01-31ExpiredJessaneil PerezYes
CT 306: Reducing Samples of Asphalt Mixtures (JTCP)2024-02-232027-02-23ActiveFirooz Ahmad HosainyNo
CT 308: Bulk SpG and Density - HMA2018-01-312020-01-31ExpiredJessaneil PerezYes
CT 309: Max SpG and Density - HMA2018-01-312020-01-31ExpiredJessaneil PerezYes
CT 370: Moisture Content by Microwave2018-01-312020-01-31ExpiredJessaneil PerezYes
CT 382: AC Content by Ignition Oven2018-01-312020-01-31ExpiredJessaneil PerezYes
CT 384: Combined Grade for HMA using up to 25% RAP2018-01-312020-01-31ExpiredJessaneil PerezNo
Total 22 items.
AASHTO/ASTM Proficiencies
Test MethodObtained DateExpiration DateStatusIA ResponsibleWithin Lab Scope?
AASHTO T11: Sieve Analysis (Washing) - Fine Aggregates (JTCP)2024-02-232027-02-23ActiveFirooz Ahmad HosainyYes
AASHTO T27: Sieve Analysis - Fine and Coarse Aggregates (JTCP)2024-02-232027-02-23ActiveFirooz Ahmad HosainyYes
AASHTO R47: Reducing Samples of HMA (JTCP)2024-02-232027-02-23ActiveFirooz Ahmad HosainyYes
AASHTO R76: Reducing Samples of Agg (JTCP)2024-02-232027-02-23ActiveFirooz Ahmad HosainyYes
AASHTO T84: SpG & Absorption - Fine Aggregates2018-01-302020-01-30ExpiredJessaneil PerezYes
AASHTO T85: SpG & Absorption - Coarse Aggregates2018-01-302020-01-30ExpiredJessaneil PerezYes
AASHTO T166: Bulk SpG of Compacted HMA - SSD (JTCP)2024-02-292027-03-01ActiveGabriela LopezYes
AASHTO T176: Sand Equivalent (JTCP)2024-02-232027-02-23ActiveFirooz Ahmad HosainyYes
AASHTO T209: Max SpG and Density - HMA (JTCP)2024-02-292027-03-01ActiveGabriela LopezYes
AASHTO T210: Aggregate Durability Index2018-01-302020-01-30ExpiredJessaneil PerezYes
AASHTO T255: Evaporable Moisture Content (JTCP)2024-02-232027-02-23ActiveFirooz Ahmad HosainyYes
AASHTO T269: Percent Air Voids - HMA (JTCP)2024-02-292027-03-01ActiveGabriela LopezYes
AASHTO T275: Bulk SpG - HMA (JTCP)2024-02-292027-03-01ActiveGabriela LopezYes
AASHTO T283: Moisture Induced Damage (TSR)2018-01-312020-01-31ExpiredJessaneil PerezYes
AASHTO T304: Uncompacted Void - Fine Aggregate2018-01-302020-01-30ExpiredJessaneil PerezYes
AASHTO T308: AC Content (Ignition Oven) - HMA (JTCP)2024-02-292027-03-01ActiveGabriela LopezYes
AASHTO T312: Gyratory Compactor2018-01-312020-01-31ExpiredJessaneil PerezYes
AASHTO T324: Hamburg Wheel-Track2018-01-312020-01-31ExpiredJessaneil PerezYes
AASHTO T329: Moisture Content (Oven Method) - HMA (JTCP)2024-02-232027-02-23ActiveFirooz Ahmad HosainyYes
AASHTO T335: Percentage of Fracture (JTCP)2024-02-232027-02-23ActiveFirooz Ahmad HosainyYes
ASTM D4791: Flat and Elongated Particles2018-01-302020-01-30ExpiredJessaneil PerezYes
ASTM D7741: AR Field Viscosity2018-01-312022-07-01ExpiredJessaneil PerezYes

