Lab details for G3 Quality, Incorporated - Bakersfield

Basic Information

Lab NameG3 Quality, Incorporated - Bakersfield
Manager NameMatthew Ramos
Lab Telephone562-321-9840
Lab Fax
Lab Full Address254 East Norris Road, Unit 5, Bakersfield, CA 93308
Lab TypePrivate
Mobile Lab Full Address, ,
Download TL-0113

RSP Information

254 E Norris Road, Unit 5, Bakersfield, CA 93308

Test Methods

California Test (CT) Accreditations

Total 40 items.
Test MethodObtained DateExpiration DateStatusIA ResponsibleTechnician Certified?
CT 105: Calculations - Gradings (JTCP)2024-11-202025-11-20ActiveSalvador Lopez-ZamoraYes
CT 106: Definitions - Specific Gravity (SpG)2024-11-202025-11-20ActiveSalvador Lopez-ZamoraYes
CT 125 AGG: Sampling - AGGREGATES2024-11-202025-11-20ActiveSalvador Lopez-ZamoraYes
CT 125 AGG: Sampling - AGGREGATES (JTCP)2024-11-202025-11-20ActiveSalvador Lopez-ZamoraYes
CT 125 HMA: Sampling - HMA (JTCP)2024-11-202025-11-20ActiveSalvador Lopez-ZamoraYes
CT 125 HMA: Sampling - HMA2024-11-202025-11-20ActiveSalvador Lopez-ZamoraYes
CT 201: Sample Preparation - Soil and Aggregates (JTCP)2024-11-202025-11-20ActiveSalvador Lopez-ZamoraYes
CT 202: Sieve analysis - Fine and Coarse Aggregates (JTCP)2024-11-202025-11-20ActiveSalvador Lopez-ZamoraYes
CT 205: Percent Crushed Particles (JTCP)2024-11-202025-11-20ActiveSalvador Lopez-ZamoraYes
CT 206: SpG & Absorption - Coarse Aggregates2024-11-202025-11-20ActiveSalvador Lopez-ZamoraYes
CT 207: SpG & Absorption - Fine Aggregates2024-11-202025-11-20ActiveSalvador Lopez-ZamoraYes
CT 212: Unit Weight of Aggregates2024-11-202025-11-20ActiveSalvador Lopez-ZamoraNo
CT 213: Organic Impurities of PCC sand2024-11-202025-11-20ActiveSalvador Lopez-ZamoraNo
CT 216: Relative Compaction - Soils and Aggregates (JTCP)2024-11-202025-11-20ActiveSalvador Lopez-ZamoraYes
CT 217: Sand Equivalent (JTCP)2024-11-202025-11-20ActiveSalvador Lopez-ZamoraYes
CT 226: Moisture Content - Soils and Aggregates (JTCP)2024-11-202025-11-20ActiveSalvador Lopez-ZamoraYes
CT 227: Cleanness Value (JTCP)2024-11-202025-11-20ActiveSalvador Lopez-ZamoraYes
CT 229: Durability (JTCP)2024-11-202025-11-20ActiveSalvador Lopez-ZamoraYes
CT 231: Relative Compaction - Nuclear Gage2024-11-202025-11-20ActiveSalvador Lopez-ZamoraYes
CT 234: Uncompacted void - Fine Aggregates2024-11-202025-11-20ActiveSalvador Lopez-ZamoraYes
CT 235: Flat and Elongated Particles2024-11-202025-11-20ActiveSalvador Lopez-ZamoraYes
CT 304: Sample Preparation - HMA2024-11-202025-11-20ActiveSalvador Lopez-ZamoraYes
CT 306: Reducing Samples of Asphalt Mixtures (JTCP)2024-11-202025-11-20ActiveSalvador Lopez-ZamoraYes
CT 308: Bulk SpG and Density - HMA2024-11-202025-11-20ActiveSalvador Lopez-ZamoraYes
CT 309: Max SpG and Density - HMA2024-11-202025-11-20ActiveSalvador Lopez-ZamoraYes
CT 370: Moisture Content by Microwave2024-11-202025-11-20ActiveSalvador Lopez-ZamoraYes
CT 375: AC Density by Nuclear Gage2024-11-202025-11-20ActiveSalvador Lopez-ZamoraYes
CT 382: AC Content by Ignition Oven2024-11-202025-11-20ActiveSalvador Lopez-ZamoraYes
CT 504: Air Content of PCC - Pressure Method (JTCP)2024-11-202025-11-20ActiveSalvador Lopez-ZamoraYes
CT 518: Unit Weight - PCC (JTCP)2024-11-202025-11-20ActiveSalvador Lopez-ZamoraYes
CT 521.2: Compressive Strength - PCC (ASTM C39 / C1231)2024-11-202025-11-20ActiveSalvador Lopez-ZamoraYes
CT 521.1: Compressive Strength - PCC (ASTM C39 / C617)2024-11-202025-11-20ActiveSalvador Lopez-ZamoraYes
CT 523.1 Section B.1 & B.2: Flexural Strength (Field Fabrication) (JTCP)2024-11-202025-11-20ActiveSalvador Lopez-ZamoraYes
CT 523.2 Section B.3: Flexural Strength (Lab Test)2024-11-202025-11-20ActiveSalvador Lopez-ZamoraYes
CT 524: Flexural Strength of Rapid Strength - PCC2024-11-202025-11-20ActiveSalvador Lopez-ZamoraYes
CT 533: Ball Penetration - PCC2024-11-202025-11-20ActiveSalvador Lopez-ZamoraYes
CT 539: Sampling Fresh Concrete (JTCP)2024-11-202025-11-20ActiveSalvador Lopez-ZamoraYes
CT 540: Making Cylinders - PCC (JTCP)2024-11-202025-11-20ActiveSalvador Lopez-ZamoraYes
CT 556: Slump - PCC (JTCP)2024-11-202025-11-20ActiveSalvador Lopez-ZamoraYes
CT 557: Temperature - PCC (JTCP)2024-11-202025-11-20ActiveSalvador Lopez-ZamoraYes

AASHTO/ASTM Proficiencies

Total 21 items.
Test MethodObtained DateExpiration DateStatusIA ResponsibleTechnician Certified?
AASHTO T248: Reducing Samples of Agg. (JTCP)2023-11-202024-11-20ExpiredSalvador Lopez-ZamoraNo
AASHTO T11: Sieve Analysis (Washing) - Fine Aggregates (JTCP)2024-11-202025-11-20ActiveSalvador Lopez-ZamoraYes
AASHTO T27: Sieve Analysis - Fine and Coarse Aggregates (JTCP)2024-11-202025-11-20ActiveSalvador Lopez-ZamoraYes
AASHTO R47: Reducing Samples of HMA (JTCP)2024-11-202025-11-20ActiveSalvador Lopez-ZamoraYes
AASHTO R76: Reducing Samples of Agg (JTCP)2024-11-202025-11-20ActiveSalvador Lopez-ZamoraYes
AASHTO T84: SpG & Absorption - Fine Aggregates2024-11-202025-11-20ActiveSalvador Lopez-ZamoraYes
AASHTO T85: SpG & Absorption - Coarse Aggregates2024-11-202025-11-20ActiveSalvador Lopez-ZamoraYes
AASHTO T166: Bulk SpG of Compacted HMA - SSD (JTCP)2024-11-202025-11-20ActiveSalvador Lopez-ZamoraYes
AASHTO T176: Sand Equivalent (JTCP)2024-11-202025-11-20ActiveSalvador Lopez-ZamoraYes
AASHTO T209: Max SpG and Density - HMA (JTCP)2024-11-202025-11-20ActiveSalvador Lopez-ZamoraYes
AASHTO T210: Aggregate Durability Index2024-11-202025-11-20ActiveSalvador Lopez-ZamoraYes
AASHTO T255: Evaporable Moisture Content (JTCP)2024-11-202025-11-20ActiveSalvador Lopez-ZamoraYes
AASHTO T269: Percent Air Voids - HMA (JTCP)2024-11-202025-11-20ActiveSalvador Lopez-ZamoraYes
AASHTO T275: Bulk SpG - HMA (JTCP)2024-11-202025-11-20ActiveSalvador Lopez-ZamoraYes
AASHTO T283: Moisture Induced Damage (TSR)2024-11-202025-11-20ActiveSalvador Lopez-ZamoraYes
AASHTO T304: Uncompacted Void - Fine Aggregate2024-11-202025-11-20ActiveSalvador Lopez-ZamoraYes
AASHTO T308: AC Content (Ignition Oven) - HMA (JTCP)2024-11-202025-11-20ActiveSalvador Lopez-ZamoraYes
AASHTO T312: Gyratory Compactor2024-11-202025-11-20ActiveSalvador Lopez-ZamoraYes
AASHTO T329: Moisture Content (Oven Method) - HMA (JTCP)2024-11-202025-11-20ActiveSalvador Lopez-ZamoraYes
AASHTO T335: Percentage of Fracture (JTCP)2024-11-202025-11-20ActiveSalvador Lopez-ZamoraYes
ASTM D4791: Flat and Elongated Particles2024-11-202025-11-20ActiveSalvador Lopez-ZamoraNo

Technicians in the Lab

Technician Summary

Total 19 items.
First NameLast NameActions
MatthewRamos View
PeterRice View
GeorgeZacarias View
AndrewSolis View
BrentVan-Y View
LawrenceSaner View
MattAkers View
BrianLovett View
MitchellWhitlock View
TylerGraber View
DavidSilva View
MarcosMadrigal View
RandolphLonger View
MichaelKaus View
MichaelGonzales View
JamesPhillips View
Tyler AJohnson View
MohammadAl-Assi View
DerrickMorgan View

Technician Details

Details for Matthew Ramos

First NameMatthew
Last NameRamos
Total 19 items.
Certified California Tests(CT)
Test MethodObtained DateExpiration DateStatusIA ResponsibleWithin Lab Scope?
CT 105: Calculations - Gradings (JTCP)2015-09-162023-06-30ExpiredAshley ShawYes
CT 106: Definitions - Specific Gravity (SpG)2015-09-162023-06-30ExpiredAshley ShawYes
CT 201: Sample Preparation - Soil and Aggregates (JTCP)2015-09-162023-06-30ExpiredAshley ShawYes
CT 202: Sieve analysis - Fine and Coarse Aggregates (JTCP)2017-09-062019-09-06ExpiredAshley ShawYes
CT 205: Percent Crushed Particles (JTCP)2017-06-182019-06-18ExpiredMajid FahrtoshYes
CT 206: SpG & Absorption - Coarse Aggregates2017-09-062019-09-06ExpiredAshley ShawYes
CT 207: SpG & Absorption - Fine Aggregates2019-06-262021-06-26ExpiredAshley ShawYes
CT 217: Sand Equivalent (JTCP)2017-09-062019-09-06ExpiredAshley ShawYes
CT 226: Moisture Content - Soils and Aggregates (JTCP)2017-09-062019-09-06ExpiredAshley ShawYes
CT 227: Cleanness Value (JTCP)2017-06-182019-06-18ExpiredMajid FahrtoshYes
CT 234: Uncompacted void - Fine Aggregates2017-09-062019-09-06ExpiredAshley ShawYes
CT 235: Flat and Elongated Particles2019-06-262021-06-26ExpiredAshley ShawYes
CT 304: Sample Preparation - HMA2017-09-062019-09-06ExpiredAshley ShawYes
CT 308: Bulk SpG and Density - HMA2017-09-062019-09-06ExpiredAshley ShawYes
CT 309: Max SpG and Density - HMA2017-09-062019-09-06ExpiredAshley ShawYes
CT 366: Stabilometer2017-05-242019-05-24ExpiredAshley ShawNo
CT 367: OBC2017-09-062019-09-06ExpiredAshley ShawNo
CT 370: Moisture Content by Microwave2017-09-062019-09-06ExpiredAshley ShawYes
CT 382: AC Content by Ignition Oven2017-09-062019-09-06ExpiredAshley ShawYes
Total 7 items.
AASHTO/ASTM Proficiencies
Test MethodObtained DateExpiration DateStatusIA ResponsibleWithin Lab Scope?
AASHTO T209: Max SpG and Density - HMA (JTCP)2017-04-112018-04-11ExpiredMajid FahrtoshYes
AASHTO T269: Percent Air Voids - HMA (JTCP)2017-04-112018-04-11ExpiredMajid FahrtoshYes
AASHTO T275: Bulk SpG - HMA (JTCP)2017-04-112018-04-11ExpiredMajid FahrtoshYes
AASHTO T308: AC Content (Ignition Oven) - HMA (JTCP)2017-04-112018-04-11ExpiredMajid FahrtoshYes
AASHTO T312: Gyratory Compactor2019-04-102021-04-10ExpiredMajid FahrtoshYes
AASHTO T324: Hamburg Wheel-Track2019-04-102021-04-10ExpiredMajid FahrtoshNo
AASHTO T329: Moisture Content (Oven Method) - HMA (JTCP)2017-04-112018-04-11ExpiredMajid FahrtoshYes

Details for Peter Rice

First NamePeter
Last NameRice
Total 31 items.
Certified California Tests(CT)
Test MethodObtained DateExpiration DateStatusIA ResponsibleWithin Lab Scope?
CT 105: Calculations - Gradings (JTCP)2024-06-282027-06-28ActiveBrian EllisYes
CT 106: Definitions - Specific Gravity (SpG)2023-06-082025-06-08ActiveSarbjit GrewalYes
CT 125 AGG: Sampling - AGGREGATES (JTCP)2024-06-282027-06-28ActiveBrian EllisYes
CT 125 HMA: Sampling - HMA (JTCP)2022-05-272025-05-27ActiveAvinash RallaYes
CT 201: Sample Preparation - Soil and Aggregates (JTCP)2024-06-282027-06-28ActiveBrian EllisYes
CT 202: Sieve analysis - Fine and Coarse Aggregates (JTCP)2024-06-282027-06-28ActiveBrian EllisYes
CT 205: Percent Crushed Particles (JTCP)2024-06-282027-06-28ActiveBrian EllisYes
CT 206: SpG & Absorption - Coarse Aggregates2024-10-222026-10-22ActiveSalvador Lopez-ZamoraYes
CT 207: SpG & Absorption - Fine Aggregates2024-10-222026-10-22ActiveSalvador Lopez-ZamoraYes
CT 216: Relative Compaction - Soils and Aggregates (JTCP)2024-06-282027-06-28ActiveBrian EllisYes
CT 217: Sand Equivalent (JTCP)2024-06-282027-06-28ActiveBrian EllisYes
CT 226: Moisture Content - Soils and Aggregates (JTCP)2024-06-282027-06-28ActiveBrian EllisYes
CT 227: Cleanness Value (JTCP)2024-06-282027-06-28ActiveBrian EllisYes
CT 229: Durability (JTCP)2024-06-282027-06-28ActiveBrian EllisYes
CT 234: Uncompacted void - Fine Aggregates2024-10-222026-10-22ActiveSalvador Lopez-ZamoraYes
CT 235: Flat and Elongated Particles2024-11-052026-11-05ActiveSalvador Lopez-ZamoraYes
CT 304: Sample Preparation - HMA2023-03-012025-03-01ActiveSarbjit GrewalYes
CT 306: Reducing Samples of Asphalt Mixtures (JTCP)2022-05-272025-05-27ActiveAvinash RallaYes
CT 308: Bulk SpG and Density - HMA2023-03-012025-03-01ActiveSarbjit GrewalYes
CT 309: Max SpG and Density - HMA2023-03-012025-03-01ActiveSarbjit GrewalYes
CT 366: Stabilometer2016-08-112017-08-11ExpiredMajid FahrtoshNo
CT 370: Moisture Content by Microwave2023-03-012025-03-01ActiveSarbjit GrewalYes
CT 371: Moisture Induced Damage (TSR)2016-06-232017-06-23ExpiredMajid FahrtoshNo
CT 382: AC Content by Ignition Oven2023-03-012025-03-01ActiveSarbjit GrewalYes
CT 384: Combined Grade for HMA using up to 25% RAP2024-02-202025-02-20ActiveAllen OliverYes
CT 521.2: Compressive Strength - PCC (ASTM C39 / C1231)2024-04-112026-04-11ActiveAllen OliverYes
CT 521.1: Compressive Strength - PCC (ASTM C39 / C617)2024-04-112026-04-11ActiveAllen OliverYes
CT 523.1 Section B.1 & B.2: Flexural Strength (Field Fabrication) (JTCP)2020-05-042021-05-04ExpiredMartiniano RuizYes
CT 523.2 Section B.3: Flexural Strength (Lab Test)2024-04-112026-04-11ActiveAllen OliverYes
CT 524: Flexural Strength of Rapid Strength - PCC2024-04-112026-04-11ActiveAllen OliverYes
CT 539: Sampling Fresh Concrete (JTCP)2017-05-242019-05-24ExpiredRoberto JarquinYes
Total 20 items.
AASHTO/ASTM Proficiencies
Test MethodObtained DateExpiration DateStatusIA ResponsibleWithin Lab Scope?
AASHTO T11: Sieve Analysis (Washing) - Fine Aggregates (JTCP)2022-05-272025-05-27ActiveAvinash RallaYes
AASHTO T27: Sieve Analysis - Fine and Coarse Aggregates (JTCP)2022-05-272025-05-27ActiveAvinash RallaYes
AASHTO R47: Reducing Samples of HMA (JTCP)2022-05-272025-05-27ActiveAvinash RallaYes
AASHTO R76: Reducing Samples of Agg (JTCP)2022-05-272025-05-27ActiveAvinash RallaYes
AASHTO T84: SpG & Absorption - Fine Aggregates2023-03-282025-03-28ActiveSarbjit GrewalYes
AASHTO T85: SpG & Absorption - Coarse Aggregates2023-03-282025-03-28ActiveSarbjit GrewalYes
AASHTO T166: Bulk SpG of Compacted HMA - SSD (JTCP)2022-08-112025-08-11ActiveBrian EllisYes
AASHTO T176: Sand Equivalent (JTCP)2022-05-272025-05-27ActiveAvinash RallaYes
AASHTO T209: Max SpG and Density - HMA (JTCP)2022-08-112025-08-11ActiveBrian EllisYes
AASHTO T210: Aggregate Durability Index2023-03-282025-03-28ActiveSarbjit GrewalYes
AASHTO T255: Evaporable Moisture Content (JTCP)2022-05-272025-05-27ActiveAvinash RallaYes
AASHTO T269: Percent Air Voids - HMA (JTCP)2022-08-112025-08-11ActiveBrian EllisYes
AASHTO T275: Bulk SpG - HMA (JTCP)2022-08-112025-08-11ActiveBrian EllisYes
AASHTO T283: Moisture Induced Damage (TSR)2023-12-192024-12-19ExpiredAllen OliverYes
AASHTO T304: Uncompacted Void - Fine Aggregate2023-03-282025-03-28ActiveSarbjit GrewalYes
AASHTO T308: AC Content (Ignition Oven) - HMA (JTCP)2022-08-112025-08-11ActiveBrian EllisYes
AASHTO T312: Gyratory Compactor2023-03-282025-03-28ActiveSarbjit GrewalYes
AASHTO T324: Hamburg Wheel-Track2017-07-112018-07-11ExpiredMajid FahrtoshNo
AASHTO T329: Moisture Content (Oven Method) - HMA (JTCP)2022-05-272025-05-27ActiveAvinash RallaYes
AASHTO T335: Percentage of Fracture (JTCP)2022-05-272025-05-27ActiveAvinash RallaYes