Details for John Worth

First NameJohn
Last NameWorth
Total 28 items.
Certified California Tests(CT)
Test MethodObtained DateExpiration DateStatusIA ResponsibleWithin Lab Scope?
CT 105: Calculations - Gradings (JTCP)2024-04-192027-04-19ActiveGabriela LopezYes
CT 106: Definitions - Specific Gravity (SpG)2018-01-302020-01-30ExpiredJessaneil PerezYes
CT 125 AGG: Sampling - AGGREGATES (JTCP)2024-04-192027-04-19ActiveGabriela LopezYes
CT 125 GEN: Sampling - GENERAL2018-01-302020-01-30ExpiredJessaneil PerezYes
CT 125 HMA: Sampling - HMA (JTCP)2024-04-192027-04-19ActiveGabriela LopezYes
CT 201: Sample Preparation - Soil and Aggregates (JTCP)2019-10-182022-10-18ExpiredShaya MeisamifardYes
CT 202: Sieve analysis - Fine and Coarse Aggregates (JTCP)2019-10-182022-10-18ExpiredShaya MeisamifardYes
CT 205: Percent Crushed Particles (JTCP)2019-10-182022-10-18ExpiredShaya MeisamifardYes
CT 206: SpG & Absorption - Coarse Aggregates2020-02-052022-02-05ExpiredEd GamboaYes
CT 207: SpG & Absorption - Fine Aggregates2018-01-302020-01-30ExpiredJessaneil PerezYes
CT 211: LA Rattler2020-02-122022-02-12ExpiredEd GamboaYes
CT 212: Unit Weight of Aggregates2018-01-302020-01-30ExpiredJessaneil PerezYes
CT 217: Sand Equivalent (JTCP)2019-10-182022-10-18ExpiredHusam MakhoulYes
CT 226: Moisture Content - Soils and Aggregates (JTCP)2019-10-182022-10-18ExpiredShaya MeisamifardYes
CT 227: Cleanness Value (JTCP)2019-10-182022-10-18ExpiredShaya MeisamifardYes
CT 229: Durability (JTCP)2019-10-182022-10-18ExpiredShaya MeisamifardYes
CT 234: Uncompacted void - Fine Aggregates2018-01-302020-01-30ExpiredJessaneil PerezYes
CT 235: Flat and Elongated Particles2018-01-302020-01-30ExpiredJessaneil PerezYes
CT 304: Sample Preparation - HMA2018-01-312020-01-31ExpiredJessaneil PerezYes
CT 306: Reducing Samples of Asphalt Mixtures (JTCP)2024-04-192027-04-19ActiveGabriela LopezNo
CT 308: Bulk SpG and Density - HMA2018-01-312020-01-31ExpiredJessaneil PerezYes
CT 309: Max SpG and Density - HMA2018-01-312020-01-31ExpiredJessaneil PerezYes
CT 366: Stabilometer2018-01-312020-01-31ExpiredJessaneil PerezYes
CT 367: OBC2018-01-312020-01-31ExpiredJessaneil PerezYes
CT 370: Moisture Content by Microwave2018-01-312020-01-31ExpiredJessaneil PerezYes
CT 375: AC Density by Nuclear Gage2018-01-312020-01-31ExpiredJessaneil PerezNo
CT 382: AC Content by Ignition Oven2020-02-132022-02-13ExpiredEd GamboaYes
CT 384: Combined Grade for HMA using up to 25% RAP2018-01-312020-01-31ExpiredJessaneil PerezNo
Total 23 items.
AASHTO/ASTM Proficiencies
Test MethodObtained DateExpiration DateStatusIA ResponsibleWithin Lab Scope?
AASHTO T11: Sieve Analysis (Washing) - Fine Aggregates (JTCP)2024-04-192027-04-19ActiveGabriela LopezYes
AASHTO T27: Sieve Analysis - Fine and Coarse Aggregates (JTCP)2024-04-192027-04-19ActiveGabriela LopezYes
AASHTO R47: Reducing Samples of HMA (JTCP)2024-04-192027-04-19ActiveGabriela LopezYes
AASHTO R76: Reducing Samples of Agg (JTCP)2024-04-192027-04-19ActiveGabriela LopezYes
AASHTO T84: SpG & Absorption - Fine Aggregates2018-01-302020-01-30ExpiredJessaneil PerezYes
AASHTO T85: SpG & Absorption - Coarse Aggregates2018-01-302020-01-30ExpiredJessaneil PerezYes
AASHTO T96: L.A. Rattler2018-01-312020-01-31ExpiredJessaneil PerezYes
AASHTO T166: Bulk SpG of Compacted HMA - SSD (JTCP)2020-01-302023-01-30ExpiredSarbjit GrewalYes
AASHTO T176: Sand Equivalent (JTCP)2024-04-192027-04-19ActiveGabriela LopezYes
AASHTO T209: Max SpG and Density - HMA (JTCP)2020-01-302023-01-30ExpiredJessaneil PerezYes
AASHTO T210: Aggregate Durability Index2018-01-302020-01-30ExpiredJessaneil PerezYes
AASHTO T255: Evaporable Moisture Content (JTCP)2024-04-192027-04-19InactiveGabriela LopezYes
AASHTO T269: Percent Air Voids - HMA (JTCP)2020-01-302023-01-30ExpiredJessaneil PerezYes
AASHTO T275: Bulk SpG - HMA (JTCP)2020-01-302023-01-30ExpiredJessaneil PerezYes
AASHTO T283: Moisture Induced Damage (TSR)2018-01-312020-01-31ExpiredJessaneil PerezYes
AASHTO T304: Uncompacted Void - Fine Aggregate2020-02-122022-02-12ExpiredJessaneil PerezYes
AASHTO T308: AC Content (Ignition Oven) - HMA (JTCP)2020-01-302023-01-30ExpiredJessaneil PerezYes
AASHTO T312: Gyratory Compactor2020-02-122022-02-12ExpiredJessaneil PerezYes
AASHTO T324: Hamburg Wheel-Track2018-01-312020-01-31ExpiredJessaneil PerezYes
AASHTO T329: Moisture Content (Oven Method) - HMA (JTCP)2024-04-192027-04-19ActiveGabriela LopezYes
AASHTO T335: Percentage of Fracture (JTCP)2024-04-192027-04-19InactiveGabriela LopezYes
ASTM D4791: Flat and Elongated Particles2018-01-302020-01-30ExpiredJessaneil PerezYes
ASTM D7741: AR Field Viscosity2018-01-312020-01-31ExpiredJessaneil PerezYes

Details for Chad Brandin

First NameChad
Last NameBrandin
Total 17 items.
Certified California Tests(CT)
Test MethodObtained DateExpiration DateStatusIA ResponsibleWithin Lab Scope?
CT 105: Calculations - Gradings (JTCP)2024-06-052027-06-05ActiveBrian EllisYes
CT 106: Definitions - Specific Gravity (SpG)2018-01-302020-01-30ExpiredJessaneil PerezYes
CT 125 AGG: Sampling - AGGREGATES (JTCP)2024-06-052027-06-05ActiveBrian EllisYes
CT 125 GEN: Sampling - GENERAL2018-01-302020-01-30ExpiredJessaneil PerezYes
CT 201: Sample Preparation - Soil and Aggregates (JTCP)2024-06-052027-06-05ActiveBrian EllisYes
CT 202: Sieve analysis - Fine and Coarse Aggregates (JTCP)2024-06-052027-06-05ActiveBrian EllisYes
CT 205: Percent Crushed Particles (JTCP)2024-06-052027-06-05ActiveBrian EllisYes
CT 206: SpG & Absorption - Coarse Aggregates2018-01-302020-01-30ExpiredJessaneil PerezYes
CT 207: SpG & Absorption - Fine Aggregates2018-01-302020-01-30ExpiredJessaneil PerezYes
CT 211: LA Rattler2018-01-302020-01-30ExpiredJessaneil PerezYes
CT 212: Unit Weight of Aggregates2018-01-302020-01-30ExpiredJessaneil PerezYes
CT 217: Sand Equivalent (JTCP)2024-06-052027-06-05ActiveBrian EllisYes
CT 226: Moisture Content - Soils and Aggregates (JTCP)2024-06-052027-06-05ActiveBrian EllisYes
CT 227: Cleanness Value (JTCP)2024-06-052027-06-05ActiveBrian EllisYes
CT 229: Durability (JTCP)2024-06-052027-06-05ActiveBrian EllisYes
CT 234: Uncompacted void - Fine Aggregates2018-01-302020-01-30ExpiredJessaneil PerezYes
CT 235: Flat and Elongated Particles2018-01-302020-01-30ExpiredJessaneil PerezYes
Total 8 items.
AASHTO/ASTM Proficiencies
Test MethodObtained DateExpiration DateStatusIA ResponsibleWithin Lab Scope?
AASHTO T11: Sieve Analysis (Washing) - Fine Aggregates (JTCP)2017-01-302020-01-30ExpiredJessaneil PerezYes
AASHTO T27: Sieve Analysis - Fine and Coarse Aggregates (JTCP)2017-01-302020-01-30ExpiredJessaneil PerezYes
AASHTO T84: SpG & Absorption - Fine Aggregates2018-01-302020-01-30ExpiredJessaneil PerezYes
AASHTO T85: SpG & Absorption - Coarse Aggregates2018-01-302020-01-30ExpiredJessaneil PerezYes
AASHTO T176: Sand Equivalent (JTCP)2017-01-302020-01-30ExpiredJessaneil PerezYes
AASHTO T210: Aggregate Durability Index2018-01-302020-01-30ExpiredJessaneil PerezYes
AASHTO T304: Uncompacted Void - Fine Aggregate2018-01-302020-01-30ExpiredJessaneil PerezYes
AASHTO T335: Percentage of Fracture (JTCP)2017-01-302020-01-30ExpiredJessaneil PerezYes