Details for George Zacarias

First NameGeorge
Last NameZacarias
Total 32 items.
Certified California Tests(CT)
Test MethodObtained DateExpiration DateStatusIA ResponsibleWithin Lab Scope?
CT 105: Calculations - Gradings (JTCP)2022-05-202025-05-20ActiveAvinash RallaYes
CT 125 ADMIX: Sampling - ADMIXTURE2017-10-202019-10-20ExpiredVincent OnohYes
CT 125 AGG: Sampling - AGGREGATES (JTCP)2022-05-202025-05-20ActiveAvinash RallaYes
CT 125 BIT: Sampling - BITUMINOUS2017-10-202019-10-20ExpiredVincent OnohYes
CT 125 CEM: Sampling - CEM2017-10-202019-10-20ExpiredVincent OnohYes
CT 125 GEN: Sampling - GENERAL2017-10-202019-10-20ExpiredVincent OnohYes
CT 125 HMA: Sampling - HMA (JTCP)2021-12-102024-12-10ExpiredSoroosh AmelianYes
CT 201: Sample Preparation - Soil and Aggregates (JTCP)2022-05-202025-05-20ActiveAvinash RallaYes
CT 202: Sieve analysis - Fine and Coarse Aggregates (JTCP)2022-05-202025-05-20ActiveAvinash RallaYes
CT 205: Percent Crushed Particles (JTCP)2022-05-202025-05-20ActiveAvinash RallaYes
CT 216: Relative Compaction - Soils and Aggregates (JTCP)2022-05-202025-05-20ActiveAvinash RallaYes
CT 217: Sand Equivalent (JTCP)2022-05-202025-05-20ActiveAvinash RallaYes
CT 226: Moisture Content - Soils and Aggregates (JTCP)2022-05-202025-05-20ActiveAvinash RallaYes
CT 227: Cleanness Value (JTCP)2022-05-202025-05-20ActiveAvinash RallaYes
CT 229: Durability (JTCP)2022-05-202025-05-20ActiveAvinash RallaYes
CT 231: Relative Compaction - Nuclear Gage2023-11-172024-11-17ExpiredBabak RezaeiYes
CT 306: Reducing Samples of Asphalt Mixtures (JTCP)2021-12-102024-12-10ExpiredSoroosh AmelianYes
CT 370: Moisture Content by Microwave2016-08-172017-08-17ExpiredRobert AchuelaYes
CT 382: AC Content by Ignition Oven2016-08-172017-08-17ExpiredRobert AchuelaYes
CT 504: Air Content of PCC - Pressure Method (JTCP)2021-07-162026-07-16ActiveSarbjit GrewalYes
CT 518: Unit Weight - PCC (JTCP)2021-07-162026-07-16ActiveSarbjit GrewalYes
CT 521.2: Compressive Strength - PCC (ASTM C39 / C1231)2023-03-062025-03-06ActiveAshley ShawYes
CT 521.1: Compressive Strength - PCC (ASTM C39 / C617)2023-03-062025-03-06ActiveAshley ShawYes
CT 523.1 Section B.1 & B.2: Flexural Strength (Field Fabrication) (JTCP)2021-07-162026-07-16ActiveRobby RodriguezYes
CT 523.2 Section B.3: Flexural Strength (Lab Test)2023-03-062025-03-06ActiveRabiul HyderYes
CT 524: Flexural Strength of Rapid Strength - PCC2023-03-062025-03-06ActiveRabiul HyderYes
CT 533: Ball Penetration - PCC2023-03-062025-03-06ActiveRabiul HyderYes
CT 539: Sampling Fresh Concrete (JTCP)2021-07-162026-07-16ActiveSarbjit GrewalYes
CT 540: Making Cylinders - PCC (JTCP)2021-07-162026-07-16ActiveSarbjit GrewalYes
CT 543: Air Content of PCC - Volumetric Method (JTCP)2021-07-162026-07-16ActiveSarbjit GrewalNo
CT 556: Slump - PCC (JTCP)2021-07-162026-07-16ActiveSarbjit GrewalYes
CT 557: Temperature - PCC (JTCP)2021-07-162026-07-16ActiveSarbjit GrewalYes
Total 9 items.
AASHTO/ASTM Proficiencies
Test MethodObtained DateExpiration DateStatusIA ResponsibleWithin Lab Scope?
AASHTO T11: Sieve Analysis (Washing) - Fine Aggregates (JTCP)2021-12-102024-12-10ExpiredSoroosh AmelianYes
AASHTO T27: Sieve Analysis - Fine and Coarse Aggregates (JTCP)2021-12-102024-12-10InactiveSoroosh AmelianYes
AASHTO R47: Reducing Samples of HMA (JTCP)2021-12-102024-12-10InactiveSoroosh AmelianYes
AASHTO R76: Reducing Samples of Agg (JTCP)2021-12-102024-12-10ExpiredSoroosh AmelianYes
AASHTO T176: Sand Equivalent (JTCP)2021-12-102024-12-10ExpiredSoroosh AmelianYes
AASHTO T248: Reducing Samples of Agg. (JTCP)2018-10-052021-10-05ExpiredBiplab BhattacharyaYes
AASHTO T255: Evaporable Moisture Content (JTCP)2021-12-102024-12-10ExpiredSoroosh AmelianYes
AASHTO T329: Moisture Content (Oven Method) - HMA (JTCP)2021-12-102024-12-10ExpiredSoroosh AmelianYes
AASHTO T335: Percentage of Fracture (JTCP)2021-12-102024-12-10ExpiredSoroosh AmelianYes

Details for Andrew Solis

First NameAndrew
Last NameSolis
Total 31 items.
Certified California Tests(CT)
Test MethodObtained DateExpiration DateStatusIA ResponsibleWithin Lab Scope?
CT 105: Calculations - Gradings (JTCP)2024-06-282027-06-28ActiveBrian EllisYes
CT 106: Definitions - Specific Gravity (SpG)2024-06-052025-06-05ActiveRabiul HyderYes
CT 125 ADMIX: Sampling - ADMIXTURE2021-06-092023-06-09ExpiredAshley ShawYes
CT 125 AGG: Sampling - AGGREGATES2024-06-052026-06-05ActiveRabiul HyderYes
CT 125 BIT: Sampling - BITUMINOUS2021-06-092023-06-09ExpiredAshley ShawYes
CT 125 CEM: Sampling - CEM2021-06-092023-06-09ExpiredAshley ShawYes
CT 125 GEN: Sampling - GENERAL2021-06-092023-06-09ExpiredAshley ShawYes
CT 125 HMA: Sampling - HMA2024-06-052026-06-05ActiveRabiul HyderYes
CT 201: Sample Preparation - Soil and Aggregates (JTCP)2024-06-282027-06-28ActiveBrian EllisYes
CT 202: Sieve analysis - Fine and Coarse Aggregates (JTCP)2024-06-282027-06-28ActiveBrian EllisYes
CT 205: Percent Crushed Particles (JTCP)2024-06-282027-06-28ActiveBrian EllisYes
CT 216: Relative Compaction - Soils and Aggregates (JTCP)2024-06-282027-06-28ActiveBrian EllisYes
CT 217: Sand Equivalent (JTCP)2024-06-282027-06-28ActiveBrian EllisYes
CT 226: Moisture Content - Soils and Aggregates (JTCP)2024-06-282027-06-28ActiveBrian EllisYes
CT 227: Cleanness Value (JTCP)2024-06-282027-06-28ActiveBrian EllisYes
CT 229: Durability (JTCP)2024-06-282027-06-28ActiveBrian EllisYes
CT 231: Relative Compaction - Nuclear Gage2024-04-302026-04-30ActiveBabak RezaeiYes
CT 504: Air Content of PCC - Pressure Method (JTCP)2024-06-212029-06-21ActiveSarmad DalalYes
CT 518: Unit Weight - PCC (JTCP)2024-06-212029-06-21ActiveSarmad DalalYes
CT 521.2: Compressive Strength - PCC (ASTM C39 / C1231)2023-02-142025-02-14ActiveAshley ShawYes
CT 521.1: Compressive Strength - PCC (ASTM C39 / C617)2023-02-142025-02-14ActiveAshley ShawYes
CT 523.1 Section B.1 & B.2: Flexural Strength (Field Fabrication) (JTCP)2024-06-212029-06-21ActiveSarmad DalalYes
CT 523.2 Section B.3: Flexural Strength (Lab Test)2024-04-302026-04-30ActiveBabak RezaeiYes
CT 524: Flexural Strength of Rapid Strength - PCC2024-04-302026-04-30ActiveBabak RezaeiYes
CT 533: Ball Penetration - PCC2023-02-142025-02-14ActiveRabiul HyderYes
CT 539: Sampling Fresh Concrete (JTCP)2024-06-212029-06-21ActiveSarmad DalalYes
CT 540: Making Cylinders - PCC (JTCP)2024-06-212029-06-21ActiveSarmad DalalYes
CT 541: Flow Cone2023-02-142025-02-14ActiveRabiul HyderNo
CT 543: Air Content of PCC - Volumetric Method (JTCP)2024-06-212029-06-21ActiveSarmad DalalNo
CT 556: Slump - PCC (JTCP)2024-06-212029-06-21ActiveSarmad DalalYes
CT 557: Temperature - PCC (JTCP)2024-06-212029-06-21ActiveSarmad DalalYes
AASHTO/ASTM Proficiencies
Test MethodObtained DateExpiration DateStatusIA ResponsibleWithin Lab Scope?
No results found.

Details for Brent Van-Y

First NameBrent
Last NameVan-Y
Total 32 items.
Certified California Tests(CT)
Test MethodObtained DateExpiration DateStatusIA ResponsibleWithin Lab Scope?
CT 105: Calculations - Gradings (JTCP)2024-04-262027-04-26ActiveBrian EllisYes
CT 125 ADMIX: Sampling - ADMIXTURE2017-01-252019-01-25ExpiredJackie TreatYes
CT 125 AGG: Sampling - AGGREGATES (JTCP)2024-04-262027-04-26ActiveBrian EllisYes
CT 125 AGG: Sampling - AGGREGATES2022-12-132024-12-13ExpiredSarbjit GrewalYes
CT 125 BIT: Sampling - BITUMINOUS2017-01-252019-01-25ExpiredJackie TreatYes
CT 125 CEM: Sampling - CEM2020-05-072022-05-07ExpiredJackie TreatYes
CT 125 GEN: Sampling - GENERAL2022-12-132024-12-13ExpiredSarbjit GrewalYes
CT 125 HMA: Sampling - HMA (JTCP)2017-01-252019-01-25ExpiredJackie TreatYes
CT 125 HMA: Sampling - HMA2022-12-132024-12-13ExpiredSarbjit GrewalYes
CT 201: Sample Preparation - Soil and Aggregates (JTCP)2024-04-262027-04-26ActiveBrian EllisYes
CT 202: Sieve analysis - Fine and Coarse Aggregates (JTCP)2024-04-262027-04-26ActiveBrian EllisYes
CT 205: Percent Crushed Particles (JTCP)2024-04-262027-04-26ActiveBrian EllisYes
CT 216: Relative Compaction - Soils and Aggregates (JTCP)2024-04-262027-04-26ActiveBrian EllisYes
CT 217: Sand Equivalent (JTCP)2024-04-262027-04-26ActiveBrian EllisYes
CT 226: Moisture Content - Soils and Aggregates (JTCP)2024-04-262027-04-26ActiveBrian EllisYes
CT 227: Cleanness Value (JTCP)2024-04-262027-04-26ActiveBrian EllisYes
CT 229: Durability (JTCP)2024-04-262027-04-26ActiveBrian EllisYes
CT 231: Relative Compaction - Nuclear Gage2022-12-132024-12-13ExpiredSarbjit GrewalYes
CT 375: AC Density by Nuclear Gage2022-12-132024-12-13ExpiredSarbjit GrewalYes
CT 504: Air Content of PCC - Pressure Method (JTCP)2021-04-232026-04-23ActiveSarbjit GrewalYes
CT 518: Unit Weight - PCC (JTCP)2021-04-232026-04-23ActiveSarbjit GrewalYes
CT 521.2: Compressive Strength - PCC (ASTM C39 / C1231)2022-12-132024-12-13ExpiredJackie TreatYes
CT 521.1: Compressive Strength - PCC (ASTM C39 / C617)2022-12-132024-12-13ExpiredJackie TreatYes
CT 523.1 Section B.1 & B.2: Flexural Strength (Field Fabrication) (JTCP)2021-06-142023-06-14ExpiredJackie TreatYes
CT 523.2 Section B.3: Flexural Strength (Lab Test)2022-12-132024-12-13ExpiredSarbjit GrewalYes
CT 524: Flexural Strength of Rapid Strength - PCC2022-12-132024-12-13ExpiredSarbjit GrewalYes
CT 533: Ball Penetration - PCC2022-12-132024-12-13ExpiredSarbjit GrewalYes
CT 539: Sampling Fresh Concrete (JTCP)2021-04-232026-04-23ActiveSarbjit GrewalYes
CT 540: Making Cylinders - PCC (JTCP)2021-04-232026-04-23ActiveSarbjit GrewalYes
CT 543: Air Content of PCC - Volumetric Method (JTCP)2021-04-232026-04-23ActiveSarbjit GrewalNo
CT 556: Slump - PCC (JTCP)2021-04-232026-04-23ActiveSarbjit GrewalYes
CT 557: Temperature - PCC (JTCP)2021-04-232026-04-23ActiveSarbjit GrewalYes
AASHTO/ASTM Proficiencies
Test MethodObtained DateExpiration DateStatusIA ResponsibleWithin Lab Scope?
No results found.

Details for Lawrence Saner

First NameLawrence
Last NameSaner
Total 23 items.
Certified California Tests(CT)
Test MethodObtained DateExpiration DateStatusIA ResponsibleWithin Lab Scope?
CT 125 ADMIX: Sampling - ADMIXTURE2017-01-242018-01-24ExpiredJackie TreatYes
CT 125 AGG: Sampling - AGGREGATES (JTCP)2019-03-202022-03-20ExpiredJackie TreatYes
CT 125 AGG: Sampling - AGGREGATES2022-12-132024-12-13ExpiredSarbjit GrewalYes
CT 125 BIT: Sampling - BITUMINOUS2017-01-242018-01-24ExpiredJackie TreatYes
CT 125 CEM: Sampling - CEM2017-01-242018-01-24ExpiredJackie TreatYes
CT 125 GEN: Sampling - GENERAL2022-12-132024-12-13ExpiredSarbjit GrewalYes
CT 125 HMA: Sampling - HMA (JTCP)2019-03-202022-03-20ExpiredJackie TreatYes
CT 125 HMA: Sampling - HMA2022-12-132024-12-13ExpiredSarbjit GrewalYes
CT 231: Relative Compaction - Nuclear Gage2022-12-132024-12-13ExpiredSarbjit GrewalYes
CT 375: AC Density by Nuclear Gage2022-12-132024-12-13ExpiredSarbjit GrewalYes
CT 504: Air Content of PCC - Pressure Method (JTCP)2022-03-112027-03-11ActiveSarbjit GrewalYes
CT 518: Unit Weight - PCC (JTCP)2022-03-112027-03-11ActiveSarbjit GrewalYes
CT 521.2: Compressive Strength - PCC (ASTM C39 / C1231)2022-12-132024-12-13ExpiredJackie TreatYes
CT 521.1: Compressive Strength - PCC (ASTM C39 / C617)2022-12-132024-12-13ExpiredJackie TreatYes
CT 523.1 Section B.1 & B.2: Flexural Strength (Field Fabrication) (JTCP)2022-03-112027-03-11ActiveSarbjit GrewalYes
CT 523.2 Section B.3: Flexural Strength (Lab Test)2022-12-132024-12-13ExpiredSarbjit GrewalYes
CT 524: Flexural Strength of Rapid Strength - PCC2022-12-132024-12-13ExpiredSarbjit GrewalYes
CT 533: Ball Penetration - PCC2022-12-132024-12-13ExpiredSarbjit GrewalYes
CT 539: Sampling Fresh Concrete (JTCP)2022-03-112027-03-11ActiveSarbjit GrewalYes
CT 540: Making Cylinders - PCC (JTCP)2022-03-112027-03-11ActiveSarbjit GrewalYes
CT 543: Air Content of PCC - Volumetric Method (JTCP)2022-03-112027-03-11ActiveSarbjit GrewalNo
CT 556: Slump - PCC (JTCP)2022-03-112027-03-11ActiveSarbjit GrewalYes
CT 557: Temperature - PCC (JTCP)2022-03-112027-03-11ActiveSarbjit GrewalYes
AASHTO/ASTM Proficiencies
Test MethodObtained DateExpiration DateStatusIA ResponsibleWithin Lab Scope?
No results found.

Details for Matt Akers

First NameMatt
Last NameAkers
Total 29 items.
Certified California Tests(CT)
Test MethodObtained DateExpiration DateStatusIA ResponsibleWithin Lab Scope?
CT 125 ADMIX: Sampling - ADMIXTURE2017-04-192019-04-19ExpiredJackie TreatYes
CT 125 AGG: Sampling - AGGREGATES (JTCP)2017-04-192019-04-19ExpiredJackie TreatYes
CT 125 AGG: Sampling - AGGREGATES2022-12-132024-12-13ExpiredSarbjit GrewalYes
CT 125 BIT: Sampling - BITUMINOUS2017-04-192019-04-19ExpiredJackie TreatYes
CT 125 CEM: Sampling - CEM2021-03-242023-03-24ExpiredJackie TreatYes
CT 125 GEN: Sampling - GENERAL2022-12-132024-12-13ExpiredSarbjit GrewalYes
CT 125 HMA: Sampling - HMA (JTCP)2017-04-192019-04-19ExpiredJackie TreatYes
CT 125 HMA: Sampling - HMA2022-12-132024-12-13ExpiredSarbjit GrewalYes
CT 201: Sample Preparation - Soil and Aggregates (JTCP)2017-04-192019-04-19ExpiredJackie TreatYes
CT 202: Sieve analysis - Fine and Coarse Aggregates (JTCP)2017-04-192019-04-19ExpiredJackie TreatYes
CT 216: Relative Compaction - Soils and Aggregates (JTCP)2017-04-192019-04-19ExpiredJackie TreatYes
CT 217: Sand Equivalent (JTCP)2017-04-192019-04-19ExpiredJackie TreatYes
CT 226: Moisture Content - Soils and Aggregates (JTCP)2017-04-192019-04-19ExpiredJackie TreatYes
CT 227: Cleanness Value (JTCP)2017-04-192019-04-19ExpiredJackie TreatYes
CT 231: Relative Compaction - Nuclear Gage2022-12-132024-12-13ExpiredSarbjit GrewalYes
CT 375: AC Density by Nuclear Gage2022-12-132024-12-13ExpiredSarbjit GrewalYes
CT 504: Air Content of PCC - Pressure Method (JTCP)2017-03-112022-03-11ExpiredSarbjit GrewalYes
CT 518: Unit Weight - PCC (JTCP)2017-03-112022-03-11ExpiredSarbjit GrewalYes
CT 521.2: Compressive Strength - PCC (ASTM C39 / C1231)2022-12-132024-12-13ExpiredSarbjit GrewalYes
CT 521.1: Compressive Strength - PCC (ASTM C39 / C617)2022-12-132024-12-13ExpiredSarbjit GrewalYes
CT 523.1 Section B.1 & B.2: Flexural Strength (Field Fabrication) (JTCP)2019-03-122021-03-12ExpiredJackie TreatYes
CT 523.2 Section B.3: Flexural Strength (Lab Test)2022-12-132024-12-13ExpiredSarbjit GrewalYes
CT 524: Flexural Strength of Rapid Strength - PCC2022-12-132024-12-13ExpiredSarbjit GrewalYes
CT 533: Ball Penetration - PCC2022-12-132024-12-13ExpiredSarbjit GrewalYes
CT 539: Sampling Fresh Concrete (JTCP)2017-03-112022-03-11ExpiredSarbjit GrewalYes
CT 540: Making Cylinders - PCC (JTCP)2017-03-112022-03-11ExpiredSarbjit GrewalYes
CT 543: Air Content of PCC - Volumetric Method (JTCP)2017-03-112022-03-11ExpiredSarbjit GrewalNo
CT 556: Slump - PCC (JTCP)2017-03-112022-03-11ExpiredSarbjit GrewalYes
CT 557: Temperature - PCC (JTCP)2017-03-112022-03-11ExpiredSarbjit GrewalYes
AASHTO/ASTM Proficiencies
Test MethodObtained DateExpiration DateStatusIA ResponsibleWithin Lab Scope?
No results found.