Details for Dylan Grzebyk

First NameDylan
Last NameGrzebyk
Total 18 items.
Certified California Tests(CT)
Test MethodObtained DateExpiration DateStatusIA ResponsibleWithin Lab Scope?
CT 105: Calculations - Gradings (JTCP)2017-01-302020-01-30ExpiredJessaneil PerezYes
CT 106: Definitions - Specific Gravity (SpG)2018-01-302020-01-30ExpiredJessaneil PerezYes
CT 125 AGG: Sampling - AGGREGATES (JTCP)2018-01-302020-01-30ExpiredJessaneil PerezYes
CT 125 GEN: Sampling - GENERAL2018-01-302020-01-30ExpiredJessaneil PerezYes
CT 125 HMA: Sampling - HMA (JTCP)2018-01-302020-01-30ExpiredJessaneil PerezYes
CT 201: Sample Preparation - Soil and Aggregates (JTCP)2017-01-302020-01-30ExpiredJessaneil PerezYes
CT 202: Sieve analysis - Fine and Coarse Aggregates (JTCP)2018-01-302020-01-30ExpiredJessaneil PerezYes
CT 205: Percent Crushed Particles (JTCP)2018-01-302020-01-30ExpiredJessaneil PerezYes
CT 206: SpG & Absorption - Coarse Aggregates2018-01-302020-01-30ExpiredJessaneil PerezYes
CT 207: SpG & Absorption - Fine Aggregates2018-01-302020-01-30ExpiredJessaneil PerezYes
CT 211: LA Rattler2018-01-302020-01-30ExpiredJessaneil PerezYes
CT 212: Unit Weight of Aggregates2018-01-302020-01-30ExpiredJessaneil PerezYes
CT 217: Sand Equivalent (JTCP)2018-01-302020-01-30ExpiredJessaneil PerezYes
CT 226: Moisture Content - Soils and Aggregates (JTCP)2018-01-302020-01-30ExpiredJessaneil PerezYes
CT 227: Cleanness Value (JTCP)2018-01-302020-01-30ExpiredJessaneil PerezYes
CT 229: Durability (JTCP)2018-01-302020-01-30ExpiredJessaneil PerezYes
CT 234: Uncompacted void - Fine Aggregates2018-01-302020-01-30ExpiredJessaneil PerezYes
CT 235: Flat and Elongated Particles2018-01-302020-01-30ExpiredJessaneil PerezYes
Total 16 items.
AASHTO/ASTM Proficiencies
Test MethodObtained DateExpiration DateStatusIA ResponsibleWithin Lab Scope?
AASHTO T11: Sieve Analysis (Washing) - Fine Aggregates (JTCP)2018-01-302019-01-30ExpiredJessaneil PerezYes
AASHTO T27: Sieve Analysis - Fine and Coarse Aggregates (JTCP)2017-01-302020-01-30ExpiredJessaneil PerezYes
AASHTO T84: SpG & Absorption - Fine Aggregates2017-01-302019-01-30ExpiredJessaneil PerezYes
AASHTO T85: SpG & Absorption - Coarse Aggregates2018-01-302020-01-30ExpiredJessaneil PerezYes
AASHTO T96: L.A. Rattler2018-01-302020-01-30ExpiredJessaneil PerezYes
AASHTO T176: Sand Equivalent (JTCP)2017-01-302020-01-30ExpiredJessaneil PerezYes
AASHTO T209: Max SpG and Density - HMA (JTCP)2017-01-252018-01-25ExpiredJessaneil PerezYes
AASHTO T210: Aggregate Durability Index2018-01-302020-01-30ExpiredJessaneil PerezYes
AASHTO T269: Percent Air Voids - HMA (JTCP)2017-01-252018-01-25ExpiredJessaneil PerezYes
AASHTO T275: Bulk SpG - HMA (JTCP)2017-01-252018-01-25ExpiredJessaneil PerezYes
AASHTO T304: Uncompacted Void - Fine Aggregate2018-01-302020-01-30ExpiredJessaneil PerezYes
AASHTO T308: AC Content (Ignition Oven) - HMA (JTCP)2017-01-302020-01-30ExpiredJessaneil PerezYes
AASHTO T329: Moisture Content (Oven Method) - HMA (JTCP)2017-01-252018-01-25ExpiredJessaneil PerezYes
AASHTO T335: Percentage of Fracture (JTCP)2017-01-302020-01-30ExpiredJessaneil PerezYes
ASTM D4791: Flat and Elongated Particles2018-01-302020-01-30ExpiredJessaneil PerezYes
ASTM D7741: AR Field Viscosity2017-01-252018-01-25ExpiredJessaneil PerezYes