Details for Brian Lovett

First NameBrian
Last NameLovett
Total 26 items.
Certified California Tests(CT)
Test MethodObtained DateExpiration DateStatusIA ResponsibleWithin Lab Scope?
CT 105: Calculations - Gradings (JTCP)2024-01-102027-01-10ActiveFirooz Ahmad HosainyYes
CT 125 AGG: Sampling - AGGREGATES (JTCP)2024-01-102027-01-10ActiveFirooz Ahmad HosainyYes
CT 125 AGG: Sampling - AGGREGATES2022-07-222024-07-22ExpiredMartiniano RuizYes
CT 125 CEM: Sampling - CEM2020-07-202021-07-20ExpiredMartiniano RuizYes
CT 125 HMA: Sampling - HMA2024-06-202026-06-20ActiveAllen OliverYes
CT 201: Sample Preparation - Soil and Aggregates (JTCP)2024-01-102027-01-10ActiveFirooz Ahmad HosainyYes
CT 202: Sieve analysis - Fine and Coarse Aggregates (JTCP)2024-01-102027-01-10ActiveFirooz Ahmad HosainyYes
CT 205: Percent Crushed Particles (JTCP)2024-01-102027-01-10ActiveFirooz Ahmad HosainyYes
CT 216: Relative Compaction - Soils and Aggregates (JTCP)2024-01-102027-01-10ActiveFirooz Ahmad HosainyYes
CT 217: Sand Equivalent (JTCP)2024-01-102027-01-10ActiveFirooz Ahmad HosainyYes
CT 226: Moisture Content - Soils and Aggregates (JTCP)2024-01-102027-01-10ActiveFirooz Ahmad HosainyYes
CT 227: Cleanness Value (JTCP)2024-01-102027-01-10ActiveFirooz Ahmad HosainyYes
CT 229: Durability (JTCP)2024-01-102027-01-10ActiveFirooz Ahmad HosainyYes
CT 231: Relative Compaction - Nuclear Gage2023-03-012025-03-01ActiveSalvador Lopez-ZamoraYes
CT 375: AC Density by Nuclear Gage2024-06-202026-06-20ActiveSalvador Lopez-ZamoraYes
CT 504: Air Content of PCC - Pressure Method (JTCP)2021-12-102026-12-10ActiveDalton LaBoskeyYes
CT 518: Unit Weight - PCC (JTCP)2021-12-102026-12-10ActiveDalton LaBoskeyYes
CT 523.1 Section B.1 & B.2: Flexural Strength (Field Fabrication) (JTCP)2021-12-102026-12-10ActiveDalton LaBoskeyYes
CT 523.2 Section B.3: Flexural Strength (Lab Test)2024-06-202026-06-20ActiveAllen OliverYes
CT 524: Flexural Strength of Rapid Strength - PCC2024-06-202026-06-20ActiveAllen OliverYes
CT 533: Ball Penetration - PCC2024-06-202026-06-20ActiveAllen OliverYes
CT 539: Sampling Fresh Concrete (JTCP)2021-12-102026-12-10ActiveDalton LaBoskeyYes
CT 540: Making Cylinders - PCC (JTCP)2021-12-102026-12-10ActiveDalton LaBoskeyYes
CT 543: Air Content of PCC - Volumetric Method (JTCP)2021-12-102026-12-10ActiveDalton LaBoskeyNo
CT 556: Slump - PCC (JTCP)2021-12-102026-12-10ActiveDalton LaBoskeyYes
CT 557: Temperature - PCC (JTCP)2021-12-102026-12-10ActiveDalton LaBoskeyYes
AASHTO/ASTM Proficiencies
Test MethodObtained DateExpiration DateStatusIA ResponsibleWithin Lab Scope?
No results found.

Details for Mitchell Whitlock

First NameMitchell
Last NameWhitlock
Total 29 items.
Certified California Tests(CT)
Test MethodObtained DateExpiration DateStatusIA ResponsibleWithin Lab Scope?
CT 105: Calculations - Gradings (JTCP)2024-03-152027-03-15ActiveFirooz Ahmad HosainyYes
CT 125 AGG: Sampling - AGGREGATES (JTCP)2024-03-152027-03-15ActiveFirooz Ahmad HosainyYes
CT 125 AGG: Sampling - AGGREGATES2024-02-152025-02-15ActiveRahshaun SpearsYes
CT 125 GEN: Sampling - GENERAL2024-02-152025-02-15ActiveRahshaun SpearsYes
CT 125 HMA: Sampling - HMA2024-02-152025-02-15ActiveRahshaun SpearsYes
CT 201: Sample Preparation - Soil and Aggregates (JTCP)2024-03-152027-03-15ActiveFirooz Ahmad HosainyYes
CT 202: Sieve analysis - Fine and Coarse Aggregates (JTCP)2024-03-152027-03-15ActiveFirooz Ahmad HosainyYes
CT 204: LL, PL, PI2021-12-132023-12-13ExpiredMaryam ShahbaziNo
CT 205: Percent Crushed Particles (JTCP)2024-03-152027-03-15ActiveFirooz Ahmad HosainyYes
CT 216: Relative Compaction - Soils and Aggregates (JTCP)2024-03-152027-03-15ActiveFirooz Ahmad HosainyYes
CT 217: Sand Equivalent (JTCP)2024-03-152027-03-15ActiveFirooz Ahmad HosainyYes
CT 226: Moisture Content - Soils and Aggregates (JTCP)2024-03-152027-03-15ActiveFirooz Ahmad HosainyYes
CT 227: Cleanness Value (JTCP)2024-03-152027-03-15ActiveFirooz Ahmad HosainyYes
CT 229: Durability (JTCP)2024-03-152027-03-15ActiveFirooz Ahmad HosainyYes
CT 231: Relative Compaction - Nuclear Gage2022-12-132024-12-13ExpiredSarbjit GrewalYes
CT 375: AC Density by Nuclear Gage2024-02-152025-02-15ActiveRahshaun SpearsYes
CT 504: Air Content of PCC - Pressure Method (JTCP)2018-05-192023-05-19ExpiredBiplab BhattacharyaYes
CT 518: Unit Weight - PCC (JTCP)2018-05-192023-05-19ExpiredBiplab BhattacharyaYes
CT 521.2: Compressive Strength - PCC (ASTM C39 / C1231)2022-12-132024-12-13ExpiredJackie TreatYes
CT 521.1: Compressive Strength - PCC (ASTM C39 / C617)2022-12-132024-12-13ExpiredJackie TreatYes
CT 523.1 Section B.1 & B.2: Flexural Strength (Field Fabrication) (JTCP)2021-06-302023-06-30ExpiredJackie TreatYes
CT 523.2 Section B.3: Flexural Strength (Lab Test)2022-12-132024-12-13ExpiredSarbjit GrewalYes
CT 524: Flexural Strength of Rapid Strength - PCC2021-06-302023-06-30ExpiredJackie TreatYes
CT 533: Ball Penetration - PCC2022-12-132024-12-13ExpiredSarbjit GrewalYes
CT 539: Sampling Fresh Concrete (JTCP)2018-05-192023-05-19ExpiredBiplab BhattacharyaYes
CT 540: Making Cylinders - PCC (JTCP)2018-05-192023-05-19ExpiredBiplab BhattacharyaYes
CT 543: Air Content of PCC - Volumetric Method (JTCP)2018-05-192023-05-19ExpiredBiplab BhattacharyaNo
CT 556: Slump - PCC (JTCP)2018-05-192023-05-19ExpiredBiplab BhattacharyaYes
CT 557: Temperature - PCC (JTCP)2018-05-192023-05-19ExpiredBiplab BhattacharyaYes
AASHTO/ASTM Proficiencies
Test MethodObtained DateExpiration DateStatusIA ResponsibleWithin Lab Scope?
No results found.

Details for Tyler Graber

First NameTyler
Last NameGraber
Total 40 items.
Certified California Tests(CT)
Test MethodObtained DateExpiration DateStatusIA ResponsibleWithin Lab Scope?
CT 105: Calculations - Gradings (JTCP)2022-10-072025-10-07ActiveBrian EllisYes
CT 106: Definitions - Specific Gravity (SpG)2021-02-242022-02-24ExpiredMartiniano RuizYes
CT 125 AGG: Sampling - AGGREGATES (JTCP)2022-10-072025-10-07ActiveBrian EllisYes
CT 125 CEM: Sampling - CEM2023-12-192024-12-19ExpiredAllen OliverYes
CT 125 HMA: Sampling - HMA (JTCP)2022-01-282025-01-28ExpiredSoroosh AmelianYes
CT 125 HMA: Sampling - HMA2023-12-192024-12-19ExpiredAllen OliverYes
CT 201: Sample Preparation - Soil and Aggregates (JTCP)2022-10-072025-10-07ActiveBrian EllisYes
CT 202: Sieve analysis - Fine and Coarse Aggregates (JTCP)2022-10-072025-10-07ActiveBrian EllisYes
CT 205: Percent Crushed Particles (JTCP)2022-10-072025-10-07ActiveBrian EllisYes
CT 206: SpG & Absorption - Coarse Aggregates2021-02-242022-02-24ExpiredMartiniano RuizYes
CT 207: SpG & Absorption - Fine Aggregates2021-02-242022-02-24ExpiredMartiniano RuizYes
CT 216: Relative Compaction - Soils and Aggregates (JTCP)2022-10-072025-10-07ActiveBrian EllisYes
CT 217: Sand Equivalent (JTCP)2022-10-072025-10-07ActiveBrian EllisYes
CT 226: Moisture Content - Soils and Aggregates (JTCP)2022-10-072025-10-07ActiveBrian EllisYes
CT 227: Cleanness Value (JTCP)2022-10-072025-10-07ActiveBrian EllisYes
CT 229: Durability (JTCP)2022-10-072025-10-07ActiveBrian EllisYes
CT 231: Relative Compaction - Nuclear Gage2023-03-012025-03-01ActiveSarbjit GrewalYes
CT 301: "R" Value2021-01-262022-01-26ExpiredMartiniano RuizNo
CT 304: Sample Preparation - HMA2020-06-242021-06-24ExpiredMartiniano RuizYes
CT 306: Reducing Samples of Asphalt Mixtures (JTCP)2022-01-282025-01-28ExpiredSoroosh AmelianYes
CT 308: Bulk SpG and Density - HMA2020-06-242021-06-24ExpiredMartiniano RuizYes
CT 309: Max SpG and Density - HMA2020-06-242021-06-24ExpiredMartiniano RuizYes
CT 366: Stabilometer2020-06-242021-06-24ExpiredMartiniano RuizNo
CT 367: OBC2020-06-242021-06-24ExpiredMartiniano RuizNo
CT 370: Moisture Content by Microwave2020-07-242021-07-24ExpiredMartiniano RuizYes
CT 375: AC Density by Nuclear Gage2023-12-192024-12-19ExpiredAllen OliverYes
CT 382: AC Content by Ignition Oven2020-07-242021-07-24ExpiredMartiniano RuizYes
CT 504: Air Content of PCC - Pressure Method (JTCP)2020-10-232025-10-23ActiveDalton LaBoskeyYes
CT 518: Unit Weight - PCC (JTCP)2020-10-232025-10-23ActiveDalton LaBoskeyYes
CT 521.2: Compressive Strength - PCC (ASTM C39 / C1231)2024-06-202026-06-20ActiveAllen OliverYes
CT 521.1: Compressive Strength - PCC (ASTM C39 / C617)2024-06-202026-06-20ActiveAllen OliverYes
CT 523.2 Section B.3: Flexural Strength (Lab Test)2024-06-202026-06-20ActiveAllen OliverYes
CT 524: Flexural Strength of Rapid Strength - PCC2024-06-202026-06-20ActiveAllen OliverYes
CT 533: Ball Penetration - PCC2024-06-202026-06-20ActiveAllen OliverYes
CT 539: Sampling Fresh Concrete (JTCP)2020-10-232025-10-23ActiveDalton LaBoskeyYes
CT 540: Making Cylinders - PCC (JTCP)2020-10-232025-10-23ActiveDalton LaBoskeyYes
CT 541: Flow Cone2020-12-012021-12-01ExpiredMartiniano RuizNo
CT 543: Air Content of PCC - Volumetric Method (JTCP)2020-10-232025-10-23ActiveDalton LaBoskeyNo
CT 556: Slump - PCC (JTCP)2020-10-232025-10-23ActiveDalton LaBoskeyYes
CT 557: Temperature - PCC (JTCP)2020-10-232025-10-23ActiveDalton LaBoskeyYes
Total 8 items.
AASHTO/ASTM Proficiencies
Test MethodObtained DateExpiration DateStatusIA ResponsibleWithin Lab Scope?
AASHTO T11: Sieve Analysis (Washing) - Fine Aggregates (JTCP)2022-01-282025-01-28ExpiredSoroosh AmelianYes
AASHTO T27: Sieve Analysis - Fine and Coarse Aggregates (JTCP)2022-01-282025-01-28ExpiredSoroosh AmelianYes
AASHTO R47: Reducing Samples of HMA (JTCP)2022-01-282025-01-28ExpiredSoroosh AmelianYes
AASHTO R76: Reducing Samples of Agg (JTCP)2022-01-282025-01-28ExpiredSoroosh AmelianYes
AASHTO T176: Sand Equivalent (JTCP)2022-01-282025-01-28ExpiredSoroosh AmelianYes
AASHTO T255: Evaporable Moisture Content (JTCP)2022-01-282025-01-28ExpiredSoroosh AmelianYes
AASHTO T329: Moisture Content (Oven Method) - HMA (JTCP)2022-01-282025-01-28ExpiredSoroosh AmelianYes
AASHTO T335: Percentage of Fracture (JTCP)2022-01-282025-01-28ExpiredSoroosh AmelianYes

Details for David Silva

First NameDavid
Last NameSilva
Total 27 items.
Certified California Tests(CT)
Test MethodObtained DateExpiration DateStatusIA ResponsibleWithin Lab Scope?
CT 105: Calculations - Gradings (JTCP)2024-01-102027-01-10ActiveFirooz Ahmad HosainyYes
CT 106: Definitions - Specific Gravity (SpG)2023-03-282025-03-28ActiveSarbjit GrewalYes
CT 125 AGG: Sampling - AGGREGATES (JTCP)2024-08-022027-08-02ActiveFirooz Ahmad HosainyYes
CT 125 HMA: Sampling - HMA (JTCP)2024-08-022027-08-02ActiveFirooz Ahmad HosainyYes
CT 201: Sample Preparation - Soil and Aggregates (JTCP)2024-01-102027-01-10ActiveFirooz Ahmad HosainyYes
CT 202: Sieve analysis - Fine and Coarse Aggregates (JTCP)2024-01-102027-01-10ActiveFirooz Ahmad HosainyYes
CT 205: Percent Crushed Particles (JTCP)2024-01-102027-01-10ActiveFirooz Ahmad HosainyYes
CT 206: SpG & Absorption - Coarse Aggregates2023-03-282025-03-28ActiveSarbjit GrewalYes
CT 207: SpG & Absorption - Fine Aggregates2023-03-282025-03-28ActiveSarbjit GrewalYes
CT 216: Relative Compaction - Soils and Aggregates (JTCP)2024-01-102027-01-10ActiveFirooz Ahmad HosainyYes
CT 217: Sand Equivalent (JTCP)2024-01-102027-01-10ActiveFirooz Ahmad HosainyYes
CT 226: Moisture Content - Soils and Aggregates (JTCP)2024-01-102027-01-10ActiveFirooz Ahmad HosainyYes
CT 227: Cleanness Value (JTCP)2024-01-102027-01-10ActiveFirooz Ahmad HosainyYes
CT 229: Durability (JTCP)2024-01-102027-01-10ActiveFirooz Ahmad HosainyYes
CT 234: Uncompacted void - Fine Aggregates2023-03-282025-03-28ActiveSarbjit GrewalYes
CT 235: Flat and Elongated Particles2023-03-282025-03-28ActiveSarbjit GrewalYes
CT 304: Sample Preparation - HMA2023-03-012025-03-01ActiveSarbjit GrewalYes
CT 306: Reducing Samples of Asphalt Mixtures (JTCP)2024-08-022027-08-02ActiveFirooz Ahmad HosainyYes
CT 308: Bulk SpG and Density - HMA2023-03-012025-03-01ActiveSarbjit GrewalYes
CT 309: Max SpG and Density - HMA2023-03-012025-03-01ActiveSarbjit GrewalYes
CT 370: Moisture Content by Microwave2023-03-012025-03-01ActiveSarbjit GrewalYes
CT 382: AC Content by Ignition Oven2023-03-012025-03-01ActiveSarbjit GrewalYes
CT 384: Combined Grade for HMA using up to 25% RAP2024-02-202025-02-20ActiveAllen OliverYes
CT 521.2: Compressive Strength - PCC (ASTM C39 / C1231)2024-11-052026-11-05ActiveSalvador Lopez-ZamoraYes
CT 521.1: Compressive Strength - PCC (ASTM C39 / C617)2024-11-052026-11-05ActiveSalvador Lopez-ZamoraYes
CT 523.2 Section B.3: Flexural Strength (Lab Test)2024-11-052026-11-05ActiveSalvador Lopez-ZamoraYes
CT 524: Flexural Strength of Rapid Strength - PCC2024-11-052026-11-05ActiveSalvador Lopez-ZamoraYes
Total 19 items.
AASHTO/ASTM Proficiencies
Test MethodObtained DateExpiration DateStatusIA ResponsibleWithin Lab Scope?
AASHTO T11: Sieve Analysis (Washing) - Fine Aggregates (JTCP)2024-08-022027-08-02ActiveFirooz Ahmad HosainyYes
AASHTO T27: Sieve Analysis - Fine and Coarse Aggregates (JTCP)2024-08-022027-08-02ActiveFirooz Ahmad HosainyYes
AASHTO R47: Reducing Samples of HMA (JTCP)2024-08-022027-08-02ActiveFirooz Ahmad HosainyYes
AASHTO R76: Reducing Samples of Agg (JTCP)2024-08-022027-08-02ActiveFirooz Ahmad HosainyYes
AASHTO T84: SpG & Absorption - Fine Aggregates2023-06-082025-06-08ActiveSarbjit GrewalYes
AASHTO T85: SpG & Absorption - Coarse Aggregates2023-06-082025-06-08ActiveSarbjit GrewalYes
AASHTO T166: Bulk SpG of Compacted HMA - SSD (JTCP)2024-12-122027-12-12ActiveSarmad DalalYes
AASHTO T176: Sand Equivalent (JTCP)2024-08-022027-08-02ActiveFirooz Ahmad HosainyYes
AASHTO T209: Max SpG and Density - HMA (JTCP)2024-12-122027-12-12ActiveSarmad DalalYes
AASHTO T210: Aggregate Durability Index2023-06-082025-06-08ActiveSarbjit GrewalYes
AASHTO T255: Evaporable Moisture Content (JTCP)2024-08-022027-08-02ActiveFirooz Ahmad HosainyYes
AASHTO T269: Percent Air Voids - HMA (JTCP)2024-12-122027-12-12ActiveSarmad DalalYes
AASHTO T275: Bulk SpG - HMA (JTCP)2024-12-122027-12-12ActiveSarmad DalalYes
AASHTO T283: Moisture Induced Damage (TSR)2024-02-202025-02-20ActiveAllen OliverYes
AASHTO T304: Uncompacted Void - Fine Aggregate2023-06-082025-06-08ActiveSarbjit GrewalYes
AASHTO T308: AC Content (Ignition Oven) - HMA (JTCP)2024-12-122027-12-12ActiveSarmad DalalYes
AASHTO T312: Gyratory Compactor2023-03-012025-03-01ActiveSarbjit GrewalYes
AASHTO T329: Moisture Content (Oven Method) - HMA (JTCP)2024-08-022027-08-02ActiveFirooz Ahmad HosainyYes
AASHTO T335: Percentage of Fracture (JTCP)2024-08-022027-08-02ActiveFirooz Ahmad HosainyYes