Details for Tanner Krieg

First NameTanner
Last NameKrieg
Total 9 items.
Certified California Tests(CT)
Test MethodObtained DateExpiration DateStatusIA ResponsibleWithin Lab Scope?
CT 105: Calculations - Gradings (JTCP)2020-12-042023-12-04ExpiredDalton LaBoskeyYes
CT 125 AGG: Sampling - AGGREGATES (JTCP)2020-12-042023-12-04ExpiredDalton LaBoskeyYes
CT 201: Sample Preparation - Soil and Aggregates (JTCP)2020-12-042023-12-04ExpiredDalton LaBoskeyYes
CT 202: Sieve analysis - Fine and Coarse Aggregates (JTCP)2020-12-042023-12-04ExpiredBenjamin MartinezYes
CT 205: Percent Crushed Particles (JTCP)2020-12-042023-12-04ExpiredDalton LaBoskeyYes
CT 217: Sand Equivalent (JTCP)2020-12-042023-12-04ExpiredHusam MakhoulYes
CT 226: Moisture Content - Soils and Aggregates (JTCP)2020-12-042023-12-04ExpiredDalton LaBoskeyYes
CT 227: Cleanness Value (JTCP)2020-12-042023-12-04ExpiredDalton LaBoskeyYes
CT 229: Durability (JTCP)2020-12-042023-12-04ExpiredDalton LaBoskeyYes
AASHTO/ASTM Proficiencies
Test MethodObtained DateExpiration DateStatusIA ResponsibleWithin Lab Scope?
No results found.

Details for Nicholas Valentine

First NameNicholas
Last NameValentine
Total 12 items.
Certified California Tests(CT)
Test MethodObtained DateExpiration DateStatusIA ResponsibleWithin Lab Scope?
CT 105: Calculations - Gradings (JTCP)2021-10-152024-10-15ExpiredSarbjit GrewalYes
CT 125 AGG: Sampling - AGGREGATES (JTCP)2021-10-152024-10-15ExpiredSarbjit GrewalYes
CT 125 HMA: Sampling - HMA (JTCP)2021-11-192024-11-19ExpiredAvinash RallaYes
CT 201: Sample Preparation - Soil and Aggregates (JTCP)2021-10-152024-10-15ExpiredSarbjit GrewalYes
CT 202: Sieve analysis - Fine and Coarse Aggregates (JTCP)2021-10-152024-10-15ExpiredBenjamin MartinezYes
CT 205: Percent Crushed Particles (JTCP)2021-10-152024-10-15ExpiredSarbjit GrewalYes
CT 216: Relative Compaction - Soils and Aggregates (JTCP)2021-10-152024-10-15ExpiredSarbjit GrewalNo
CT 217: Sand Equivalent (JTCP)2021-10-152024-10-15ExpiredSarbjit GrewalYes
CT 226: Moisture Content - Soils and Aggregates (JTCP)2021-10-152024-10-15ExpiredSarbjit GrewalYes
CT 227: Cleanness Value (JTCP)2021-10-152024-10-15ExpiredSarbjit GrewalYes
CT 229: Durability (JTCP)2021-10-152024-10-15ExpiredSarbjit GrewalYes
CT 306: Reducing Samples of Asphalt Mixtures (JTCP)2021-11-192024-11-19ExpiredAvinash RallaNo
Total 13 items.
AASHTO/ASTM Proficiencies
Test MethodObtained DateExpiration DateStatusIA ResponsibleWithin Lab Scope?
AASHTO T11: Sieve Analysis (Washing) - Fine Aggregates (JTCP)2021-11-192024-11-19ExpiredAvinash RallaYes
AASHTO T27: Sieve Analysis - Fine and Coarse Aggregates (JTCP)2021-11-192024-11-19ExpiredAvinash RallaYes
AASHTO R47: Reducing Samples of HMA (JTCP)2021-11-192024-11-19ExpiredAvinash RallaYes
AASHTO R76: Reducing Samples of Agg (JTCP)2021-11-192024-11-19ExpiredAvinash RallaYes
AASHTO T166: Bulk SpG of Compacted HMA - SSD (JTCP)2021-10-072024-10-07ExpiredSoroosh AmelianYes
AASHTO T176: Sand Equivalent (JTCP)2021-11-192024-11-19ExpiredAvinash RallaYes
AASHTO T209: Max SpG and Density - HMA (JTCP)2021-10-072024-10-07ExpiredSoroosh AmelianYes
AASHTO T255: Evaporable Moisture Content (JTCP)2021-11-192024-11-19ExpiredAvinash RallaYes
AASHTO T269: Percent Air Voids - HMA (JTCP)2021-10-072024-10-07ExpiredSoroosh AmelianYes
AASHTO T275: Bulk SpG - HMA (JTCP)2021-10-072024-10-07ExpiredSoroosh AmelianYes
AASHTO T308: AC Content (Ignition Oven) - HMA (JTCP)2021-10-072024-10-07ExpiredSoroosh AmelianYes
AASHTO T329: Moisture Content (Oven Method) - HMA (JTCP)2021-11-192024-11-19ExpiredAvinash RallaYes
AASHTO T335: Percentage of Fracture (JTCP)2021-11-192024-11-19ExpiredAvinash RallaYes