Details for Marcos Madrigal

First NameMarcos
Last NameMadrigal
Total 15 items.
Certified California Tests(CT)
Test MethodObtained DateExpiration DateStatusIA ResponsibleWithin Lab Scope?
CT 125 AGG: Sampling - AGGREGATES2021-11-222022-11-22ExpiredMartiniano RuizYes
CT 125 HMA: Sampling - HMA2021-11-222022-11-22ExpiredMartiniano RuizYes
CT 231: Relative Compaction - Nuclear Gage2022-04-152023-04-15ExpiredMartiniano RuizYes
CT 375: AC Density by Nuclear Gage2022-04-152023-04-15ExpiredMartiniano RuizYes
CT 504: Air Content of PCC - Pressure Method (JTCP)2022-04-292027-04-29ActiveFirooz Ahmad HosainyYes
CT 518: Unit Weight - PCC (JTCP)2022-04-292027-04-29ActiveFirooz Ahmad HosainyYes
CT 523.1 Section B.1 & B.2: Flexural Strength (Field Fabrication) (JTCP)2022-04-292027-04-29ActiveFirooz Ahmad HosainyYes
CT 523.2 Section B.3: Flexural Strength (Lab Test)2021-12-132022-12-13ExpiredMartiniano RuizYes
CT 524: Flexural Strength of Rapid Strength - PCC2021-11-222022-11-22ExpiredMartiniano RuizYes
CT 533: Ball Penetration - PCC2021-11-222022-11-22ExpiredMartiniano RuizYes
CT 539: Sampling Fresh Concrete (JTCP)2022-04-292027-04-29ActiveFirooz Ahmad HosainyYes
CT 540: Making Cylinders - PCC (JTCP)2022-04-292027-04-29ActiveFirooz Ahmad HosainyYes
CT 543: Air Content of PCC - Volumetric Method (JTCP)2022-04-292027-04-29ActiveFirooz Ahmad HosainyNo
CT 556: Slump - PCC (JTCP)2022-04-292027-04-29ActiveFirooz Ahmad HosainyYes
CT 557: Temperature - PCC (JTCP)2022-04-292027-04-29ActiveFirooz Ahmad HosainyYes
AASHTO/ASTM Proficiencies
Test MethodObtained DateExpiration DateStatusIA ResponsibleWithin Lab Scope?
No results found.

Details for Randolph Longer

First NameRandolph
Last NameLonger
Certified California Tests(CT)
Test MethodObtained DateExpiration DateStatusIA ResponsibleWithin Lab Scope?
No results found.
AASHTO/ASTM Proficiencies
Test MethodObtained DateExpiration DateStatusIA ResponsibleWithin Lab Scope?
No results found.

Details for Michael Kaus

First NameMichael
Last NameKaus
Total 27 items.
Certified California Tests(CT)
Test MethodObtained DateExpiration DateStatusIA ResponsibleWithin Lab Scope?
CT 105: Calculations - Gradings (JTCP)2023-08-042026-08-04ActiveGabriela LopezYes
CT 106: Definitions - Specific Gravity (SpG)2024-10-222026-10-22ActiveSalvador Lopez-ZamoraYes
CT 125 AGG: Sampling - AGGREGATES (JTCP)2023-08-042026-08-04ActiveGabriela LopezYes
CT 125 HMA: Sampling - HMA (JTCP)2023-08-042026-08-04ActiveGabriela LopezYes
CT 201: Sample Preparation - Soil and Aggregates (JTCP)2022-09-162025-09-16ActiveBrian EllisYes
CT 202: Sieve analysis - Fine and Coarse Aggregates (JTCP)2022-09-162025-09-16ActiveBrian EllisYes
CT 205: Percent Crushed Particles (JTCP)2022-09-162025-09-16ActiveBrian EllisYes
CT 206: SpG & Absorption - Coarse Aggregates2024-10-222026-10-22ActiveSalvador Lopez-ZamoraYes
CT 207: SpG & Absorption - Fine Aggregates2024-10-222026-10-22ActiveSalvador Lopez-ZamoraYes
CT 216: Relative Compaction - Soils and Aggregates (JTCP)2022-09-162025-09-16ActiveBrian EllisYes
CT 217: Sand Equivalent (JTCP)2022-09-162025-09-16ActiveBrian EllisYes
CT 226: Moisture Content - Soils and Aggregates (JTCP)2022-09-162025-09-16ActiveBrian EllisYes
CT 227: Cleanness Value (JTCP)2022-09-162025-09-16ActiveBrian EllisYes
CT 229: Durability (JTCP)2022-09-162025-09-16ActiveBrian EllisYes
CT 234: Uncompacted void - Fine Aggregates2024-10-222026-10-22ActiveSalvador Lopez-ZamoraYes
CT 235: Flat and Elongated Particles2024-10-222026-10-22ActiveSalvador Lopez-ZamoraYes
CT 304: Sample Preparation - HMA2024-02-212025-02-21ActiveAllen OliverYes
CT 306: Reducing Samples of Asphalt Mixtures (JTCP)2023-08-042026-08-04ActiveGabriela LopezYes
CT 308: Bulk SpG and Density - HMA2024-02-212025-02-21ActiveAllen OliverYes
CT 309: Max SpG and Density - HMA2024-02-212025-02-21ActiveAllen OliverYes
CT 370: Moisture Content by Microwave2024-02-212025-02-21ActiveAllen OliverYes
CT 382: AC Content by Ignition Oven2024-04-112025-04-11ActiveAllen OliverYes
CT 384: Combined Grade for HMA using up to 25% RAP2024-04-112025-04-11ActiveAllen OliverYes
CT 521.2: Compressive Strength - PCC (ASTM C39 / C1231)2023-06-082025-06-08ActiveSarbjit GrewalYes
CT 521.1: Compressive Strength - PCC (ASTM C39 / C617)2023-06-082025-06-08ActiveSarbjit GrewalYes
CT 523.2 Section B.3: Flexural Strength (Lab Test)2023-06-082025-06-08ActiveSarbjit GrewalYes
CT 524: Flexural Strength of Rapid Strength - PCC2023-06-082025-06-08ActiveSarbjit GrewalYes
Total 19 items.
AASHTO/ASTM Proficiencies
Test MethodObtained DateExpiration DateStatusIA ResponsibleWithin Lab Scope?
AASHTO T11: Sieve Analysis (Washing) - Fine Aggregates (JTCP)2023-08-042026-08-04ActiveGabriela LopezYes
AASHTO T27: Sieve Analysis - Fine and Coarse Aggregates (JTCP)2023-08-042026-08-04ActiveGabriela LopezYes
AASHTO R47: Reducing Samples of HMA (JTCP)2023-08-042026-08-04ActiveGabriela LopezYes
AASHTO R76: Reducing Samples of Agg (JTCP)2023-08-042026-08-04ActiveGabriela LopezYes
AASHTO T84: SpG & Absorption - Fine Aggregates2024-02-202025-02-20ActiveAllen OliverYes
AASHTO T85: SpG & Absorption - Coarse Aggregates2024-02-202025-02-20ActiveAllen OliverYes
AASHTO T166: Bulk SpG of Compacted HMA - SSD (JTCP)2024-07-112027-07-11ActiveFirooz Ahmad HosainyYes
AASHTO T176: Sand Equivalent (JTCP)2023-08-042026-08-04ActiveGabriela LopezYes
AASHTO T209: Max SpG and Density - HMA (JTCP)2024-07-112027-07-11ActiveFirooz Ahmad HosainyYes
AASHTO T210: Aggregate Durability Index2024-02-202025-02-20ActiveAllen OliverYes
AASHTO T255: Evaporable Moisture Content (JTCP)2023-08-042026-08-04ActiveGabriela LopezYes
AASHTO T269: Percent Air Voids - HMA (JTCP)2024-07-112027-07-11ActiveFirooz Ahmad HosainyYes
AASHTO T275: Bulk SpG - HMA (JTCP)2024-07-112027-07-11ActiveFirooz Ahmad HosainyYes
AASHTO T283: Moisture Induced Damage (TSR)2024-04-112025-04-11ActiveAllen OliverYes
AASHTO T304: Uncompacted Void - Fine Aggregate2024-02-202025-02-20ActiveAllen OliverYes
AASHTO T308: AC Content (Ignition Oven) - HMA (JTCP)2024-07-112027-07-11ActiveFirooz Ahmad HosainyYes
AASHTO T312: Gyratory Compactor2024-02-202025-02-20ActiveAllen OliverYes
AASHTO T329: Moisture Content (Oven Method) - HMA (JTCP)2023-08-042026-08-04ActiveGabriela LopezYes
AASHTO T335: Percentage of Fracture (JTCP)2023-08-042026-08-04ActiveGabriela LopezYes

Details for Michael Gonzales

First NameMichael
Last NameGonzales
Total 27 items.
Certified California Tests(CT)
Test MethodObtained DateExpiration DateStatusIA ResponsibleWithin Lab Scope?
CT 105: Calculations - Gradings (JTCP)2023-12-152026-12-15ActiveFirooz Ahmad HosainyYes
CT 125 AGG: Sampling - AGGREGATES (JTCP)2023-12-152026-12-15ActiveFirooz Ahmad HosainyYes
CT 125 AGG: Sampling - AGGREGATES2023-10-032024-10-03ExpiredAllen OliverYes
CT 125 CEM: Sampling - CEM2023-10-032024-10-03ExpiredAllen OliverYes
CT 125 GEN: Sampling - GENERAL2023-10-032024-10-03ExpiredAllen OliverYes
CT 125 HMA: Sampling - HMA (JTCP)2024-08-162027-08-16ActiveSarmad DalalYes
CT 125 HMA: Sampling - HMA2023-10-032024-10-03ExpiredAllen OliverYes
CT 201: Sample Preparation - Soil and Aggregates (JTCP)2023-12-152026-12-15ActiveFirooz Ahmad HosainyYes
CT 202: Sieve analysis - Fine and Coarse Aggregates (JTCP)2023-12-152026-12-15ActiveFirooz Ahmad HosainyYes
CT 205: Percent Crushed Particles (JTCP)2023-12-152026-12-15ActiveFirooz Ahmad HosainyYes
CT 216: Relative Compaction - Soils and Aggregates (JTCP)2023-12-152026-12-15ActiveFirooz Ahmad HosainyYes
CT 217: Sand Equivalent (JTCP)2023-12-152026-12-15ActiveFirooz Ahmad HosainyYes
CT 226: Moisture Content - Soils and Aggregates (JTCP)2023-12-152026-12-15ActiveFirooz Ahmad HosainyYes
CT 227: Cleanness Value (JTCP)2023-12-152026-12-15ActiveFirooz Ahmad HosainyYes
CT 229: Durability (JTCP)2023-12-152026-12-15ActiveFirooz Ahmad HosainyYes
CT 231: Relative Compaction - Nuclear Gage2024-08-062025-08-06ActiveSalvador Lopez-ZamoraYes
CT 306: Reducing Samples of Asphalt Mixtures (JTCP)2024-08-162027-08-16ActiveSarmad DalalYes
CT 375: AC Density by Nuclear Gage2024-11-052026-11-05ActiveSalvador Lopez-ZamoraYes
CT 504: Air Content of PCC - Pressure Method (JTCP)2022-09-302027-09-30ActiveDavid MedinaYes
CT 518: Unit Weight - PCC (JTCP)2022-09-302027-09-30ActiveDavid MedinaYes
CT 523.1 Section B.1 & B.2: Flexural Strength (Field Fabrication) (JTCP)2022-09-302027-09-30ActiveDavid MedinaYes
CT 524: Flexural Strength of Rapid Strength - PCC2023-10-032024-10-03ExpiredAllen OliverYes
CT 539: Sampling Fresh Concrete (JTCP)2022-09-302027-09-30ActiveDavid MedinaYes
CT 540: Making Cylinders - PCC (JTCP)2022-09-302027-09-30ActiveDavid MedinaYes
CT 543: Air Content of PCC - Volumetric Method (JTCP)2022-09-302027-09-30ActiveDavid MedinaNo
CT 556: Slump - PCC (JTCP)2022-09-302027-09-30ActiveDavid MedinaYes
CT 557: Temperature - PCC (JTCP)2022-09-302027-09-30ActiveDavid MedinaYes
Total 8 items.
AASHTO/ASTM Proficiencies
Test MethodObtained DateExpiration DateStatusIA ResponsibleWithin Lab Scope?
AASHTO T11: Sieve Analysis (Washing) - Fine Aggregates (JTCP)2024-08-162027-08-16ActiveSarmad DalalYes
AASHTO T27: Sieve Analysis - Fine and Coarse Aggregates (JTCP)2024-08-162027-08-16ActiveSarmad DalalYes
AASHTO R47: Reducing Samples of HMA (JTCP)2024-08-162027-08-16ActiveSarmad DalalYes
AASHTO R76: Reducing Samples of Agg (JTCP)2024-08-162027-08-16ActiveSarmad DalalYes
AASHTO T176: Sand Equivalent (JTCP)2024-08-162027-08-16ActiveSarmad DalalYes
AASHTO T255: Evaporable Moisture Content (JTCP)2024-08-162027-08-16ActiveSarmad DalalYes
AASHTO T329: Moisture Content (Oven Method) - HMA (JTCP)2024-08-162027-08-16ActiveSarmad DalalYes
AASHTO T335: Percentage of Fracture (JTCP)2024-08-162027-08-16ActiveSarmad DalalYes

Details for James Phillips

First NameJames
Last NamePhillips
Total 8 items.
Certified California Tests(CT)
Test MethodObtained DateExpiration DateStatusIA ResponsibleWithin Lab Scope?
CT 504: Air Content of PCC - Pressure Method (JTCP)2020-02-072025-02-07ExpiredDavid MedinaYes
CT 518: Unit Weight - PCC (JTCP)2020-02-072025-02-07ExpiredDavid MedinaYes
CT 523.1 Section B.1 & B.2: Flexural Strength (Field Fabrication) (JTCP)2020-02-072025-02-07ExpiredDavid MedinaYes
CT 539: Sampling Fresh Concrete (JTCP)2020-02-072025-02-07ExpiredDavid MedinaYes
CT 540: Making Cylinders - PCC (JTCP)2020-02-072025-02-07ExpiredDavid MedinaYes
CT 543: Air Content of PCC - Volumetric Method (JTCP)2020-02-072025-02-07ExpiredDavid MedinaNo
CT 556: Slump - PCC (JTCP)2020-02-072025-02-07ExpiredDavid MedinaYes
CT 557: Temperature - PCC (JTCP)2020-02-072025-02-07ExpiredDavid MedinaYes
AASHTO/ASTM Proficiencies
Test MethodObtained DateExpiration DateStatusIA ResponsibleWithin Lab Scope?
No results found.

Details for Tyler A Johnson

First NameTyler A
Last NameJohnson
Total 8 items.
Certified California Tests(CT)
Test MethodObtained DateExpiration DateStatusIA ResponsibleWithin Lab Scope?
CT 504: Air Content of PCC - Pressure Method (JTCP)2023-05-062028-05-06ActiveGabriela LopezYes
CT 518: Unit Weight - PCC (JTCP)2023-05-062028-05-06ActiveGabriela LopezYes
CT 523.1 Section B.1 & B.2: Flexural Strength (Field Fabrication) (JTCP)2023-05-062028-05-06ActiveGabriela LopezYes
CT 539: Sampling Fresh Concrete (JTCP)2023-05-062028-05-06ActiveGabriela LopezYes
CT 540: Making Cylinders - PCC (JTCP)2023-05-062028-05-06ActiveGabriela LopezYes
CT 543: Air Content of PCC - Volumetric Method (JTCP)2023-05-062028-05-06ActiveGabriela LopezNo
CT 556: Slump - PCC (JTCP)2023-05-062028-05-06ActiveGabriela LopezYes
CT 557: Temperature - PCC (JTCP)2023-05-062028-05-06ActiveGabriela LopezYes
AASHTO/ASTM Proficiencies
Test MethodObtained DateExpiration DateStatusIA ResponsibleWithin Lab Scope?
No results found.

Details for Mohammad Al-Assi

First NameMohammad
Last NameAl-Assi
Certified California Tests(CT)
Test MethodObtained DateExpiration DateStatusIA ResponsibleWithin Lab Scope?
No results found.
AASHTO/ASTM Proficiencies
Test MethodObtained DateExpiration DateStatusIA ResponsibleWithin Lab Scope?
No results found.

Details for Derrick Morgan

First NameDerrick
Last NameMorgan
Total 10 items.
Certified California Tests(CT)
Test MethodObtained DateExpiration DateStatusIA ResponsibleWithin Lab Scope?
CT 125 AGG: Sampling - AGGREGATES2025-01-082026-01-08ActiveSalvador Lopez-ZamoraYes
CT 125 HMA: Sampling - HMA2025-01-082026-01-08ActiveSalvador Lopez-ZamoraYes
CT 504: Air Content of PCC - Pressure Method (JTCP)2024-08-232029-08-23ActiveSarmad DalalYes
CT 518: Unit Weight - PCC (JTCP)2024-08-232029-08-23ActiveSarmad DalalYes
CT 523.1 Section B.1 & B.2: Flexural Strength (Field Fabrication) (JTCP)2024-08-232029-08-23ActiveSarmad DalalYes
CT 539: Sampling Fresh Concrete (JTCP)2024-08-232029-08-23ActiveSarmad DalalYes
CT 540: Making Cylinders - PCC (JTCP)2024-08-232029-08-23ActiveSarmad DalalYes
CT 543: Air Content of PCC - Volumetric Method (JTCP)2024-08-232029-08-23ActiveSarmad DalalNo
CT 556: Slump - PCC (JTCP)2024-08-232029-08-23ActiveSarmad DalalYes
CT 557: Temperature - PCC (JTCP)2024-08-232029-08-23ActiveSarmad DalalYes
AASHTO/ASTM Proficiencies
Test MethodObtained DateExpiration DateStatusIA ResponsibleWithin Lab Scope?
No results found.