Details for Shawn Carney

First NameShawn
Last NameCarney
Total 11 items.
Certified California Tests(CT)
Test MethodObtained DateExpiration DateStatusIA ResponsibleWithin Lab Scope?
CT 105: Calculations - Gradings (JTCP)2022-11-182025-11-18ActiveDalton LaBoskeyYes
CT 125 AGG: Sampling - AGGREGATES (JTCP)2022-11-182025-11-18ActiveDalton LaBoskeyYes
CT 125 HMA: Sampling - HMA (JTCP)2022-11-182025-11-18ActiveDalton LaBoskeyYes
CT 201: Sample Preparation - Soil and Aggregates (JTCP)2021-12-172024-12-17ExpiredSoroosh AmelianYes
CT 202: Sieve analysis - Fine and Coarse Aggregates (JTCP)2021-12-172024-12-17ExpiredSoroosh AmelianYes
CT 205: Percent Crushed Particles (JTCP)2021-12-172024-12-17ExpiredSoroosh AmelianYes
CT 217: Sand Equivalent (JTCP)2021-12-172024-12-17ExpiredSoroosh AmelianYes
CT 226: Moisture Content - Soils and Aggregates (JTCP)2021-12-172024-12-17ExpiredSoroosh AmelianYes
CT 227: Cleanness Value (JTCP)2021-12-172024-12-17ExpiredSoroosh AmelianYes
CT 229: Durability (JTCP)2021-12-172024-12-17ExpiredSoroosh AmelianYes
CT 306: Reducing Samples of Asphalt Mixtures (JTCP)2022-11-182025-11-18ActiveDalton LaBoskeyNo
Total 8 items.
AASHTO/ASTM Proficiencies
Test MethodObtained DateExpiration DateStatusIA ResponsibleWithin Lab Scope?
AASHTO T11: Sieve Analysis (Washing) - Fine Aggregates (JTCP)2022-11-182025-11-18ActiveDalton LaBoskeyYes
AASHTO T27: Sieve Analysis - Fine and Coarse Aggregates (JTCP)2022-11-182025-11-18ActiveDalton LaBoskeyYes
AASHTO R47: Reducing Samples of HMA (JTCP)2022-11-182025-11-18ActiveDalton LaBoskeyYes
AASHTO R76: Reducing Samples of Agg (JTCP)2022-11-182025-11-18ActiveDalton LaBoskeyYes
AASHTO T176: Sand Equivalent (JTCP)2022-11-182025-11-18ActiveDalton LaBoskeyYes
AASHTO T255: Evaporable Moisture Content (JTCP)2022-11-182025-11-18ActiveDalton LaBoskeyYes
AASHTO T329: Moisture Content (Oven Method) - HMA (JTCP)2022-11-182025-11-18ActiveAvinash RallaYes
AASHTO T335: Percentage of Fracture (JTCP)2022-11-182025-11-18ActiveDalton LaBoskeyYes